The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 167: The appeal of the station militia


Kant led the team to trek in the Nalun Desert.

But this time the journey was much easier than before.

All thanks to a caravan of 30 dromedary camels.

There is no need to carry a lot of supplies and water, and the relaxed war horses are also walking fast on the top of the sand dunes. With sufficient water and feed, and linen robes that can shade the sun, these war horses are quite energetic after a day of trekking.

Soon, they climbed over layers of sand dunes and saw the station where the original sandy plain was.

It was getting dark.

Even the bright starlight and moonlight could not block the light rising from the station.

From the sentry oasis to the stone pass, only the inn here can provide accommodation and replenish important drinking water. It is an important part of Kant's original arrangement, and now it has played a great role.

Immediately lead the camel caravan and cavalry over.

The 10 Swadian militiamen in charge of guarding here have already discovered the cavalry from the north.

Although the night is dark, it does not cover people's eyes.

Following the hasty shouts, all these militiamen came out carrying heavy spears covered with iron at the front, wearing iron-inlaid leather armor, and holding large wooden shields. They lined up neatly in front of the gate of the post station, but they were not ready to fight.

They are welcoming Kant and their arrival.

The camel caravan and cavalry came over the sand dunes at a fast speed.

Kant rode his horse and walked ahead.

These militiamen are very sharp-eyed. After all, as half-range shooters, they have better eyesight.

Seeing Kant, he quickly walked a few steps forward, bowed respectfully and said hello: "Seeing you is like seeing the greatest sun in the world, Lord Kant, we sincerely welcome you."

"Yeah." Kant nodded with a smile: "There is no need to be too polite."

At the same time, he got off his horse, looked at the 10 militiamen, shook his head slightly, and asked Manid next to him, "When did these 10 simple militiamen in my impression become so fond of flattering me?"

"I think they are right." Manid also replied with a smile.

"Really." Kant smiled and shook his head.

Everyone loves to hear flattery, but he doesn't like it.

In any case, it is also a human being in two lifetimes.

He still has the ability to resist flattery and flattery, and he can't be treated as an ordinary 16-year-old noble young master. Of course, he is still willing to accept these flattery words to make him feel happier.

Seeing Kant chuckle, Manid shrugged: "It's not because of being stationed here."

"They don't like it?" Kant nodded understandingly.

"I don't like it very much." Manid smiled helplessly: "When I came last time, they applied like me, hoping that other militiamen could replace them. At this."

"We don't seem to have enough troops?" Kant raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, I explained it too." Manid said.

After a pause, he still shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "These militiamen are here, probably going crazy."

"It sounds really sad."

Kant shook his head and chuckled, looking at these expectant militiamen, he also said helplessly: "You guys continue to persevere. When I return to the sentry oasis, I will arrange someone to replace the rotation with you."

"Long live!" The militiamen immediately cheered.

Kant also understands this.

Facing the vast sea of sand, there are only 10 of them in the entire station.

There are no entertainment activities on weekdays, and there is no rich food to relieve the growing restlessness, except to wait here dryly for a caravan to pass by, hoping to learn something new, and then expecting to be transferred from this inn.

But for Kant, these 10 militiamen really don't have a good mobilization area.

There isn't much danger in Sentry Oasis at the moment.

There is not much scope to control. Even if there are a few accidents caused by low-level gnolls, those newly recruited 120 desert bandits can be dealt with within 3 weeks, and the effect is much better than these militias.

"That's a nuisance, too."

Kant shook his head, but after thinking about it, it is not difficult to solve it.

The next step is to develop the strategic decision of the Sanwaya Mountains, let the troops take these 10 militiamen into the depths of the mountains to experience several battles, and upgrade to more advanced arms, so that it is convenient to incorporate into other troops.

With an idea, Kant was relieved a lot.

Enter the station.

The cavalry and accompanying peasants set up their horses and camels, and they all walked in.

After a while, the militiamen served hot food.

Boiled mashed barley porridge, toasted crispy bread, chopped and fried cabbage with minced antelope meat, and a hard-boiled egg for each person, quite a sumptuous supper.

All freshly made.

And it is easy to digest, just enough to relieve Kant and the others from their whole day's trek.

Even for Kant's comfort, these militiamen deliberately brought a bucket of bath water from the well, heated it and placed it in the room prepared for Kant, so that he could take a comfortable bath before going to bed.

Kant did not reject this.

As a feudal lord, his privilege cannot always be to serve the people.

A quick supper.

Kant returned to the room alone.

Naturally, Manid was responsible for the placement of other cavalry and accompanying farmers.

The wooden barrel for bathing was huge, and Kant soaked in it and took a nice hot bath. After soaking away his fatigue, he came out, wiped his body clean, and then fell asleep on the soft bed.

Covered with a woolen blanket, the cold of the night cannot be invaded.

The cavalry and accompanying peasants also slept in their rooms.

It is already a happy thing to rest in bed after a tiring trek in the desert.

No one was criticizing.

No one complained.

All 10 militiamen were mobilized to stand on the top and at the gate of the inn, guarding Kant and the others at night. All of them were full of energy. For the sake of safety, they still maintained the greatest vigilance.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, at dawn.

Kant, who has formed a biological clock, wakes up automatically.

There was a little noise outside the room. It was the voices of the waking cavalry talking to the accompanying farmers, and Manid arranging for fresh water supplies and leaving some supplies, which were regarded as food supplies for the station.

When Kant came out, breakfast was also served.

Not an easy-to-digest barley porridge.

Instead, sliced bread and roast meat, as long as you are full of this greasy breakfast, you can stay up until noon.

The militiamen are very caring.

Even the 40 war horses and 30 dromedary camels outside helped feed the feed first.

Everything is well prepared.

"You guys are doing great."

After Kant finished his breakfast, he nodded and praised the militiamen who were still busy.

This made the militiamen even more happy.

Of course, Kant also understood what they were thinking. After pondering for a moment, he said to them: "I will set up a new village in the Sangwaya Mountains. At that time, there will be no defense force there. If you don't mind, maybe you can Go there and try it out, although there is danger, it also brings opportunities.”

"We are willing!" The militiamen nodded one after another.

Danger is not their concern.

Because danger is often accompanied by opportunities, as Kant said, if they go to the new village in the Sanwaya Mountains, they may be lucky to gain a lot of experience and upgrade to a more advanced unit.

This is also their lifelong wish.

Doing nothing is not what the Swadians want!

After explaining a few more words, Kant led the team to set off again.

Manid accompanied the camel team in the rear, while 40 Sarande riders rode Sarande horses and galloped around to defend. For the next day or so, they will have to really trek, and there will be no A post station appeared to provide them with accommodation and supplies.

This station represents more than half of the journey.

As long as they last another day, they can reach the Stone Pass.

I have come and gone several times, and I already have experience.

Time passed slowly, and the sun set to the west.


The Sanwaya Mountains on the horizon finally revealed their full outlines. The majestic appearance is layered upon layer. I don’t know how many mountains and valleys are hidden in it. With the supreme power that can block the erosion of the desert, it protects the Principality of Lions.

The Sanwaya Mountains are also known as the shield of the Lion Principality.

That's why.

Kant led the team to speed up their progress.

Soon I found a canyon that was as sharp as a knife, and the cliffs on both sides were quite smooth. In the deepest position near Beijun, there was a rocky pass, which firmly blocked the connection between the Nalun Desert and the Principality of Lions. It was very important. Throat fortress.

The canyon appears to have been cleaned.

The clutter of trees and mounds of earth had disappeared.

Instead, what appeared in front of him was a dirt road barely fit for a carriage.

No need to guess, this must be Baron Dylan, in order to ensure that Kant and his caravan can quickly pass through the canyon and enter the rocky pass, so the dirt road was built.

They were all done by recruiting the militia, and there was no cost.

"I have a heart."

Kant rode forward with a slight smile on his face.

"Maybe." Manid shrugged.

Both of them understood that this road could serve as a boost for caravans, as well as a passage for troops.

Now that this road has been built, it may be necessary to send people to follow Kant and the others back to the sentry oasis, and to explore the possible natural salt mines and record them on the map for future use.

Based on what Kant knew about Baron Dylan, he certainly knew that this would be true!

He will never underestimate the greed of nobles.

Soon they came to the northern gate of the Stone Pass.

Kant looked up, and there were more than 20 conscripted militiamen standing on it. Compared with when he first arrived, the security work was much better, but when they found such a large number of troops arriving, they were still a little flustered.

But it was quickly stabilized.

A middle-aged man dressed as a knight in chain mail appeared at the top of the city.

Seeing that it was Kant and Manid, their faces were still expressionless. Only the Salander rider who swept past the 40 people finally squinted his eyes with a kind of suppressed shock.

He could see that under the linen robes of those cavalrymen were pure iron armor.

Because the boots on the stirrups are all chain mail boots.

PS: The third update, uh, there are two more updates below!

PS: This is a tip on 7.30. Thanks to "Camel * Dann Knight", "Pippi ww Lu" and "Facbellum" for the 1,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Opposition Words", "Dugu Haoyu", "Confused/Prodigal Youth" and "5541544" for the 500 starting point coins personally rewarded Currency~Thanks to "Quiet Thoughts in the Rain", "Floating and Dusty", "LXY111", "Walking at Dusk", "Crazy Ah Mian", "Wang Daorong", "Confused/Profligate Youth", "Xu Guozhi's Wentao Wulue", "LXY111" "Hippo in the Water" 117” 100 starting point coins rewarded by pro~

(end of this chapter)