The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 162: Rules for special packages


Buildings are constructed quickly due to prior planning.

The following special gift packages that involve rules do not require much planning, so they are easier to use. After all, directly changing the rules is the work of the system.

Kant scanned the special gift packages that were still listed on the retina.

He pondered slightly in his mind, and after a short period of thought, he had already made a decision in his heart. His thoughts directly communicated with the system, and he gave an order in a deep voice: "Directly use the refugee and immigration waves."

The system moves according to his will.

In his mind, the two cards with countless silhouettes on each of them shattered into countless streamers.

It's still the same place.

On the east side of the sentry oasis, behind the sand dunes, 500 ragged refugees and 500 neatly dressed immigrants are walking towards the back of the sand dunes with big bags and small bags. The two are clearly separated, but there is not too much separation.

The Vekirian archers on the arrow tower quickly noticed the approach of so many strangers.

With the rapid shouting.

40 elite desert robbers, leading 70 desert robbers, roared out of the city gate, holding spears and scimitars in their hands, and quickly approached the sand dunes, blocking the thousand people, but they did not attack.

After questioning, it was confirmed that they were refugees and immigrants who had come to defect to Lord Kant.

He simply let it go on the spot.

After all, these are our own people, so there is no need to embarrass them.

Kant sees the truth from the perspective of God.

At the same time, he also saw the direction of the city gate. Fatis was talking with a strange middle-aged man. Looking carefully, Kant knew in his heart that this was the hero gift package he had obtained before—James.

A doctor from the continent of Calradia.

Perhaps he is also the best doctor, there is no doubt about it, especially surgery is the most prominent, after all, in the Middle Ages, he could open the skulls of patients and treat diseases. From his understanding, surgery, treatment, and first aid, James can be called a soldier rescuer.

In the game, with James as a full-time doctor, the death rate of soldiers can be completely reduced by half!

There is a Zhuang in the art industry.

After all, Kant has 3 hero NPCs.

Fatis was in charge of commanding the cavalry, Manid was in charge of making money from the caravan, and James was in charge of treating the wounded.

So far it looks reasonable.

Kant was also satisfied with this. At the same time, he scanned the golden cards in his mind, selected a new one, and activated the contact system: "Use terrain transformation to create lakes!"

The card instantly shattered.

The golden data flow began to spread.

At the beginning, Kant had drawn the special reward of "terraforming (lake)", so he was very familiar with how to use similar magic ball rules, and at the same time, he quickly made a decision in his mind.

The new lake is also 80 meters long, 30 meters wide and about 3 meters deep.

The two lakes are connected to each other and run north-south. The long and narrow waters just occupy the sandy plain where the sentinel oasis is located. Although there are sand dunes around, the new lake can already extend to the 50 acres of wheat fields and 30 acres of date palm trees. The end of the area is convenient for irrigation when the canal is built in the future.

The emergence of a large number of fields also means a large amount of irrigation.

Especially in deserts with huge evaporation, irrigation anytime and anywhere is indispensable.

Otherwise, the delicate seedlings will be directly burned to death by the sun.

This is not a joke in the desert. After all, Kant’s agricultural areas had not had time to develop, but they were all sunburned to death because of his poor management, resulting in no crops. Although no one laughed, Kant himself couldn’t stand it.

He wouldn't let this happen to himself.

"Build the aqueduct!"

Without saying a word, Kant directly chose to rebuild the canal.

After paying 100 dinars, the construction team from Suno also appeared behind the dunes. According to the usual practice, the canal will be completed in 7 days to irrigate all 50 mu of wheat fields and 30 mu of date palm forests, and the 10 mu acres of flax fields.

Because Kant took a mouthful of springs before.

A large amount of spring water is almost poured into the underground water network, so there is no shortage of water resources in the sentinel oasis.

"Use, everything grows!"

Kant spoke in a deep voice, his voice slightly dignified.

The golden card was shattered, and the data flow rushed out instantly, flying out like a long dragon violently, exploding like a shower, and pouring down countless small data flows, slowly covering the entire sentry post The oasis is like a light wind and drizzle blowing over the vegetation.

But when the vegetation and fields absorbed the fine data flow, the original greenness became more obvious.

It's as if some mysterious power is stimulating the vitality of these plants.

And the 5 acres of Achnatherum splendens beach that had been harvested cleanly took shape in just a few seconds, and the lush Achnatherum splendens appeared in the grass beach again, almost exactly the same as when it was not harvested.

The most surprising thing is the bare 5 acres of date palm forest with only wooden piles left.

Right at the top of that stake, the data stream attaches.

A series of tall and straight date palms suddenly appeared from bottom to top, followed by slender palm leaves, twigs full of date palm flowers under the leaves, and tiny date palms still faintly visible on them.

Really everything grows.

There was a bit of shock in Kant's eyes, but he recovered quickly.

The shock that has brought him today is too much.

"Double recruitment, constant desert bandit camp."

Kant continued to issue instructions: "Consultation upgrades, permanent ruling hall."

The system responds quickly.

Doubling the recruitment was used by Kant at the beginning, and it was also fixed in the desert bandit camp. Now, the constant rule of this kind has caused the recruitment to double. It can directly recruit 40 desert bandits every week, almost 160 people a month. , Enough to form a cavalry team!

The role of these light cavalry was brilliant in the previous battles.

Scout, harass, and follow the heavy cavalry to charge.

As well as the post-war aftermath work, they were all completed perfectly, so Kant also gave high hopes to these low-level light cavalry. Although the ability to fight at close range is really not good, they can be used as light cavalry with high mobility. Their best point, that is the best cavalry.

Charge into battle, of course, the Swadian heavy cavalry in full armor will be in charge.

The option "Recruitment and Upgrade" is a special package to speed up the training of advanced infantry.

[Recruitment Upgrade (Government Hall): The mysterious power is condensed in it, and the power of the rules is contained in the golden light. Features: Swadian recruits recruited by the governing hall can be directly upgraded to Swadian militia.]

Kant read the introduction and nodded slightly.

As the central building in the fortress, the governing hall has both administrative and military capabilities, and recruiting Swadian recruits for the lord is also an important special effect.

However, the Swadian recruits are now unable to keep up with Kant's pace of combat.

Or even the militia.

Compared with those weak Swadian recruits, these Swadian militiamen with hunting crossbows, heavy spears, and equipped with iron-inlaid leather armor and wooden shields are enough to solve some of the troubles, at least much better than the recruits.

Look at the remaining 3 gift bags.

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression slightly dignified.

Dominions, Upgrades, Harvest Week.

Kant understands that the first two are the key to developing a village again, and the guarantee that the current "Drehem" will develop into a real castle. According to his plan, there are currently two special gift packages that will not be tampered with.

Kant still needs to carefully plan the location of the village.

And to develop into a castle, all the buildings need to be completed.

The use of these two gift packs is temporarily postponed.

"Harvest week."

Kant looked at the last special gift bag with a puzzled expression.

The system gives an introduction.

[Harvest Week: This card contains mysterious rules and power. After using it, the crops can be ripened and harvested immediately this week, so that the owner of the crops can have a good harvest.]

"I see." Kant understood.

In layman's terms, it is to directly let the crops go through the process of germination, flowering, fruiting, and maturity within a week.

He could only shake his head at this.

Changes from system rules are really invincible.

Once in the academy of the Lion Principality, Kant had heard about the secret matters of the mage, especially in other principalities there were druid sects that advocated nature, and among them, the sects that were good at helping the development of agriculture were said to be able to make crops take root and germinate in this way, quickly Grow, but never change on such a large scale.

"There are not many that can compare with the system." Kant smiled.

This is his golden finger.

The same is equal to his ability, no less than those mysterious mages who stay in the mage tower all day.

Compared with the so-called extraordinary power, Kant believes in how many elite troops he has in his hands. After all, these ordinary soldiers form a large number of troops, and even the extraordinary power must bow before the soldiers.

At least he knew that these mages were not invincible.

Even when the Lion Principality started a war, the Lion Grand Duke Cameron was able to recruit mages with mysterious and extraordinary powers to attack with the army and use them as a powerful force.

If the mages are really strong.

For example, some mages of Warcraft, Diablo, and DND series, how could they bow their heads in front of the secular kingship

A low-magic world that is not too high.

An army composed of ordinary people is still powerful enough to make extraordinary forces bow their heads.

And an elite force.

In a sense, it is even more precious than extraordinary power!

When Kant thought of the Principality of Lions, he couldn't help but think of his cooperation with Baron Dylan of Hard Rock Pass. He hadn't traded salt for nearly three weeks. It is estimated that this baron can't wait.

"After dealing with the current matter, maybe it's time to go to the Stone Pass."

Kant made up his mind.

But looking at the dialog box that the system automatically pops up on the current retina, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Can all the arms be upgraded? In my opinion, this is really worth looking forward to!"

The system pops up the arms type dialog box.

After experiencing this double-evaluated epic victory and legendary evaluation, Kant's soldiers have gained a lot of experience points!

All upgraded, more than enough!

PS: Fifth update, go to bed~ Well, it's better to keep the promise.

(end of this chapter)