The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 184: The new sun disc



The roar of this demonized lion was shrill.

It was covered in jet-black blood, and finally felt that something was wrong, and continued to shoot three Sarande riders flying. Turning around, it wanted to get rid of the entanglement of these monkey-like creatures, but found that it was impossible to walk at this time, because the The originally strong limbs had already been cut by the sharp scimitar quickly, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

Even the tendon at the back of the right leg has been damaged by the elite scimitar. With its sudden force, the tendon of the entire right leg ruptured instantly, causing the demonized lion to howl and limped out of the encirclement .

But when they rushed out of the encirclement, they were still killing wantonly.

No Sarande rider could block the blow of this ferocious demonized lion.

The shield was shattered by the blow.

The mail was torn apart.

Even the spears were broken and the scimitars were bent.

The Salander riders suffered heavy losses.

Just a moment.

There are less than 15 Salander riders standing beside Kant.


Kant's eyes were already bloodshot.

His face became more and more ferocious.

If you don't kill this demonized lion, he will have trouble sleeping and eating!

Moving quickly under his feet, the knight sword in his hand was still stabbing fiercely, from bottom to top, under the cover of Salander's rider, he approached the throat like a demonized lion at an extremely fast speed, gritted his teeth and cut a deep gash .

The pitch-black blood immediately spilled, making the limping demonized lion even more violent.

But the rage of this demonized lion is no longer as fierce as before.

The spear that pierced the large intestine directly from the back is still in its body. Whenever it makes huge movements such as tossing and turning, the sharp spear tip in its body is destroying its intestines and lower abdomen.


The pain made the demonized lion growl in a low voice.

But that movement is also getting slower and slower.

The Sarande riders seized the opportunity to surround the demonized lion on all sides, gritted their teeth and ran straight as if in tacit understanding, and borrowed the inertia of running, as if they were charging, they ruthlessly smashed the sharp spears in their hands. , all pierced into the front, back, left, and right directions of this demonized lion!

And it was specifically, stabbing at the body without scales.

The soft belly on both sides was pierced directly.

The intestines suffered more damage, so that the demonized lion roared angrily and jumped out, almost desperately threw the three Sarande riders who couldn't dodge, and bit down viciously with its sharp teeth. , chewing the body with chain armor fragments, the scarlet eyes became more terrifying.

The demonized lion also seemed to understand his situation, and began to work harder and harder.

Now it is scarred.

There were marks of scimitar cuts on the cheeks, and holes pierced by spears. Even though the black blood flowed and dripped, he had to use his last strength to kill more Salander riders.

The vitality of this demonized creature is inherently tenacious.

If it is an ordinary demonized creature, it may be possible to kill it with superb technology.

But this ferocious species.

Comparable to the strength and vitality of a great knight.

It already requires knight-level fighters to fight in close quarters and pay the price of their lives to kill it.

Just like now.

The entire mountain top was already filled with a strong smell of blood.

The 30 Sarande riders brought were easily killed by this ferocious demonized lion. Only 12 of them were still standing on the top of the mountain, and Kant, who had been wandering around, took the opportunity to stab a sword lord.


The demonized lion panted heavily, and his almost bowl-like eyes swept over Kant.

It is not without wisdom.

Although tyranny enveloped its heart, its powerful strength allowed it to kill the leader of the enemy first and win the final victory without using previous cunning skills, its instinct still existed.

"Damn it." Seeing the scarlet eyes aimed at him, Kant's heart seemed to be clenched suddenly.

How could he not understand the meaning of this gaze.

Just fight to the death.

The anger that wanted to tear him apart!

But the demonized lion didn't give him time to think, and all his last strength was concentrated on the other three paws that hadn't been limped. With his big mouth full of sharp teeth, he swallowed this seemingly young prey that actually brought him severe pain into his stomach!

"Roar—" The roar was accompanied by a gorilla wind.

Kant clenched the knight sword tightly in his hand.

The heart seems to be clenched tightly at this moment, but the head of the whole person is extremely clear.

Time seemed to slow down.

The body of the Swadian knight, along with the extreme desire for survival in his heart, brought him the power to tear apart space and time. Under the pounce of the demonized lion, his whole body knelt heavily on his knees. On the ground, bowing your head was like kowtowing, avoiding the huge body that was rushing you dangerously.

"Plop boom—"

The ground seemed to tremble slightly following the huge figure that jumped down.

The two Sarande riders who were still behind Kant to support him were directly pressed to the ground by the two giant claws. Their eyes protruded, their sternum was completely shattered, and they had air in but not out. They were pressed to death on the spot. .


But the other Salander riders did not miss this opportunity, and the spears in their hands were still stabbing straight.

Those who don't have a spear, draw out the sharp scimitar in their hands, and continue to slash at the limbs of the demonized lion, aiming directly at the tendons at the bend of the leg, in order to abolish the mobility of the demonized lion !

Without speed, no matter how powerful this demonized lion is, it is still a fish for them to slaughter!

"Puff puff-"

The black hair was chopped off by a sharp machete.

And the hamstring tendon, which was not protected by bones and muscles, was instantly destroyed by the scimitar, cutting a deep gash, and even as the demonized lion suffered from pain, it roared angrily and turned around hard, directly It broke in the body, causing its two hind legs to sit down instantly, and the speed of the entire demonized lion suddenly slowed down.

The tendons in both legs had been severed, and it had lost the ability to continue running and jumping.

Only with two front paws.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't hurt the lives of the remaining Salander riders at all.

He could only let out a low growl, venting the tyranny in his heart.

Enchanted creatures don't know surrender.

Kant would not let it surrender either.

Standing up with the support of two Salander riders, the extreme movement just now made his hands tremble, and his adrenaline was over-secreted.

"My lord."

A Salander rider asked, "Do you want to kill it yourself?"

"Come here." Kant waved his hand.

Sweeping across the nearby battlefield, the tattered corpses of more than 20 Sarande riders were covering the mountain top and the ruins of the ruins, and his face became a little ugly: "I think you are the one who hates it more."

"Ready to serve."

The two supporting Salander riders nodded.

There are only 7 of them left.

Looking at each other, except for the 2 people who supported Kant, the other 5 people all picked up the spears of their fallen companions, looked at the demonized lion that was still crawling with its two claws, showing a ferocious look, and ran up and down fiercely. stab it.

The spear point easily pierced the eye, pierced the pupil, and penetrated deeply into the eye socket.

Pierced the skull until the brain behind the eye socket!

The left and right eyes were each pierced with a spear. This is the revenge of the Sarande rider for his companions, including the spears pierced in the left and right ears along the ear canal, and on the side, pierced fiercely along the ribs , piercing deeply into the chest, piercing the still beating heart with the tip of the spear.

The five people worked together, and the demonized lion, which was already seriously injured, died instantly.

The battle is over.

Kant watched this scene with cold eyes.

The strong smell of blood made him frown slightly.

Gritting his teeth, he ordered, "Clean the battlefield."

Kant spoke with a dignified and low tone, and said in a deep voice, "Dig graves for the fallen Sarande riders, and if they die here, they will also guard our new village here."

"Understood." The remaining seven Salander riders nodded.

They didn't directly choose to rest, but went to carry the bodies of their fallen comrades-in-arms.

They understood what Kant meant.

The dead Sarande rider needs a dignified burial.

But Kant stepped forward.

The route shown on the retina in front of him is not actually the edge of the mountain, but deeper, inside the collapsed boulder, the deeper position of the mountain.

The center of the ruins.

At the stone statue that has been tilted.

[Ding...Temporary task release]

[Temporary task: explore the ruins]

[Task Reward: Building Transfer Card (can change the location of a building)]

[Introduction: You came to the top of the mountain and found the ruins of this building buried by vegetation. After your careful observation, even though time has made the remains of the building look like ruins, the former glory can still be displayed through the remaining decorations and architectural methods. Please explore carefully, maybe you can find more.]

The system's temporary tasks are released abruptly.

Kant nodded slightly: "Understood." He himself wanted to explore the ruins.

Remnants of a lost city.

He was very sure.

When he followed the collapsed boulder and entered the ruins of the building with the stone road under his feet, which seemed to be the direction of the main entrance, the stone statue entangled in vines was revealed in his eyes at the very center.

Especially the round disc held by the two arms in the center.

Although radial shape.

But Kant still found that the center of the radial disk, under the cover of dust and mud, had a faint golden glow, as if there were other golden objects inlaid on it.

"Sun disc?"

The golden disc in Kant's mind immediately rang in the sentry oasis.

Carefully sweep around.

In the corner of the ruins, there are countless corpses piled up.

It seemed that it was the lair of the demonized lion. After confirming that there was no other danger, Kant walked forward slowly, gripped the knight's sword tightly, and came to the side of the crooked stone statue.

[Ding... system prompt]

[Here you can build the governing hall and build a new village.]

On Retina, the system pops up a dialog box.

At the same time, the route displayed is also hidden.

PS: I recommended "The First Immortal in the Human World" by a friend, and I became an immortal after a night's sleep. How should I live the next day? Teasing and teasing mortals, tossing and tossing gods. For more daily life of the Great Disaster in the Three Realms, please pay attention to "The First Immortal in the Human World"!

(end of this chapter)