The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 19: Funeral under the dunes


"System, build a watchtower."

Kant moved slightly in his heart and connected with the system in his mind.

At the same time, the construction site is placed on the east side of the governing hall. As long as there is any situation, the personnel in charge of observation above can report the information to Kant in time and make an early decision.

[Cost 100 dinars]

[Watchtower: under construction]

[Completion date: 7 days later]

The dialog box of the system appears, and the explanation is simple and clear.

And in Kant's ears, there were also bursts of noisy sounds.

It seemed that many people were carrying things and still shouting, but hearing the voices, they didn't look like their own Swadian infantry, but more like the farmers before.

"What's going on." Kant frowned.

Turning his head and looking out the window, the sun came in, dispelling the darkness of the night.

In a short time, the sky was already bright.

"It's better to get up, this night is going really fast."

Exhaling a breath, Kant got up on the bed.

Drowsiness completely disappeared.

In fact, after going through this bloody battle, Kant's spirit was still relatively high, and he didn't have much intention to sleep.

Pushing open the door, he came downstairs again.

"My lord, good morning."

As soon as he walked out of the governing hall, there was a generous voice saying hello.

Kant turned his head to look, only to find that it was a burly farmer, dressed in crisp linen clothes, bowed respectfully and said: "We are the construction team from Pravin, and we will build a watchtower for you."

"Huh? Oh, very good." Kant was slightly stunned, and nodded in response.

It should be the construction team arranged by the system.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at the side of the governing hall, where piles of stones and wood were being placed.

Before walking out of the governing hall, Kant made sure that there was still an open space.

But as the builders moved the stones and began to "clink" the wood with hammers, he understood that these were also building materials from the system.

There are 15 construction workers.

They are all strong middle-aged men with silent expressions and few words.

Except this building captain.

"My lord, there are a few points I would like to explain to you."

He bowed his head and said with his philistine who did not conform to the simple and honest appearance: "We will serve you here for 7 days to ensure that the watchtower is completed, but during this time, you must ensure our food and water, as well as appropriate supplies. rest."

Kant nodded: "It should be."

However, the construction captain still smiled awkwardly and said, "We haven't participated in the battle yet."

"I won't let you participate."

Kant shook his head, feeling a little ridiculous at his timidity and carefulness.

"That's good, that's good." The construction captain nodded quickly, with a look of joy on his face.

Kant understood his explanation.

This should be the rule of the system. After all, building buildings is the task of these workers.

As for the battle, it was Kant who was in charge.

"You keep busy." Kant casually said something to the construction captain, and then walked forward. There was the battlefield last night. The strong smell of blood has not yet dissipated. On the sand, you can still see a lot of dark red. of blood.

It was the trace of a bloody battle.

The infantrymen of Swadia gathered up all the criss-crossed corpses.

The body of the wolf man continued to be burned directly in the sand pit dug last night.

At the bottom of the sand dunes not far away, several new large pits have been dug. Two desert robbers are holding torches to light the clothes under the corpse. As the fire engulfs the sand pits, a smell of burnt meat is also spreading.

Incineration is also the way to dispose of corpses.

When the corpses of these gnolls were burned to ashes and buried with the sand on the dunes, basically there would be no traces left.

But that should not be the case with the 15 Swadian peasants who died.

They are all heroic leaders who died for Kant.

"May they rest in peace."

Kant came to another sand dune, and 15 graves had been dug.

The recruits and militiamen of Swadia, and the six desert robbers all gathered.

With a solemn and dignified face.

Although they were strangers to each other, they had only known each other for two days, but with the feelings of being Swadians, they still maintained respect from the bottom of their hearts in the face of their deaths.

This is a funeral.

Although it is not grand, it has also done better than what can be done so far.

"It's really embarrassing."

Kant also had a bit of regret on his face.

With his relatively calm heart, there was a little more volatility at this time.

Although he knew that more soldiers would be lost in future wars, it was the first time that the army suffered casualties. For Kant, it was a sign of warning.

If you don't develop, you can only die like this.

Under the solemn faces of many people, the funeral also ended quickly.

In order to avoid polluting the groundwater, Kant still asked for cremation.

However, these peasants who died in battle enjoyed individual graves and tombstones made of wood. They were placed under this sand dune, looking at the sentry oasis on the west side and the "Dherim" they fought for. .

"If there are spirits underground, please bless us."

Kant couldn't help sighing softly as he looked at the fire in the tomb.

Although it has only been two days since he came to Sentry Oasis, after three bloody battles, he has already seen the cruelty of the Nalun Desert, which is almost completely different from the peace of the Lion Principality.

And the humans and jackals who died in these 2 days are estimated to be able to catch up with the total number of prisoners executed in the Principality of Lions in 5 years.

But the day has to look forward.

After the funeral was over, Kant walked towards the governing hall again.

Those Swadian recruits and militiamen dispersed and spontaneously formed patrols and sentries to guard the villages and oases.

"You guys, come with me."

Kant waved to the six desert robbers, indicating that they would also come to the governing hall.

He has assignments.

"grown ups."

The six desert robbers walked in quickly and stood respectfully in front of Kant.

"That's it." Kant stretched out his hand, indicating that there is no need for so many etiquette.

At the same time, he was sitting on the wooden chair in the hall, leaning on the table with both hands, nodded slightly and said: "I plan to arrange for you to explore the depths of the Nalun Desert, looking for possible saline-alkali land, or whether there are other wolf people around. tribe."

"There must be some saline-alkali land." A desert bandit nodded: "We will find it."

However, another person frowned and said, "If there is a tribe of wolf men, there must be some around, maybe the two are still connected."

"And saline-alkali land?" Kant frowned.

"Yes." The desert bandit said solemnly: "During the night raid, more than 500 wolf man warriors appeared, which not only represented the tribes around them, but also represented the strength of their tribes. stronger.

"I got it."

Kant nodded, and he also had some guesses in his mind.

After pondering for a moment, Kant frowned and said, "That's why I asked you to go deep into the desert and explore the north."

The six desert robbers stood solemnly, waiting for the next words.

And Kant's eyes were slightly gloomy, and he continued: "We are in the light, and those jackals are hiding in the dark. I don't know where their tribe is, let alone whether there is an oasis deep in the desert. The situation is for us. It's too disadvantageous."

"Intelligence disparity."

The six desert robbers nodded in understanding.

They are used to extorting and robbing in the sand dunes, so they naturally understand the importance of information.

"No, I should go with you."

Kant spoke suddenly.

"Uh." This disturbed the thoughts of the desert robbers, but they still discouraged them: "My lord, there are definitely many dangers in the unknown desert. It is too dangerous for you to go with us in person."

Kant shook his head and said firmly, "I've thought about it."

There is also his own war horse in the stables, which are the selected mounts of the knights in the Lion Principality.

Compared with the desert horses ridden by these desert robbers, they are not inferior at all. They are almost equal to the third-level horses in the system, and they are still the best among the third-level horses. Even if they encounter jackals, they will let them eat sand behind them.

The mobility of cavalry is several times stronger than that of infantry!

Seeing their lord's eyes were determined, the six desert bandits could only nod and said, "We will protect you."

"Well, prepare water and food."

Kant nodded and said solemnly, "We're leaving now."

The desert robber nodded, turned and left at the same time to prepare supplies for trekking in the desert, especially fresh water. He filled more than a dozen bags of water bladders to ensure that 7 people could drink for 2 days.

During the night attack last night, more than 500 jackals attacked.

They fled away in a rout, and there were also nearly 400 people.

Following the footsteps, Kant and these desert robbers will be able to find the tribe where these gnolls came.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

At that time, whether Kant arranges defense and vigilance, or takes the initiative to launch a sneak attack, there will be a target.

At least there is no need to feel that the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. As long as Kant and his troops develop, they can directly wipe out the wolf man tribe, and continue to take the oasis where they live and have fresh water resources for their own use.

In the desert, an oasis where crops can be grown, the good stuff starts.

Come and not go indecently.

As long as the location of those wolf man tribes is determined.

Then Kant's troops can also be dispatched in full force, and at a certain time period, such as the darkest and most sleepy time before dawn, give these gnolls a ruthless blow.

A surprise attack that makes them unable to turn over!

PS: Thank you for the 1100 starting point coins rewarded by "Speaking Gentleness with a Knife" ~ Thanks for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by "White Grass Sheep" ~ Thanks for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by "Book Friends 151222213453238" ~ Thanks for "Sword Three Dreams" "The 200 starting point coins rewarded by you~Thanks to "I am the book" for the 1,000 starting points coins rewarded~Thanks to the "Progressor 3" for the 100 starting points coins rewarded~

(end of this chapter)