The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 182: The Lost Relic of the Mountain


PS: Grand thanks to the leader of "Wushang Zhonglin" for personally rewarding! ! ! It was discovered suddenly, and the temporary code was added to this chapter again. Tomorrow will continue to explode, thank you very much for your support, only code words with all your strength! ! !

The sun was no longer as scorching as it was at noon, and Kant led the team to move forward.

Walking in the undeveloped wild mountains, there is no road at all, and the place where you can move forward is the area with a gentle slope, but because you are still leading the horse, you should be more careful when walking.

Nothing happened along the way, and I didn't encounter that ferocious and terrifying demonized creature.

But Kant also found quite a few normal beasts.

Similar to those desert antelopes who like to go to the depths of the Nalun Desert, and the forest wolves living in the Sangwaya Mountains, as well as the smaller black bears, the strong wild boars with their fangs bared, and the wild deer and wild rabbits that can be seen everywhere , pheasants, foxes, etc., are rich in wild animal resources in the surrounding mountains.

Kant couldn't even imagine how many resources would be waiting for his development if it was deeper.

The majestic and majestic mountains are the natural moat that hinders the communication between the two places.

But it is also a geomantic land that has nurtured countless animal and plant resources. Just looking at the natural resources found in the Sanwaya Mountains, although it is impossible to develop agriculture, the animal resources alone are completely enough for the development of a village.

Black bear skin, wolf skin, fox skin, antelope skin, buckskin.

These are all high-quality fur goods for export, which are very popular among human countries, especially the high-quality furs that are tanned and dyed, and are the top-quality clothing materials sought after by nobles.

The value of a fine fur garment can be compared to the same weight of silver.

Kant once had a graceful leather robe of a pure white fox.

But in the end, because he left the castle, he couldn't take it away. Although it was one of the relics left to him by his mother, the final ownership belonged to his father Cameron. The only things he could take away were those Ordinary clothes of little value, and 20 large silver coins saved by Kant.

He didn't think much of it.

The memories of the past were a bit difficult, which made Kant feel sore in his heart.

Now is where he should work hard.

This is a force that truly belongs to him.

Looking at the surrounding mountains, looking at the lush vegetation, as well as the animals flickering in the dense forests and bushes, Kant smiled and said sincerely: "This place is really nice."

His original choice was right.

Although it only took half a day to go deep into the Sanwaya Mountains, the rich animal and plant resources moved him.

What's more, even the system gave route hints, which indirectly proved the correctness of his choice.

It is enough to prove that this mountain range is the best place to start a new village!


Except in this mountain range, those hidden demonic creatures who don't know when they will appear are indeed a big trouble. It bothers Kant and makes him feel a slight pain in his head when he thinks about this problem.

"I hope Ravenston Ranger can help solve these things."

Kant thought of the building in "Drehem", with a little calm on his face. As long as he can hunt and kill many demonized creatures and sacrifice some soldiers, he only needs to cultivate a group of Ravenston rangers. A level 5 top archer is enough.

Even elemental giants can be easily defeated.

Although these demonized creatures are ferocious, they still belong to flesh and blood. There is no way they can do it, right

A bow used by rangers.

But it is still a heavy bow with a larger poundage.

Compared with the longbow that the Vaegirians like to use because of the pursuit of range, these Ravenston people prefer to use the heavy bow that pursues power, so that they can kill any enemy within a short distance in the shortest time. Instantly making the enemy lose the ability to resist at critical moments is the best choice they can make in complex environments like dense forests and mountains.

Lead the horse and continue forward.

The top of the mountain is not far ahead, and the destination is about to arrive.

The faces of the Salander riders were already slightly stained with sweat.

Even Kant, who had a knight-like body, was already short of breath, and his face was flushed due to the complicated mountain road.

They all expended a lot of energy.

Walking in the unfamiliar wild mountains, there is no road at all, so the energy consumed is not as easy as that of the soft sand in the desert. If it is not for the faint cold current gushing from the ground, the main part of the Sanwaya Mountains will become less sweltering, probably. Kant's trek through the mountains was even harder.

At this time Kant also thought of the Rhodoks.

These mountain people who also lived in the Rhodok Mountains may be the same as the Ravenston people at this time, and they all have sufficient adaptability to the mountain environment. After all, they all grew up in the mountain area.

"My lord."

While walking, the riders of Salander suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" Kant frowned, clenched the knight sword in his hand.

The subconscious eyes cautiously scanned the surroundings, but found no danger, and couldn't help asking in a deep voice: "What's going on? What abnormality did you find?"

"Under your feet," the rider of Salander said.

"What foot?" Kant lowered his head, but his eyes narrowed slightly: "This is..."

Just under his pair of exquisite cowhide boots, stone slabs appeared on the originally rugged hillside.

One piece after another.

And it extends to the top of the mountain 100 meters away with the slope of the mountain.

It's like a ladder.

Kant's face was solemn, and the knight's sword in his hand was clenched tightly. This is not like a ladder. These stone slabs covered by a lot of soil and fallen leaves are the stairs leading to the peak of this mountain!

"How can it be!"

Exhaling slowly, Kant stared at the mountain top in front of him.

According to the route he came from, there was absolutely no other place with such a building with stairs.

However, Kant has never found out in the library of the academy, in the study room of the Lion Castle, what forces have established any forces at the edge of the junction of the Nalun Desert and the Sanwaya Mountains, especially the Sanwaya Mountains. The majesty and majesty of the mountains, crossing the mountains from the direction of the Lion Principality, even if there is no threat of demonized creatures, there are all kinds of dangers!

Rather than establishing this covert presence on the hills north of the Samwaya Mountains.

It's not as easy as building it on the south side.

"My lord, looking at these slabs, it is estimated that they are thousands of years old."

The Salander rider suddenly spoke.

He squatted down slightly and knocked on the stone slab. It was pitted and weathered quite badly, but he could vaguely see the excellent technology of cutting the stone back then, so he couldn't help guessing: "It wasn't built in recent years."

"Thousands of years?" Kant frowned.

This is an incredible number, longer than the founding of the Principality of Lions!

Counting from the first generation of Grand Duke Xiongshi, the Principality of Xiongshi is less than 300 years old. Among them, the first 50 years belonged to a split warlord force at the end of a certain kingdom.

"Absolutely thousands of years."

The Sarande rider nodded and said: "In the Sarande Desert, there are also ancient ruins, some of which are inferred by scholars to be older than the Calradia Empire."

"Is that so?" Kant frowned.

The origin of the Calradia continent is the Calradia Empire.

Whether it is the Kingdom of Swadia, the Kingdom of Rhodok, or the Kingdom of Vaegia, the Kugit Khanate, the Sultanate of Sarande, and the Nord Kingdom, which was still a foreign sea merchant at that time, all obeyed this order. Part of a huge empire.

The Calradia Empire may be the first empire to unify the continent.

But just before the empire, there were countless factions that once existed, and each left their own relics in certain areas.

What the Sarande rider said was the relics left by the desert peoples who lived in the Sarande Desert in ancient times. After thousands of years of decay, there are still a few traces left.

Just like the stone steps leading to the top of the mountain in front of Kant now.

"Stay vigilant."

Kant took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Let's go up and have a look!"

Now that you have found it, you have to go up, not to mention that the route on the retina indicates the top of the mountain. Even if it is a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair, Kant has to go to see it to feel at ease, otherwise the system's instructions will be in vain.

A group of people kept vigilant and quickly walked up the mountain along the stone steps.

"This is…"

The desolate mountain peak in the impression did not appear, Kant was slightly stunned: "How is it possible..."

The Salander riders behind them also widened their eyes in surprise.

Right on top of the mountain.

It is not a dense forest, not a lush bush, nor a barren scene full of weeds, but when Kant and the others came to a corner of the mountain and really saw the whole picture, they discovered that this place is a land of about several thousand mu. A flat area, and it's full of collapsing stone buildings!

Coarse boulders have collapsed.

After countless years of erosion, dense shrubs are wrapped around it.

But Kant can still see the faint patterns on these stones, with a mysterious and delicate appearance, which has been brought to anyone who comes through thousands of years, showing their former glory.

The pattern is also somewhat inexplicably familiar.

"This is... this is the ruins of the lost city!"

Kant swallowed, and he looked at the building.

Because in the very center, in the middle of the area where countless huge stones collapsed and fell, countless shrubs and vines are entangled with an even larger stone pillar, which seems to be a human body, wearing a unique armor, holding it high like The disk that radiates sunlight seems to have been receiving the scorching sun from the sky!

At this time, Kant finally realized why the pattern on the stone pillar was so familiar.

Even the disc held high in the hands of the stone pillar's body gave him a familiar feeling.

Because this is the Lost City.

According to that legend, it was cast in gold and inhabited by the blood of gods, representing the lost city inherited from the Sun God, the Holy City of Gold! The legend that once fascinated countless human beings reappeared in front of Kant.

And it's even more impressive than the sun disc found in the well last time!

Because this is a real relic!


But just when Kant and the others were shocked, there was an almost tyrannical and crazy roar from inside the ruins of the ruins.

A faint sound came.

Kant's eardrums were aching.

But looking at the huge 3-meter-high black lion that appeared in the ruins, it was stronger and more violent than the demonized black bear last time, stepping on the scattered huge stones, propping up its neck With thick black mane, he walked slowly towards Kant and the others, and in his dark eyes, there was the most direct tyrannical killing intent.

"This is…"

Kant gritted his teeth in disbelief, and squeezed out between his teeth: "The demonized lion...the ferocious species!"

(end of this chapter)