The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 172: About my mother's secret


The athletic conference hadn't even started yet, but with the discussion among the crowd, it became quite lively.

This is a rare event in the Stone Pass for several years.

in retrospect.

The last time an athletic conference of this scale was held in Stone Pass was when Baron Dylan had just won the title of baron and became the lord of this place. It has been 10 years since now.

As for the competition that can radiate the entire North County Territory.

Only Viscount Wayne, who replaced Grand Duke Cameron and commanded the entire North County, could hold a meeting in his Fort Rogge every three years.

After all, the expenses of holding a competition are beyond the reach of ordinary lords.

The banquet was declared over after noon.

Everyone left the lord's hall of the mansion, walked up the spiral staircase along the carpet prepared by the servants, and came to the city wall on the south side. There was a 10-meter-wide city wall area close to the mountain wall and the mansion embedded in the rock.

It is the viewing stand built for participating in the competition.

The upcoming competition will be held in the square on the south side of the city wall. Sitting on the 7-meter-high viewing platform, you can see clearly, and any discussion will not affect the competition in the square below.

early in the morning.

The servants had prepared linen shade tents in advance, which were pulled up with hemp ropes and hung overhead to shield them from the scorching sun.

With the gentle mountain wind blowing, there is still a little coolness.

Although it is close to the Nalun Desert, there is a cold current gushing from the ground in the Sanwaya Mountains all the year round, so that it can neutralize the heat waves coming from the desert, allowing animals and plants to multiply in the mountains, and the villages in the rocky pass have become a place for people to rely on. A natural hunting ground for living.

Scholars and mages from the Lion Principality once jointly conducted a survey on the Sanwaya Mountains.

Such a conclusion was given.

The conclusion claims that the cold current in the Sanwaya Mountains is negative energy, and long-term exposure will be harmful to animals and plants.

However, the long-term erosion of the positive energy and fire energy in the Nalun Desert has slowed down the overflow of negative energy, so it is safe and sound, but even so, there are dozens of times more demonized creatures in the Sangwaya Mountains than in other areas , From time to time, hunting teams in the villages encountered, or rushed into the lumber field and quarry, and the knights needed to step up their rescue to suppress them.

But this is not worth caring about for the vassal knights and gentlemen and celebrities who are currently on the viewing platform.

They have lived in Stone Pass for 10 years.

Some villages and families that have been established in Jianshi Pass have lived for hundreds of years for generations, and no demonized creatures have rushed down the mountains. On the contrary, those gnolls from the Nalun Desert have caused more damage.

Now there is the fortress of Jianshi Pass, and there are also a large number of regular troops and more than 20 knights stationed there.

Absolutely foolproof.

Rather than worrying about this issue, the landowners and merchants who are coming now bring their best children to get close to those vassal knights, just like selling their own children, wanting to become the servants of these vassal knights.

And these vassal knights are also willing to talk to these rich and powerful landlords and businessmen.

The overall atmosphere is very harmonious.

Although knights are nothing in the eyes of real nobles.

But knights still belonged to the nobility's reserves, and they had the opportunity to become nobles. After all, there is a slang saying in the Lion Principality that knights cannot be nobles, but nobles are definitely knights.

After all, the Principality of Lions is established by force, and the high-end arms such as knights have been listed separately as a class.

And the other human principalities are similar.

That's why these landlords and merchants are so keen to let their children know knights. Once they are accepted as servants, they have the possibility to become knights, and even more qualified to become nobles!

If the knight is a noble reserve.

Then the knight attendant is the knight's reserve!

Kant and Baron Dylan stood beside the viewing platform, surrounded by businessmen and landowners who were not blind. Only Manid and two close vassal knights accompanied them, talking to each other, smiling and saying some pleasant things.

The tournament is still being prepared.

But just outside the city wall, infantrymen wearing iron and leather armor have blocked the square.

There are already more spectators waiting around. After all, competitive games are often not the entertainment time of the nobles, but also the entertainment time of the common people. Many residents of Jianshi Pass specially came to watch this event that they have not seen once in several years. The grand meeting, the low-pitched conversation, was also full of crowds and noisy voices.

There are even many small vendors who have found business opportunities. They are selling a lot of snacks in rattan baskets. Most of them are chopped wild apples from the mountain, mixed with other chopped wild fruits to make fruit platters, and they are served in simple wooden bowls. , 1 small silver coin can buy a large portion.

Residents living in Jianshi Pass often have this spare money to buy snacks.

Soon these small traders made a lot of money.

For such a grand event, everyone is willing to spend money. Even the housekeeper on the viewing platform sent people down to buy some rattan baskets, threw away the wooden bowls and replaced them with more exquisite silver bowls, and put them on the wooden table of the viewing platform for everyone to enjoy. Take food and drink.

At the same time, all kinds of pastries are also served on the table.

and liqueurs diluted with honey and water and ale.

There is also freshly squeezed lime juice, and a juice drink mixed with honey water.

They are all placed in barrels and barrels on the viewing platform.

After all, those who were able to come to the viewing platform were all decent people who had been invited. Ordinary small businessmen and small landlords could not receive invitations, so they could only huddle with the crowd outside the city wall under the viewing platform.

"It's really lively."

Kant held a silver wine glass in his hand, and couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

Baron Dylan nodded with a smile: "This is specially arranged to welcome you."

"Thank you very much, Uncle Dylan." Kant thanked gratefully.

At the same time, he raised the silver wine glass like a toast, took a sip of the malt wine with lime juice in it, couldn't help sighing, and said with a bitter smile: "It's been a long time since I participated in the competition. "

Baron Dylan looked at Kant's graceful movements with jealousy deep in his eyes.

This is the calmness and elegance that can only be possessed by noble children who have been raised since childhood.

But soon Baron Dylan regained his peace of mind. Looking at Kant's somber and lost look, the corners of his mouth curled up into a slight smile, and his eyes showed a bit of complacency. Even if it's elegant and calm, you still have to respect him so much, even address him as you, and call him uncle.

To know.

If Kant is really still the youngest son of the grand duke.

If this is in the South County territory directly under the Principality.

It is estimated that the name of this uncle alone can attract the most severe reprimand from Lion Castle!

but now.

He, Dylan, a warrior nobleman who was looked down upon by everyone, can become the uncle of the youngest son of Grand Duke Cameron, and he can stand in front of him and accept this rightful title!

"You seem to have thought of something unpleasant?"

Baron Dylan chuckled, and said firmly to Kant: "You can tell me, no matter what, I will still be your strongest backing. If there is any problem, I will settle it for you, just in the name of Princess Sophia, I once swore to be loyal to her, and you who belong to her blood, I will also do my best."

"You make me feel at ease. Uncle Dylan." Kant lowered his head, shook his head slightly and smiled wryly.

Like a lost child, he sighed softly and said, "I was not eligible to participate in the Lions Castle competition. Can't see me in the crowd."

There was a bit of satisfaction in Baron Dylan's eyes.

When the tone was stable, it was even more provocative and said: "It's okay, now you have your own territory and mastered the salt mine, why do you have to obey their arrangements? You can live more like yourself, just like your mother , has her own opinion, and doesn't rely too much on it, because she herself holds the power to control the country."

"My mother?" Kant seemed very curious.

"That's right." Baron Dylan sighed slightly: "Princess Sophia, back then she controlled the powerful Silver Knights, but after your mother passed away, the Knights were disbanded."

Kant was slightly taken aback.

This has never been recorded in history, nor in those books.

Once in the academy, Kant specifically searched for the records of his mother, just to find clues.

The purpose is also to use the influence left by his mother to gain some support for himself, at least before the golden finger materializes, so that he can live a less depressed life.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any records about his mother. He only knew that she was the second wife of the Grand Duke Cameron.

After a sudden illness and forgetfulness, all records were lost.

From this point of view, it seems that someone deliberately erased all the records of his mother.

Think about the nobles in the Principality of Lions, and topics like taboos, which can only be discussed in this remote place. Even in the academy with a strong academic atmosphere, Kant's mother, Princess Sophia, is not allowed to talk about it .

If you think about it carefully, even some tutors deliberately did not lend Kant certain books.

It seems that it is because of this hidden reason.

Some people just want Princess Sophia to disappear in time, and completely block this news from Kant, so as to avoid any accidents or touch some secrets that should not appear.

Just like the current Silver Knights.

Kant knew nothing about it.

"If you have the help of the Silver Knights, I don't think those jackals outside are your opponents at all."

Baron Dylan also seemed very sad.

Glancing at Kant next to him, he also said nostalgicly: "It is said that the Silver Light Knights are composed of 1,000 highly skilled knights, and the highest commander is 10 great knights who have mastered extraordinary power. They are really powerful. .”

"Ten great knights." Kant was slightly stunned.

Based on his understanding of the Grand Knight, it is indeed extremely terrifying.

Reward on 8.1. Thanks to "Juice in the Teacup" for the 1,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "灬·Xiaoyao", "I am Xiaoqiang 29", "Meditation in the Rain", "Clouds Falling into the World", "The Years of Obsession", "Grey_ Ge" "Old K Luo Ye" personally rewarded 500 starting coins ~ thanks to "Jiuyu Ganlin", "Pudin Zhai", "FHDHGFHG", "Second Disease in Reading Books", "Book Friends 20170731122422187", "jk90jk", "Lonely Sky Night Asking Heart "The 100 starting point coins rewarded by "Missing People"~thank you""The starting point coins rewarded by me~

(end of this chapter)