The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 166: The Salt Caravan at Dawn


"Oh oh oh-"


As the first rays of sunlight pierced the heavy darkness, the crowing of sand grouse resounded through the oasis.

This is a sign of dawn.

The drowsiness of the entire sentry oasis was cleared, people opened their houses and windows, stretched their waists deeply, greeted each other, joked and joked on weekdays, and ushered in a new day.

The citizens responsible for telling the time from the clock tower have also woken up.

Putting on the clothes and looking at the sun in the sky, I have already estimated the current time in my heart.

It was about 5 in the morning.

Walking out of his room, he walked quickly towards the bell tower.

Citizens and farmers have also appeared on the street, greeting each other with smiles on their faces. Although they used to come from different places, since they have all come to the sentry oasis, they are their own people.

A resident of Sentinel Oasis, a close fellow of the Land of Miracles, and a subject of Lord Kant.

Peasant women carry buckets to the spring.

They got up early to prepare breakfast for many civilians and soldiers.

This is no easy job.

The citizens in charge of the bell tower sighed in their hearts. After all, it was food for more than a thousand people, three meals a day, and supper for the night duty personnel at night. If these strong peasant women were not busy from morning to night, there would definitely be soldiers or The common people are hungry.

After breakfast, it's lunch, and after the noon break, it's dinner.

After the dinner is over, it is another supper to prepare.

In addition, everyone's wooden bowls, wooden plates, knives and forks and other tableware need to be washed.

For this reason, all 50 peasant women applied to James, who was in charge of the current chores, and mobilized another 50 citizens to help. Otherwise, there would be too much work, and there would be very little time for sleep and rest.

The townsman was especially fortunate when he thought that his work involved nothing more than ringing a bell to tell the time.

Come to the bell tower.

Next to it is the towering governing hall built of stone.

The citizen swallowed subconsciously.

Two Swadian sergeants were standing at the entrance of the governing hall. Under the linen robes, there was a bulging double layer of chain armor. They were only holding a thick fan-shaped shield inlaid with iron and a heavy-handed half-sword at their waists. Bring an elite ferocious breath.

This is the strongest elite infantry in Swadia.

Any man who aspires to make great achievements secretly envies him in his heart.

But he didn't forget his job.

Enter the top floor of the clock tower.

A bronze clock was hanging in the center of the top floor, and next to it was a wooden ram. As he gently exerted force with both hands, and according to the rhythm he had already engraved in his heart, he swung the ram and hit the bronze clock skillfully.


The gentle sound of the bell suddenly appeared in the bell tower.

And as the clock wall vibrated, the bell representing time was heard by everyone in the oasis.

It was 5 o'clock in the morning.

After the citizen knocked the bronze bell, there was a chair next to him. He sat down and looked at the busy figures that began to appear on the street below, with a happy smile on his face. His next task was to knock the bell every half an hour until the clock hit. It would be good to strike the full bell, although boring, but for him who was in charge of the city's clock tower before immigrating, it was extremely simple.

Leaning against the wall boredly.

He looked up slightly.

Right at the top of this bell tower, on the first day he came here to work, he found this yellow disc inlaid on the top, which seemed to be cast from gold, and it was covered with inexplicable and mysterious lines.

The infantry who was responsible for telling the time had warned him not to play the idea of this golden disc.

Because this is the private property of Lord Kant.

Of course he understands.

Also dare not move.

The private property of nobles is sacred.

If an accident happened, he, a small citizen, would probably have to pay for it with his life.

In the continent of Calradia, there have never been many citizens who went bankrupt and died because of offending nobles.

But today he couldn't help frowning.

For some reason, he found that the golden disc today seemed to be much brighter than when he first came to the clock tower. As the sun rose, the golden disc embedded in the top floor and the attic, The brightness is getting stronger and stronger, it seems to be absorbing the sun's light, and secretly storing it.

He was a little puzzled.

While thinking, there were lively sounds from the street outside.

Shaking his head, he didn't pay too much attention, but just wrote it down in his heart.

Just down the street from the clock tower.

Lord Kant was walking out of the governing hall, standing in front of the door to give some orders, and at the same time, someone brought a war horse, and under the guard of 40 Salander riders, he walked slowly towards the south gate of the city.

Thirty dromedary camels loaded with sacks also followed at the urging of ten farmers.

... ... ...

At dawn, the temperature is still slightly cold, but it is a good time to go out in the desert.

Breakfast was finished half an hour ago.

Freshly baked bread, as well as antelope meat, and a dollop of suet mixed with salt and spices, this is to ensure physical strength during the next trek, and also to prevent you from starving quickly due to easy-to-digest food .

After leaving "Drehem", there will be no great enjoyment.

"Please be careful with it."

Fatis and James stood in front of the city gate to say goodbye.

"Okay." Kant beckoned, and led the troops and camel caravans towards the depths of the southern desert.

Looking at the distant horizon.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the continuous hills of the Sanwaya Mountains seem to be faintly visible, but for them, that is indeed the destination, where the rocky pass is located.

Forty Sarande riders scattered around.

Holding a refined military spear tightly in his hand, he looked at the surrounding environment with a stern face.

Occasionally, a skinny and low-level wolf man would appear, just like discovering a new world, lightly knocking on the belly of a horse and rushing over, and then stopped abruptly with the screaming howl, and the spear was stained with bright red blood, and then returned to the queue.

These riders wearing Sarande chain armor are stronger than those desert robbers.

After all, it belongs to the heavy cavalry.

And it is a more flexible assault cavalry among the heavy cavalry.

Low-level gnolls, if you encounter them, you will die.

Kant rode forward, looked at these Salander riders, and remembered that when he first went to the Stone Pass, there were only 5 people, and the others were desert robbers, and their combat effectiveness was almost the same. Don't.

If ever in danger.

It is estimated that these 40 Sarande riders charge side by side with guns, which is enough to defeat most enemies head-on.

This is a show of strength.

At the same time, it is also a guarantee for the safety of the caravan.

The camel caravan behind consists of 10 farmers and 30 dromedary camels.

The camels carried 120 bags of fine white salt as trade goods, equivalent to 4 bags per camel, plus 4 bags of food and water per camel, and feed for war horses and camels.

The name Ship of the Desert is not for nothing.

Just like it is now, it seems like a flat boat loaded with goods, swimming briskly in the sand sea.

The march is neither fast nor slow.

The pace of the trek is well balanced.

A three-day trek in the desert can support war horses, let alone these dromedary camels.

From Sentry Oasis to Stone Pass, it's easy.

After all, these "elves" in the desert are better at trekking long distances, using their amazing endurance and strength to cross the entire desert, rather than transporting goods over short distances. For the camels, this is a bit of a fuss, killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Neither can Kant.

At present, his only trade partner is Jianshi Pass.

If he has a road and trade partners in the north of the Nalun Desert, on the coast of Mannheim, there is no need to mention more, at least a trade caravan composed of 50 dromedary camels, directly cross the desert and trek there.

According to those high-ranking wolf man captives.

The coast of Mannheim, which is close to the Sea of Stars, is also one of the bustling areas in ocean trade.

Every day, hundreds of merchant ships call at the port of the capital of the Gray Mane Kingdom, unloading a large amount of overseas materials into the warehouse, and at the same time loading various special products from the coast of Mannheim into the merchant ships, forming a complete trade chain.

Just thinking about it is exciting.

Take the Principality of the Lion that Kant is most familiar with as an example.

The Reese Niston River, which flows from the Great Eastern Swamp and moistens the soil on both sides, has a width of nearly 200 meters. In the busiest months, there are only dozens of merchant ships sailing every day.

As for the Lionheart City Wharf, which focuses on river trade, no more than 30 merchant ships berth every day.

This is also due to the fact that the South County directly under the Lion Principality is a grain-producing area.

If this Reese Niston River, which means the river that has been transporting food, appears in the desolate North County, it is estimated that there will not be five merchant ships every day, and more should be transporting supplies to North County, where products are scarce. Instead of carrying out mutually beneficial trade, a large amount of important food was transported along the river to other duchies or kingdoms to earn large silver coins.

"I really want to see the scenery on the coast of Mannheim."

Kant had a look of anticipation on his face.

A region dominated by maritime trade, not one dominated by humans.

It's really attractive to him.

But this is just an idea, a simple idea. After all, the current "Drehem" has just finished the expeditionary force of the Gray Mane Kingdom, and it is basically in a state of hostility with the coast of Mannheim.

If you really head to the north of the Nalun Desert rashly.

It is estimated that the final result is not to harvest trading partners, but to be hunted down by the sensitive Gnoll organization troops.

For the sake of safety, Kant will not go to the coast of Mannheim for the time being.

When he completely built the sentry oasis like an iron wall, so that the Lion Principality had to face up to his existence, Kant would choose to send a few elites to the coast of Mannheim to investigate the situation.

What he needs now is to make himself stronger as soon as possible.

After absorbing the bonus of this battle.

First upgrade "Drehem" to a castle, and at the same time set up a new governing hall in the hidden area of the Sangwaya Mountains, so that your power will start to spread and thrive at the same time!

PS: The second update, everyone, continue to recommend tickets~ Let’s get some monthly tickets~

PS: This is a tip from 2.28 to 2.30, thanks to "Xiaoyao" for the 1100 starting point coins ~ thanks to "Kong Kong Couple" and "Iron Armored Wolf Cavalry" "I don't know what name to choose" for the reward 1,000 starting coins~Thanks to "Born for Righteousness" for the 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Raccoon Morrie", "Camel*Taen Knight", "Forward 3", "Wu Xuan Only Me", "Old K Luo Ye"" You are angry for a beauty", "Ten Miles of Changfeng" and "Book Friends 150816230124164" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks to "jk90jk", "Xuanyuan Wuwei 8" and "Kevin93" for personally rewarding 200 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)