The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 181: Black gemstones in the body


When the battle was over, the corpse of the demonized creature lay at their feet.

Kant drew his knight sword.

Black blood mixed with gray-brown brains was dripping from the tip of the sword.

And in the wound in the ear hole, pitch-black blood and brain matter flowed out, and the entire demonized creature was no longer twitching. Obviously, Kant's decisive blow just now directly pierced the eardrum and ear bone of the demonized creature, and penetrated deep into the skull to destroy it. Its brain was destroyed and it was killed in a short time.

"There are no casualties." The Salander riders reported.

"Good job." Kant nodded.

These riders pulled out their spears one after another from the corpse of the black bear-like demonized creature. Fortunately, the 30 spears shared their strength together, and none of the spears were bent or broken to cause equipment damage.

They all frowned and looked at the corpse on the ground.

There are pitch-black scales all over the fur, interlocking like snake scales.

But the scales are mostly concentrated on the chest, shoulders, and arms. As for the neck, back, and limbs, there are not many scales, just like wearing crude biological scale armor.

If expected good.

This is the first time they have seen a demonized creature.

Even Kant is the same.

He had only seen similar illustrations in the college's books. Looking at this huge body like a polar bear, with a length of nearly three meters and fat that could not be hidden under the scales, he also thought of this demonized creature. scientific name.

"Magic black bear."

Kant frowned, this is undoubtedly the more difficult category of demonized creatures.

A demonic creature based on a black bear.

Similarly, there are other types of demonized creatures, but most of them are based on carnivores, such as demonized black bears, demonized wolves, and demonized lions are the most common.

But the destructive power is not weak at all.

When ordinary people encounter it, it is a one-sided massacre.

Only the elite infantry led by the knights can concentrate their troops to hunt and hunt. Otherwise, relying solely on the weak hunting bows of the hunters will not be able to kill these strong, fast, and fearless hunters. An almost crazy demonized creature.

If you encounter a stronger demonized creature.

It was similar to the demonized wolf that was hung in the reception room by Baron Dylan. It had reached the level of a great knight and was a ferocious species. It took the lives of many elite infantrymen and the serious injuries of two vassal knights to kill it successfully.

Demonic creatures are divided into common and ferocious.

The normal species is the demonized black bear that Kant encountered, and its combat power is nearly twice that of ordinary black bears.

And encountered a ferocious species.

That is the real horror. Even the college's records on demonized creatures claim that if you encounter a ferocious demonized creature, if there are no great knights, official mages, or a certain number of elite troops and knights, Then it is recommended to evacuate immediately, even if some people are left to die to delay the time, it is better than annihilation of all the people.

But these demonic creatures also have weaknesses.

For example, there is no human mind, and even the cunning of creatures has lost a lot, and they only rely on their strengthened self to fight bravely and fearlessly.

The most important thing is that it is absolutely impossible for different kinds of demonized creatures to join forces. If they encounter each other, they will even kill each other. Even if they are the same kind of demonized creatures, the number of unions will not be too many, and the combined demonized creatures, Most of them are demonized wolves who fight in groups, while demonized black bears and demonized lions mostly act alone.

But even acting alone, the strengthened body is also much stronger than ordinary troops. In Kant's view, it is completely equal to or even higher than level 5 troops.

Thirty Sarande riders seemed to easily kill the enchanted black bear.

But if there are 5 people, it is estimated that there will be two consequences.

"No wonder it is said that the Sanwaya Mountains are equal to the natural moat. It seems that not only the complex environment and difficult mountain roads are also related to these endlessly emerging demonized creatures."

Kant sighed in his heart.

He lowered his head and pulled out the two feathered arrows from the demonized black bear. He looked at the wounds, especially the chest. Although the scales were shattered, they were only stuck between the flesh and bones of the chest, and did not penetrate too much. deep.

There were no fatal injuries at all.

"Are feathered arrows ineffective?" Kant frowned slightly.

But thinking about the ordinary war bow in his hand, and his archery skills that haven't been strengthened much, he thought: "It should be my own skills that are not good enough."

The system strengthens only the body of the knight.

technical aspect.

What is strengthened is riding, close combat skills, pole weapons, one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, etc.

As for bow and arrow technology.

It was when Kant was a young nobleman in Lion Castle that he learned about hunting.

Technology is not strong.

This war bow from Baron Dylan is only used by ordinary archers.

If the Ravenston ranger held a heavy bow and used armor-piercing cone-headed arrows, he would probably be at home in this complex and dangerous mountain range.

After all, what Ravenston Kingdom is defending is also a mountainous environment.

The Misty Mountains are more complicated than the Sanwaya Mountains!

"That's right." Kant was about to lead the team to continue to go deep into the mountains and advance along the route given by the system, but suddenly thought of something, turned his head and told the rider of Salander behind him: "Peel off this demonized head with a machete." There may be something special in the heart of the black bear."

"Understood." A Salander rider nodded.

He directly pulled out the sharp scimitar from his waist, aimed it at the demonized black bear's ribs and chopped it off.

As the pitch-black blood flowed, a strong smell of blood with a little corruption immediately filled the air, and the horses around were even more restless, shaking their heads, as if they had a kind of resistance to this smell.

The Salander rider took off his mail gloves, reached into the wound, and groped for the heart.

He quickly found the heart, frowned slightly, and pulled it out directly. The pitch-black blood was dripping with blood, which looked as if it had been stained with a lot of stones. A block, like a black gem the size of an egg.

Wipes down quickly.

The rider of Salander handed the black gem to Kant.

"That's it." Kant frowned.

In the book, it is recorded that there is such a black gemstone in the heart of the demonized creature. If the demonized creature is killed, this black gemstone can be sold for a high price, because those mysterious mages in the mage tower , will buy these things in large quantities, and there is no limit at all, the more you sell, the more rewards you will get.

But Kant thought of the elemental gems he got when he killed the elemental giant.

Look at the black gemstone now.

There is always a feeling in my heart, but I don't know how to express it.

Maybe it's about superhuman strength.

"Wait a minute."

Kant shook his head, this is not the time to think about this.

On the retina, the route given by the system is still clear, along the edge of the mountain forest, a road that can barely pass people, and continues to the depths of the Sanwaya Mountains.

The destination seemed to be the top of a mountain.

Look up at the sky.

The sun has reached the top of the head, and it is close to noon.

"Let's keep going."

He didn't stop, but told the Sarande riders behind him: "Cheer up, we may encounter new demonized creatures at any time, stay vigilant!"

"Understood." The Salander riders responded in a deep voice.

The team moves on.

Going deep into the mountains, thankfully no continued encounters with demonic creatures.

When Kant turned over the mountain again and walked the rugged and complicated winding road, on the retina in front of him, the route given by the system was about to reach the end, and it was at the top of the mountain, exactly at the top of the mountain.


In the distant Sanwaya Mountains, the faint howling of wolves sounded.

Kant was not surprised by this.

It is definitely a demonized wolf that sounds full of energy and howls violently.

But listening to that faint voice, he knew that it was extremely far away from them.

Can't get through in a short time, and there is no danger. Kant turned his head and looked at the sparse woodland and shrubs around him. Many rabbits, unknown birds, and even pheasants were passing through, and he felt a little more at ease.

At least it's quiet here.

"Lunch here, rest for an hour and let's go on."

Kant gave orders to Salander's rider and arranged various chores.

Soon these riders cleared an open space, found dry firewood, lit it with a fire sickle, set up a bonfire, and made a grill in the shortest possible time.

There were also two Sarande riders, and they walked into the forest with bows and arrows.

Soon, following a commotion of birds fluttering and taking off, the two Sarande riders came back with 6 pheasants each. They were bled and plucked by the other riders, and they were neatly roasted on the bonfire.

Sprinkle with white salt and spices for excellent flavor as the meat turns golden brown.

Good lunch.

Mountainous areas are rich in resources, much stronger than deserts.

If there is no threat of demonized creatures, it is estimated that the resources of the Sangwaya Mountains are enough to make Jianshi Pass rich. After all, the furs of forest beasts and forestry resources are all ready-made silver coins.

If there are minerals found, it is estimated that it will make a fortune!

"It's just dangerous."

Kant looked up at the destination on the top of the mountain and sighed slightly.

He also had some concerns about setting up the village here.

Kant has experienced the weakness of the village level, even the lowly wolf man can pose a threat. If he hadn't fought to the death and killed a bloody path, he would have become the bone of the sentry oasis long ago.

Where will there be today

Take a deep breath.

Kant had no choice but to make a decision, first dispatching troops from the sentry oasis to assist in the defense.

Especially those Ravenston Rangers, Ravenston Rangers, and archers who are good at fighting in the mountains are definitely more suitable for the environment here. After all, there are already Vikia archers defending the empty desert, and the large-scale In regiment combat, the Arrow Rain coverage of Vikia Marksman is also more effective.

"Time is up."

Kant kicked out the bonfire with the soil under his feet.

After tidying up his clothes and equipment, he turned to the Salander riders and said, "Continue to set off."

PS: The 5th update is over today, please order monthly and recommended tickets. Ahaha, continue to work hard tomorrow! It was a surprise that a lord came today, and I was moved. As long as this book is written seriously, it will definitely be finished. Ahem, no matter what the shortcomings are, I found that at least I update more!

(end of this chapter)