The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 187: Handy Kant


The executive hall has been constructed.

Although only this building appears crude, it also represents the formal formation of the "Aaron" village.

Just behind the village.

There were slightly noisy sounds, footsteps and talking.

A group of people walked over quickly.

Seeing Kant, there was excitement and excitement in his eyes.

"My lord, before you appeared in front of us, your name and your famous reputation have already spread in our lives."

The crowd is cheering.

He stroked his chest with his right hand very respectfully, and then bowed solemnly to salute.

This is the most solemn etiquette of the Rhodoks Kingdom.

"Hello." Kant nodded.

In fact, the etiquette of the Kingdom of Swadia is the same.

The two are separated from the same source.

As for humiliating kneeling, it is not popular in the Calradia continent, and kneeling on one knee, similar to a canonized knight, is also impossible without a certain status or occasion.

Kant looked at these Rhodok farmers and tribesmen.

Although they all performed energetically.

But according to Kant's eyes, these 50 honest Rhodok farmers and 10 Rhodoks who are basic first-level soldiers have the word "鶸" capitalized on their faces.

Fifty Rhodoco farmers hold round scythes for harvesting wheat.

The ten Rhodoks were slightly better, wearing half-worn leather armor, a butcher's knife pinned to a coarse cloth belt, and holding a sharpened pitchfork in their hands.

Played the tradition of making good use of polearms in the Rhodok Kingdom.

But worse than the peasants of the Kingdom of Swadia.

At least for the farmers in the sentry oasis, the weapon is still a long-handled sickle that can be swung. Although it is a farming tool, it is much better than the round sickle that is a one-handed weapon.

Kant even twitched a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

If these farmers were given an extra hammer to cultivate their craftsman skills, they would be truly invincible!

Brothers of the working and peasant classes unite.

Overthrow the other world!

"Ahem." Kant quickly shook his head vigorously, coughed twice in embarrassment, and threw all the shameful lines and attire out of his mind, so that his mind could recover.

Now is not the time to be cranky.

These people from the Rhodok Mountains are really poor enough.

The weapons used by the Rhodoks, a level 1 unit, were pitchforks and slaughter knives.

To know.

The Swadian recruits, who are also level 1 arms, use serious spears, and even the melee weapons are hatchets and wooden shields. The difference between the two sides is simply heaven and earth!

It can be said that Swadian recruits have already formed basic combat effectiveness.

The Rhodoks at level 1 are still filling their numbers.

This kind of treatment can only be changed after becoming a second-level unit, so that the low-level troops of the Rhodok Kingdom can formally form combat effectiveness that can be put into the battlefield.

Level 2 Rhodok Spearmen

A level 2 Rhodok crossbowman.

But compared to the rich and powerful Swadia Kingdom, the second-level militia can be equipped with spears + hunting crossbows + fighting picks + wide shields. The Rhodok Kingdom, which is located in a mountainous area, has a little lack of resources and an underdeveloped economy, Only the detailed division of arms can be carried out, highlighting the tenacious infantry who are good at using spears, and the crossbowmen who are directly equipped with light crossbows.

This is a situation opened up by the Rhodoks Kingdom based on its own advantages.

Most of the Rhodoks live in the mountains.

Years of barren and impoverished life have allowed them to develop a character as indestructible as a boulder, and a stable mood like a mountain. They are the best spearmen in the entire Calradia continent.

When they gather side by side in a dense formation, it is the strongest spear phalanx.

Instead, choose to spread out.

Holding a long-handled machete, they are the moment of rampage like a brown bear.

In addition, he is good at using crossbows for hunting.

Combine the two.

It has built an invincible mountain army in a complex mountain environment!

When the Kingdom of Swadia and the Kingdom of Rhodok were still one, the infantry and crossbowmen of the Kingdom of Rhodok and the heavy cavalry of the Kingdom of Swadia were the strongest combination on the Calradia continent!

Now, "Aaron" needs to be developed.

At least it must be developed to the level of a fortress in order to restore the glory of the Rhodok Kingdom.

Simply rely on these farmers and tribesmen.

Armed with a scythe and a pitchfork, how could it be possible to contend against the dangerous Samwaya Mountains.

It is estimated that when Kant leaves here, any ordinary demonized creature will be able to slaughter the entire village, and they have no resistance, so they can only die in vain.

Kant required a certain arrangement.

Squinting slightly.

His thinking communication system, and the golden card in his mind instantly shattered into pieces.

Data flow begins to materialize.

"Use the building transfer card to transfer the [Ranger Camp] from Drehem Fortress to Aaron Village."

Kant gave orders to the system.

[Ding...transfer begins]

The system answered simply.

The data flow spread instantly, and faint spatial fluctuations appeared.

And the "Drehem" fortress in the sentinel oasis originally stood in the military area on the east side, and the [Ranger Camp] adjacent to the [Vikia Shooting Range] spread directly with the package of the data flow. It turned into a data flow and re-formed a golden light, so far shuttled back, forming a building card in Kant's mind.

The fluctuation of space disappears, and the regular power of the system returns.

And Kant looked at the side of the governing hall, thinking and communicating with the golden card in his mind, and said in a low voice: "The system, realize the building there."

The data stream appears.

On the flat land on the top of the mountain, foundations, bricks, stones, wood and other construction materials suddenly appeared out of thin air.

And in the blink of an eye, the building has been constructed from the bottom up.

[Ding...transfer complete]

The system gives a prompt.

"Very good." Kant nodded in satisfaction, but did not end the construction.

Turning his head and looking at the flat mountain top, Kant continued to give orders to the system: "Build 10 houses in a row around the governing hall, and at the same time build a wall on the top of the mountain, and build a well."

[Ding... system prompt]

[Village-level construction, continuous construction of buildings, each building requires an additional payment of 100 dinars.]

[A total of 2,400 dinars will be paid for this construction, yes/no to choose to build?]

"Build." Kant replied.

There is no need to hesitate. A mere 2400 dinars is not a huge sum of money.

Data flow continues to occur.

And just at the foot of the mountain, 10 carriages and more than 100 people came, dressed in Rhodoks' costumes, looking up at the top of the mountain, yelling at each other and walking up. He didn't care, instead, he walked at a not slow speed, and arrived at the edge of the mountain in a short while.

"Dear Lord Kant, we meet again!"

The leading strong man looked at Kant in surprise, he quickly touched his chest and bent down, and said hello: "We talked about building a well in the desert last time, and you helped me send a letter home to Knight Fatis .”

"It's you." Kant nodded, also thinking of this man.

"It's me, it's me, the construction leader from Veruga."

The construction team leader nodded with a smile, as if he was happy that Kant still remembered him, and at the same time he waved back quickly, and shouted to the construction workers behind him: "Come on, this is Lord Kant's new territory. Work hard, don't let Mr. Kant's building have any flaws!"

"It's really Mr. Kant! We really came to the land of miracles!"

"Ah, that's right, it's really Lord Kant! It's really him!"

"Master Kant in the Land of Miracles! My God, we are working for Lord Kant!"

The Viruga construction workers behind them were surprised.

They all looked at Kant with extreme excitement, and walked forward one after another, regardless of the carriage behind them, they quickly touched their chests and bowed respectfully, their attitudes were so respectful that they looked impeccable.

"Very good." Kant nodded and said to them, "Be careful."

This was replaced by respectful answers from the construction workers.

The people from the Rhodok Mountains are the best soldiers or workers. Their personalities are as calm and simple as the mountains. This is why the Rhodok people have a higher reputation. Among the kingdoms of Dia and Nord, the number of fraudsters is the largest.

Kant dismissed the construction workers and got them busy.

At the same time, he also gave instructions to the 50 farmers and 10 tribesmen.

Using the agricultural tools in their hands, they cleared up the weeds and bushes on the top of the mountain, and at the same time cleared up the small forests, and leveled the thousands of acres of land as the foundation of the future village.

For this reason, Kant also found tools purchased from the Stone Pass.

Let the farmers use a felling ax to cut off all the small trees with a thick bowl mouth, then use a round sickle to clean the branches, and finally cut them into pieces as firewood and pile them up for future use, or directly dig out mud pits Make it into a charcoal kiln, burn excellent charcoal, and transport it back to the sentry oasis for use.

Kant was not the noble young master when the village was first established.

Now he handles it with ease and in an orderly manner.

At the same time, for the safety of the "Aaron" village, Kant's mind re-communicated with the system, and said silently: "System, recruit 10 Ravenston Rangers this week."

[Ding... system prompt]

[The recruitment price of Ravenston rangers is 30 dinars per person, and 10 people need a total of 300 dinars.]

[Yes/No to choose to recruit?]

"Recruitment." Kant made a choice calmly.

And just when the 300 dinars disappeared from the balance in Kant's mind, in the [Ranger Camp] next to the Administration Hall, 10 Riverston rangers were wearing studded leather cases and carrying heavy weapons. Bow walked out quickly, with a two-handed sword hanging on his back, and a row of cone-headed arrows in the quiver behind his waist.

As a level 4 shooter, the ranger is not much inferior to a level 5 ranger in terms of equipment.

Armor-piercing cone-headed arrows are the standard equipment of Ravenston Kingdom.

After all, the barbarian tribes in the Misty Mountains wear simple leather armor, but the armor is extremely thick. If there is no such conical-headed arrow specially used for armor-piercing, they can only rely on ordinary feathered arrows and anti-armor. The barbed arrows that deal more damage to target A are obviously inferior in terms of damage, and cannot maintain the normal stability of the Ravenston Kingdom.

PS: Continue to update at night.

(end of this chapter)