The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 171: The start of the tournament


"Bah bah bah."

It was still dark when there was a knock on the door.

Kant woke up immediately.

Turning his head slightly, he realized that there was someone standing there just outside the door.

There was no answer, and after waiting for a few seconds, he asked, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

The person outside spoke with a soft female voice: "Dear Baron Kant, Baron Dylan asked me to bring you clothes. They are clothes for banquets and competitions. I hope they still fit. If they don't fit, I'll go to the tailor immediately. Let's modify it."

"Yeah." Kant nodded, but didn't get up on the bed: "I see."

To deal with it casually, like a pampered noble young master.

Although Kant's voice was flat, it also carried the impatience of getting up early: "Let Manid handle it. He should know my figure. If it's not time for breakfast, remember not to disturb me."

"Yes, dear Baron Kant." The soft voice outside the door answered quickly.

At the same time, there was the sound of opening the door.

The Salander riders in the next room came out aggressively.

The owner of the soft voice let out an "ah" in fright, she could tell she was a weak girl, she had never seen any big market, let alone experienced such a fright.

But Manid's voice also sounded: "Everyone back down."

"Yes." The Sarande rider replied in a deep voice, and then closed the door again.

Next, Manid comforted: "You are a new maid, I didn't see you last time, come with me, don't disturb Lord Kant's sleep, you came a little earlier."

"I'm sorry..." The delicate female voice tremblingly replied.

The conversation and footsteps fade away.

Kant closed his eyes, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he closed it immediately.

It was really as comfortable lying on the side of the bed as falling asleep again.

Another beauty trick.

This kind of temptation really made him feel too childish.

But when you think about it, you know that since ancient times, there are only three things that can impress a man: beauty, wealth, and power. Maybe you can add power in this world, but they are all the same in the end.

He has come into contact with a lot from the Lion Castle of the Lion Principality.

The experience of his previous life made his heart as bright as a bright light.

Own the system.

There is a sense of crisis in my heart.

These small tricks amount to jokes that make people laugh.

Kant would naturally not be fooled.

After closing my eyes and meditating for nearly half an hour, the door was knocked again, and at the same time Manid's voice appeared outside: "Master Kant, it is almost time for breakfast. If you wake up, we will go to the hotel in 30 minutes. Lord's Hall, have breakfast with Baron Dylan and his vassal knights."

"I see." Kant responded in a lazy voice.

Manid also said: "This is your clothes, which Baron Dylan sent you to wear at the banquet."

"Well, Uncle Dylan has a heart." Kant nodded. He lifted the velvet silk blanket, sat on the bed in his pajamas, and said to Manid, "Come in, and put my clothes on the table."

The door was pushed open.

Manid came in, also wearing a well-fitting gentleman's suit, and holding two more ornate costumes in his hands, which seemed to be made of velvet, fine linen, and wool.

Kant took it and put it on.

It is a common aristocratic costume in the Lion Principality, red and blue.

"It fits very well." Manid praised: "Master Kant, you look quite heroic."

"I like this word." Kant nodded and chuckled.

After washing up a bit, he walked out of the room directly, and the 10 Salander riders outside were also ready and waiting in line.

And Kant said to Manid: "Let's lead the way, let's go to the lord's hall, and we must not let Uncle Dylan pass first. After all, I am a junior, and it is respectful to go early."

"You're right." Manid nodded and led the way.

Arrive at the lobby soon.

However, the vassal knights have already arrived first.

Groups of three or four formed small circles with each other, chatting excitedly.

The topic did not leave the athletic conference.

Seeing Kant and the others coming, they all bowed their heads to pay tribute, but when they looked at the Salander riders following Kant, their eyes were even more fiery. It felt like seeing a lifelong opponent. In the decisive battle in the hall, knock down the opponent to the ground and show your heroic side.


There was a light cough, followed by Baron Dylan into the hall.

Those vassal knights hurriedly saluted and said hello.

Baron Dylan nodded, but looked at Kant with a smile on his face: "Little Kant, this suit fits well and looks great. He is much more handsome than when I was 16."

"You are too famous." Kant bowed his head gratefully, and the junior's attitude was very full: "It is all your help, I left the Lion Castle..." His tone was a little low and angry: "I was asked to keep all my previous clothes Now, except for a few pieces, there are almost no clothes that can be worn at banquets and games!"

"Don't talk about that, it's all in the past." Baron Dylan looked a little smug in his eyes. Isn't the clothes he gave Kant just to show wooing and friendliness

Baron Dylan sneered in his heart, especially looking at Kant's young face.

Some kind of throbbing was shaking in his heart.

This Princess Sophia's son is actually an abandoned son of the Yinpan Kingdom. If he can take advantage of the opportunity to reconnect with those lurking forces in the dark, even after reaching a high position, he will directly replace them and become the spokesperson of the Yinpan Kingdom in the Lion Principality. , plus the help of the salt trade, he may not be able to go further.

"Let's start with breakfast, wait for the banquet at noon, and the competitive meeting in the afternoon, it will definitely be more lively."

Baron Dylan showed no expression on his face.

Still smiling brightly, he stretched out his hand to invite Kant, looking very free and easy: "This is the greatest courtesy I can welcome you, we are all the closest people, we are also close neighbors, and we should be more friendly in the future. close."

"You're right, Uncle Dylan." Kant smiled brilliantly.

Breakfast officially begins.

But even this breakfast has been prepared like a banquet.

Candlesticks are filled with candles.

Although it is daytime, the dim fortress building prevents the light from shining in. We can only use auxiliary means to make the hall brighter, making it just like the day outside. At the same time, the large number of candlesticks and a large number of burning candles also The wealth and strength representing the lord is strong, which can better reflect the dignity of the nobles.

Baron Dylan, who has received a large amount of silver coins, will not be as stingy as before.

Breakfast ends quickly.

Invite Kant into the reception room to chat.

The servants took the opportunity to hang a large number of banners made of velvet, on which was the badge of Baron Dylan, composed of a sword and a shield, representing that he was a baron who was promoted only after his military exploits, and was a symbol of force.

However, this flag can only be hung proudly in the remote North County.

If it is directly under Nanjun.

Those colorful flags, which represent centuries-old and thousand-year-old families, are even more gorgeous.

It's embarrassing to hang out such a simple sword and shield flag.

But in the barren North County, the baron's banner can already be called honorable. Whether it is a warrior noble or a court noble, it must show its glory and strength in front of those merchants and landlords.

Arrive before noon.

The hall of the lord has been furnished with velvet and various handicrafts.

There were also new tablecloths on the long tables.

It was made of the finest linen and silk, and it was full of well-made silver tableware, which gleamed in the light of the defective beeswax candles in the candlesticks, dazzled the gentlemen and celebrities who came. .

Although they are gentlemen and celebrities, they are only limited to North County.

Compared with those real rich people in Nanjun, they are still a lot worse.

What's more, seeing so many silver tableware, they all swallowed in their hearts. If they didn't know that this is the mansion of Baron Dylan, who is known for his cruel personality and tyranny, and the guests invited are all locals, they would definitely Will steal, take one or two silver knives and forks or small bowls.

This is common at large-scale banquets and tournaments, after all, no one can remain indifferent to luxury items made of silver.

This can represent ready-made silver coins!


The banquet was held as scheduled, and the celebrities and gentlemen of Stone Pass laughed and chatted in the lord's hall.

It's a happy look.

But most people don't care about that.

They were most concerned about the competitive meeting held in the afternoon.

And those vassal knights were also chatting with each other, eating the food on the table, chewing it as if there was no taste in their mouths, especially looking at the Salander riders standing in the corner, forming a group by themselves, they were even more eager to move.

Finally, the time is almost up.

The crisp bell rang.

The chubby butler was full of joy, and he stood in the center and said, "Everyone, the banquet was a success. Next, Baron Dylan wants to announce something. Please be quiet!"

Everyone in the lord's hall immediately looked at the high platform in the middle.

And Baron Dylan came up.

Enthusiastic applause erupted immediately, and everyone looked at him eagerly.

"Thank you all for coming to this banquet."

There was a smile on Baron Dylan's face, and the demeanor of the noble baron was obvious: "In order to welcome my dear nephew, the lord of the Nalun Desert, Baron Kant, there will be a competition at the Stone Pass in the afternoon, and everyone can participate. And for the top three, I will give away 100 big silver coins, 50 big silver coins, and 20 big silver coins!"

"Oh!" The bottom suddenly exclaimed.

But each one's eyes are even brighter.

Especially those vassal knights, even more short of breath.

Although they are gentlemen and celebrities in North County.

Not to mention 100 big silver coins, even if it is 20 big silver coins, that is money they can't make in a year!

Thinking back, the 20 cavalry guards from South County were willing to sacrifice their lives for 20 large silver coins. Although it was also related to Kant letting go of the last drinking water, the value of 20 large silver coins was also revealed without a doubt.

We must know that in this world, the poor are still in the stage of bartering.

Those who can trade with small silver coins are at least wealthy free citizens.

The big silver coins are the transaction currency between lords and lords, big merchants and big landlords. Ordinary civilians probably have never seen this kind of big silver coins in their lives, and it is even more impossible to own them!

PS: I recommend "Retrograde My 1997" to go back to the past and regain the lost life. It's very touching, everyone can come and see, sometimes going back to the past can really make up for too many regrets. Veteran author, good writing style, very good writing, book shortage is strongly recommended!

This is a tip on 8.1. Thanks to "Passover, Meteor" and "Love can't let go" for the 1,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Blood Utah", "Smile McDull", "Kevin93", "J's name is just S", "Yise", "Look at it" and "Violetrain" "KTR012" and "Xuanhu 258" personally rewarded 500 starting coins~ Thanks to "Accidentally getting old", "Burning away for fame", "Guidi", "Book friend 20170731122422187", "Long rain and sweet rain", "Secondary illness in reading books" ""75603""Xiao Niu""lxyfmm" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Devil's Mouth" for personally rewarding 300 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)