The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 17: Post-war military upgrades


"It's almost over."

Kant exhaled lightly, his face ugly.

This victory was really a fluke, and he knew in his heart that he was very lucky this time.

If it wasn't for the blessing of fate, perhaps he would have withdrawn from this oasis.


If you are unlucky, Kant and his "Deherim" will be sent out of the sentry oasis by those gnolls, wandering miserably in this cruel desert, and trying their best to escape back to the Principality of Lions. Live in extreme embarrassment, and then spend this life incognito.

500 Gnolls can be called a small army.

Even within the territory of the Principality of Lions, it deserves the great attention of the lords of the local fiefs.

Although these jackals were still in the primitive tribe period, they had not yet developed civilization, let alone iron tools, but their beast-like nature and bloodthirsty instinct were already extremely threatening.

Compared with wild animals, they are actually not much better.

But fortunately, the animal nature of these wolf men is greater than their rationality.

"A beast without thought is doomed to nothing."

Kant shook his head, with joy in his eyes.

In this battle, the reason why his troops were able to defeat the gnolls was not only because of the huge casualties they caused in a short period of time, but also because of the bloody massacre yesterday, which deterred those lucky ones who had escaped.

This is psychological crushing.

Those gnolls who had already been traumatized were terrified, retreated, and fled.

So more gnolls fled with their companions.

In the end, it turned into a full-scale collapse of the entire Gnoll!

At this time, even if someone can organize the defense, prevent the entire army from being defeated, and stabilize these impetuous and panic-stricken wolf men, it is estimated that Kant and the others will collapse.

Unfortunately, no.

These jackals have no military organization, so they have no supervisory team or reserve.

The balance of victory in this battle finally tilted in front of Kant.

That's why Kant was lucky.

That's why he said he was lucky.

And compared to the number of soldiers, Kant is seriously insufficient. In fact, compared with many aspects, in terms of the quality of soldiers, his junior troops composed of Swadians are quite poor.

There are very few who can guarantee combat effectiveness.

For example, there are 10 Swadian militiamen and 20 Swadian recruits. They have leather armor and the weapons in their hands are also military standard equipment. At the same time, they have undergone hard training and mastered the fighting skills on the battlefield.

These people can guarantee combat effectiveness.

But in Kant's defensive force, there were only 30 such infantry.

As for the largest number of soldiers who make up the main part of the array, they are the 50 Swadian farmers who know how to farm, know most chores, and even know a lot of workshop work.

He has no armor and has extremely poor combat experience, so he can only use a long-handled sickle modified from a farm tool.

Compared with jackals, they are not strong or flexible, and their fighting instincts are also poor. The only advantage, perhaps, is that the long-handled scythe in their hands is a metal weapon, which can cause direct casualties and injuries to those unarmored jackals. battle damage.

But even with the use of metal weapons, the farmers in Swadia still suffered a lot of casualties.


Kant gritted his teeth slightly.

The strong smell of blood still echoed in his mouth and nose, and that smell made his brain swell.

Turned his head and swept across the battlefield.

The corpses were arranged in a mess, most of them were Jackals.

The gray fur stained with blood, and the beast-like head are obvious. Although wearing tattered linen clothes, it still doesn't look like a human being, and is closer to a beast.

Among these corpses there were also many Swadians in linen robes and hoods.

Apparently these peasants had given their lives for the "Dhrim" in the previous fierce battle.

"My lord, the statistics are out."

The desert bandit walked over quickly with a serious expression on his face.

Obviously, the results were not good.

"Speak." Kant said.

"No infantry was killed, only 6 people were slightly injured."

The desert bandit hesitated slightly, but still said: "As for the peasants, 36 people were slightly injured..." His tone dragged slightly, and he didn't continue.

But Kant frowned and said, "Continue."

He knew this desert bandit as a statistic, and the next thing he wanted to talk about was the number of dead.

And Kant was also mentally prepared.

"Yes, my lord."

The desert bandit swallowed, but said in a solemn and slow voice: "As for the peasants, 36 people were slightly injured, and 15 people were killed in battle."

"15 peasants were killed?" Kant raised his tone slightly.

This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

But it was also within his expectations.


Kant clenched his fists, bowed his head in thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Bury them honorably."

"Understood." The desert bandit nodded.

This is how it should be done.

After all, they died for Kant's fief. As their lords, they should be given a more decent way of burial, whether in the game or in reality.

"Everyone cleans the battlefield."

After making the arrangements, Kant turned around and walked towards the governing hall, and at the same time ordered: "You can watch the rest of the arrangements."

"Please rest assured, Lord Lord." The desert robber nodded.

Kant turned around and went back.

This desert bandit is very spiritual. Although he can't solve a lot of troubles for him like the tavern hero, this simple task in the real world can still help him solve his worries.

For Kant, now is the time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Rewards from the system.

[Ding... After a lot of fighting, the enemy was defeated]

[Main quest: "Defeat Night Attack Enemies" completed]

[Reward obtained: Hunting crossbow ration (Swadian militia only)]

[Evaluation: A thrilling battle, the courage to break the boat, this is a commendable victory.]

After the main task is completed, the rewards will follow.

Lying on the bed on the second floor of the governing hall, Kant couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Crossbow rationing? What does that mean?"

Kant silently asked the system.

"This reward allows your Swadian militia to equip hunting crossbows, and when soldiers are promoted in the future, they will have hunting crossbows and a bag of crossbow arrows."

The system will reply quickly.

But this made Kant stunned: "Is this a reward?"

"Yes." The system's voice did not fluctuate at all: "Complete the mission, the rewards you get are not only physical objects, but also similar equipment."

Kant nodded: "This is very good."

The Swadian militia, Kant's only main infantry at present, can strengthen their combat effectiveness, of course it is good.

And even in his mind.

It seems that in the previous game, some of the Swadian militia, the third-level arm, were equipped with hunting crossbows.

Although this kind of hunting crossbow, just like its name, is more used for hunting, but in war, it is still a long-range weapon. It is also very good to shoot a round to weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness before contact and handover. of.

[Ding...Someone in your army can upgrade]

The system prompts more than one.

Kant's mind clicked on it. This is an important dialogue about troop upgrades.

[Upgradable Arms: Swadian Peasant × 35]

[Spending 10 dinars per person can be upgraded to: Swadia recruits]

Kant was slightly taken aback.

In this battle, all farmers were allowed to upgrade

Excluding the 15 people killed in battle, all of the current 35 Swadian peasants can be upgraded to level 1 arms. Although the Swadian recruits seem weak, they are actually almost qualitatively changed.

From a farmer who only knows how to farm, to a trained recruit.

They are already two completely different professions, and they are starting to move towards the regular army!

But this is not the end.

The system dialog is still displayed.

[Upgradable units: Swadia recruits × 20]

[Spend 10 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Swadia Militia]

Like the previous peasants, these Swadian recruits could all be promoted to the militia.

Kant swallowed.

Without rushing to conclusions, he continued to look back.

[Upgradable Arms: Swadia Militia × 10]

[Spending 20 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Swadian Light Infantry/Swadian Guerrilla Shooter]

This is the most important thing!

Level 3 arms, in the system, the real main force in the army.

The second of the three pillars of the Kingdom of Swadia.

The first is the Swadian light infantry, which symbolizes melee infantry.

The second is the Swadian guerrilla shooter, which symbolizes long-range units.

Of course, after the Swadian light infantry is upgraded, you can continue to choose whether to upgrade the heavy infantry or switch to cavalry, which are all system-arranged arms upgrade routes.

"It's good, very good."

Kant swallowed slightly.

Even if he can't upgrade heavy infantry and cavalry now, the current level 3 units are enough.

A level 0 farmer, combined with a small amount of level 1 and level 2 units, will be able to fight against gnolls.

Now Kant has the main force of level 3, and a large number of auxiliary arms of level 1 and level 2. The strength has basically increased dramatically, and it is a step-by-step leap!

(end of this chapter)