The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 188: The evil breath of the cave


But these are enough.

A ranger with superb archery skills can completely form a high combat effectiveness.

And with the passage of time, the number of ranger troops will increase, and even the appearance of a top archery master like Ravenston Ranger will be able to firmly guard the "Aaron" on the top of the mountain. "village.

Although ordinary ordinary demonized creatures are powerful.

But in the face of these level 4 rangers, if they didn't get close enough, they would be shot dead.

What's more, there are crossbowmen from the Rhodok Kingdom to assist.

Sniping with a siege crossbow at a long range, shooting with a heavy bow at a medium range, and both of them can be accurately shot at a short range. It is estimated that not to mention ordinary demonized creatures, even ferocious demonized creatures, if they are equipped with a broad shield and heavy armor The infantry can withstand it, and it can be shot into a deadly hedgehog in minutes!

"However, in the early stage, it is still necessary to rely on the rangers as the main output."

Kant pondered slightly.

The Rhodoks recruited among the peasants belong to the lowest level of first-level arms, and their combat effectiveness cannot be expected at all. It is better to let the rangers lead these tribesmen to hunt and kill some demonized creatures in the Sangwaya Mountains. You need to gain some experience and upgrade to a more advanced unit in order to play your role.

Upgrading troops is also a helpless move. It is not only troublesome but also time-consuming. It is not as easy and trouble-free as desert bandits, Vikia archers, and Ravenston rangers who are recruited directly in the building.

Think about upgrading.

Kant now has a unit with full experience to allow upgrades.

Mind direct communication system.

The retina in front of my eyes refreshed, and a dialog box for the troop upgrade interface popped up.

It was these seven Sarande riders who followed Kant through the rocky pass competition, entered the Sangwaya Mountains to kill the ordinary demonized black bear, defeated the brutal demonized lion, and finally survived the narrow escape.

Their experience has finally reached full value, and they can be upgraded to level 5 Mamluks!

Pay in dinars.

All 7 Salander riders have transformed.

Seven Mamluks wearing heavy chain armor from Salander appeared on the mountain top.

Full body equipment replacement.

The original broken or damaged weapons and equipment have been replaced with the latest and best styles.

Even the Sarande horses not far away are also wearing heavy chain mail horse armor. Compared with before, they have changed the appearance of linen at most, and their combat effectiveness and defense have doubled. The price is only increased weight. It consumes a little more stamina, and even the charging speed is not as fast as that of Salander's rider.

Even in foot combat ability, it is also qualitatively improved compared to Salander riders.

If it is calculated by the default combat power system in this world.

Reached the peak of "knight class"!

According to Kant's understanding, if there is a great knight mentor who is willing to use a one-year period of weakness and only 5 opportunities for enlightenment to let these 5th-level arms comprehend extraordinary power, then these 5th-level Mamluks can be promoted to a higher level. High-level extraordinary units may have to break through the top barrier of level 5 restricted by the system, and reach the even more terrifying level 6 units!

Of course, this is also to think about.

The Principality of Lions is established by force, and the number of great knights can be counted on one hand.

Even if there is a hidden great knight.

It is estimated that there will be no more than 50 people.

After all, after enlightenment, whether a knight can comprehend extraordinary power is another matter. After enlightenment, one cannot directly become a great knight with extraordinary power, but one needs to rely on one's own cultivation.

Otherwise, with the ability of the Lion Principality.

Over time, cultivating a knight order composed entirely of great knights is simply too easy.

But the main thing.

Which great knight is willing to pay a huge price for Kant, an exiled baron who has offended most of the nobles and has almost no place in the Lion Principality, to enlighten these knights under him

absolutely not!

Kant naturally understood this.

Shaking his head, he still sighed helplessly: "Perhaps the extraordinary power depends on the help of the system."

As the golden finger after crossing.

The role of the system basically runs through the overall situation.

If there is any doubts or doubts, Kant can get an excellent answer from the system. Now think about it, the legendary extraordinary power has already issued a similar temporary task by the system at the previous stone pass. According to this system It is estimated that he has already begun to think about how to instill the extraordinary power of this world into the system arms.

"The system can solve it best." Kant's face was calm.

Even if there is no extraordinary power, relying on systematic arms, tens of thousands of knights form human sea tactics, there is still no problem in defending a certain place. Although you can't dominate the world, being a warlord in a certain place should not be too easy!

Looking at these busy Rhodoks farmers and the Rhodoks who helped them, Kant nodded secretly. At least for now, he is still developing at a high speed.

But when visiting the top of the mountain.

A Mamluk walked quickly, with only two eyes exposed under the full-face helmet, indifferent and calm: "My lord, we found something unusual under the mountain on the west side."

"Unusual?" Kant frowned slightly, which made him curious, so he said, "Lead the way."

"Yes." Mamluk turned around. The Salander-style heavy chain armor all over the body makes a subtle rattling sound as he walks fast, and the overall rhythm is smooth, showing the elite level of this Mamluk and the excellent workmanship of the chain armor.

The area where they say the anomaly was found is not far away.

Just at the edge of the middle of the west side of the mountain, the other 6 Mamluks were waiting there, holding two-handed iron sticks with the front end like a small melon in both hands, and their eyes showed the same indifference.

And the 10 Ravenston rangers around also noticed that something was wrong, and they also walked quickly, holding heavy bows.

"My lord."

They nodded to Kant.

"Hmm." Kant asked directly, "What happened."

"Under the mountain on the west side, halfway up the mountain, we found an unknown cave, and heard a loud roar inside. There may be demonized creatures like before."

The Mamluk leading the way quickly explained clearly.

"Demonized creatures." Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

"Basically determined."

Mamluk nodded, and replied solemnly: "We heard a low growl inside, and there are traces of wild beasts around that cave. There must be demonized creatures."

Kant drew out the knight sword and said in a deep voice, "Go and have a look."

7 Mamluks and 10 Ravenston rangers were immediately ready for battle.

However, Kant glanced at the 10 Rhodoks not far away, officially the lowest-level 1st-level unit in the village of "Aaron", and waved to these Rhodoks who are the best at farming, calling them to come and join Combat sequence, if you encounter an enemy, you can use experience to upgrade.

Walking down the mountain, Kant led the team in front.

Beside him is a Mamluk in heavy armor.

The 10 Ravenston rangers and the 10 Rhodoks stood at the back, and they could respond in time if anything happened.

The slope of the terrain on the west side of the entire mountaintop is relatively gentle.

Although there is a drop, they are less than half a meter. Walk carefully and you will soon approach the mountainside.

There is a flat land of about 30 meters.

The cave is located on the inner side of the flat ground near the mountain, and there are dense shrubs and woods around it, but if you look carefully, you can vaguely see a lot of white bones scattered on the flat ground in front of the cave, and they are piled up in a large number, with various shades of color. No, obviously these bones have been scattered here for a long time.

The Mamluks had already come down to investigate beforehand, so they knew how to walk.

Kant at the front paused for a while.

Ten Ravenston rangers drew cone-pointed arrows and mounted them on their heavy bows.

The two Mamluks took the lead and walked down the flat ground with iron rods in their hands.

After cautiously exploring the interior of the cave and confirming that there was no danger for the time being, they waved to Kant and the others on the hillside, signaling that they could come down, but even so, they did not let down their vigilance.

Because after Kant came down, he discovered that this cave was really a cave.

It is 2 meters high and 3 meters wide. Standing outside, a gust of cold wind slowly blows in. Accompanied by the looming roar inside, Kant subconsciously clenched the knight sword in his hand.

What the body of a knight brings to him is also precise hearing.

The growl that the Mamluks speak of does exist.

Even Kant's ears moved slightly, and he could discern the almost mournful and brutal negative emotions in the looming growl!

If it weren't for the demonized creatures, Kant would not believe it.

Squinting slightly.

His eyes looked deep into the cave.

But because the cave is facing west, the sunlight can't get in at all.

Kant's line of sight could only vaguely see the slightly smooth stone walls within two or three meters of the cave. If he continued to look deeper, he would not be able to see anything at all.

Except for the darkness that seems to have condensed from the ancient times to the present!

"My lord, something is wrong."

With the cone-headed arrow on the heavy bow behind him, the solemn-faced Ravenston Ranger said solemnly: "In front of this cave, I felt an evil aura circulating, which reminded me of what happened in Nuo The legend passed down from the place where there are many elves is the underworld that those dark knights believe in!"

"Huh?" Kant's face suddenly became serious, and he turned his head to look at the equally serious Ravenston ranger, breathing heavily: "The underworld...the underworld invader!"

The Pendor Continent where the Kingdom of Ravenston is located is a fantasy world.

That's right, it's not an alternate history world.

Even on the Pendor Continent, there are still ancient races, the Noldor Elf Race, and even when the race is on the verge of extinction, they still have a little magic.

And in the Pendor Continent, there are also various artifacts.

Even more mysterious underworld legends.

As a player, Kant certainly knows that the legends of the underworld are true, and the dark knights will eventually become servants of the underworld, those death knights who have lost human emotions.

And the real invaders of the underworld are even the demons of the underworld.

Powerful and evil.

Ordinary human troops are no match at all!

Now, this Ravenston ranger actually said that the evil aura in this cave reminded him of the legendary invaders from the underworld, which was not good news for Kant.

(end of this chapter)