The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 191: The village of development Aaron


Kant took a slight step forward.

This mysterious and dangerous cave made him feel more and more uneasy.

These black fur and black skin, and a few black scales on their bodies, all represent demonized creatures, including the scarlet eyes that reveal tyranny and madness in their eyes, which also represent this point.

But these demonized wolves are not all demonized creatures.

Superficially similar.

The internal tendons, blood vessels and brain matter still carry the biological original.

Including knowing fear.

If it is a real demonized creature, it will definitely fight to the death. It will only leave after killing all of Kant and the others. Otherwise, these demonized creatures will fight until the entire army is wiped out, and they will never leave again.

This increased Kant's doubts.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, holding the knight sword tightly in his hand.

The Ravenston Ranger followed behind him, looking into the cave with a solemn expression.

They said so.

There is an evil force inside the cave.

Although Kant doesn't know much about Invaders of the Underworld similar to Pendor Continent, he can't help mentioning it in his heart when he thinks about the film and television literature and other works he has seen in his previous life.

Kant muttered in a deep voice: "It can't be the lair of demonized creatures, right?"

There is this possibility.

But he didn't dare to lead a team into this cave without authorization. Although the level 5 troops were strong enough to fight him in close quarters, it was also due to encountering ordinary species, or such fake and shoddy demonized creatures.

If you encounter a ferocious species.

Similar to that kind of demonized lion, even if it is a level 5 Mamluk, it will take a few digits of hatred.

And fight in this narrow passage.

It also increases the difficulty of combat. At least those ferocious demonized creatures are rampaging directly. Kant's soldiers can't disperse and dodge, so they can only grit their teeth and fight hard. Too ugly, you have to suffer heavy losses.

"But it's okay." Kant lowered his head slightly.

On the retina in front of my eyes, the dialog box pops up instantly and refreshes quickly.

The interface for system troop upgrade.

[Rhodok farmers can upgrade 20 people to be Rhodoks.]

[Rhodok people can be upgraded to 10 people and become Rhodok spearmen/Rhodok crossbowmen]

It costs very little in dinars.

Kant directly chose to upgrade, and it's no big deal for a mere 300 dinars.

Soon, 20 Rhodoks with pitchforks appeared.

At the same time, the 10 Rhodok spearmen that Kant chose to upgrade finally put on leather armor and held spears, but the slaughter knives around their waists have not been cancelled. wooden broad shield.

It seems that it can only be compared with the Swadian recruits.

However, these Rhodok spearmen finally had some appearance as infantry.

Although still weak.

But barely resisting the impact of the enemy can still be done.

If placed in the desert, perhaps these Rhodok spearmen are enough to go to the battlefield to compete with those low-level gnolls, but as a low-level infantry of level 2, in the interior of the Sanwaya Mountains, they still need to be cautious and careful just work.

According to Kant's calculations, only level 4 arms can survive in the Sanwaya Mountains.

Level 5 arms can lead to a stable life.

If it is a level 2 or 3 unit, it is purely to deliver food to these demonized creatures when they come to the Sangwaya Mountains.

Thinking of this, Kant looked into the cave with a serious expression on his face. He told the forest patrollers, farmers, and tribesmen beside him, "Everyone go back to the top of the mountain, and just leave two people on the edge to guard this place."

"Understood." Everyone replied.

This is currently the best solution.

Kant's troops are small, and he can withstand the attack of those fake demonized wolves inside. Only the Mamluks, but they can't let all these 7 people guard here, and the "Aaron" village loses its defensive ability.

Those 10 Rhodok spearmen cannot be called real combat power.

Think about it.

Kant made a decision in his mind and returned to the governing hall. He commanded the two Mamluks, "Go back to the mountain pass immediately, and let the 10 Salander riders immediately escort Manid and the camel team back to the sentry oasis." At the same time, he ordered James to lead 7 Ravens rangers and 13 Swadian sergeants, and all 10 Swadian snipers came to garrison the village "Aaron" in a camel caravan, and arranged 20 One desert bandit is on standby at the station, and 20 desert bandits set up a temporary camp at the entrance of the mountain to stand by."

"Understood!" The two Mamluks nodded, and regardless of the blood stains on their armor, they immediately went out and got on their horses, and galloped carefully along the mountain road when they came.

As a level 5 unit, their superb riding skills can barely allow them to ride horses in the mountains.

Besides, I also know in my heart where the road is smoother.

"That's good."

Kant nodded, his face calm.

These arrangements are critical.

Once these arms are stationed, the village of "Aaron" in the Sanwaya Mountains can be declared safe, and he can also leave temporarily, leaving the development of this place to James for the time being.

Although James is mainly a doctor, it is still no problem to take care of a village.

This field doctor's fighting ability and command are not weak either.

And if the soldiers have any injuries, he can treat them in time. After all, although there are many demonized creatures or other wild beasts in the Sangwaya Mountains, as long as they are protected by armor and shields, the injuries can be slowed down, which means they are alive. Maybe, at least there is no need to worry. Just like the 23 Salander riders, they were seriously injured by a demonized lion. Without medical knowledge, they were helpless and could only watch them die.

As for now, Kant still intends to stay here.

The "Aaron" village is still too weak.

Although the "Drehem" fortress was waiting for him to go back and upgrade it to a castle, Kant did not leave immediately.

How could he abandon this precarious village and leave.

If Kant led the team and really left, it is estimated that when they encountered the small village of demonized creatures again, they would be slaughtered in a blink of an eye, leaving only Kant full of regret.

"It still takes effort."

Kant couldn't help shaking his head.

It is estimated that it will not be until the middle of next week when Manid takes people back and James leads the team.

Turning his head and scanning the Mamluks who were still resting in the governing hall, Kant also had some plans in mind.

You cannot sit still.

Let these Mamluks form sharp knives, lead 10 Rhodok spearmen, and 20 Rhodoks, and use the magic creatures in the Sangwaya Mountains to train a little bit.

At the very least, Kant needs them to be upgraded to intermediate arms in a short period of time.

The plan is realistic.

Kant had learned about the habits of demonized creatures in the academy.

It is the concept of territory.

Around any ferocious demonized creature, within a range of nearly 3 kilometers, there will never be another ferocious demonized creature, and only a small amount of ordinary demonized creatures will appear occasionally.

But even if it is a common kind of demonized creature, the number will definitely not be too many.

This is their concept of territory.

It is also the reliance of hunters or knights to hunt demonized creatures.

If all these demonized creatures gather together, according to Kant's understanding of these terrifying creatures, it is estimated that the hidden demonized creatures in the entire Sangwaya Mountains will not have any problem in flattening the entire Lion Principality. The mountains that can be hindered by the desert are really too big!

Kant's current position is only on the edge of the edge.

If the road is repaired.

The time from the entrance to the village of "Aaron" will not even exceed 1 hour.

Now in Kant's mind, there is still a "stone paved road" that can be built. As long as the garrison reaches the mountain pass, Kant will use it directly to connect the Sanwaya Mountains with the Nalun Desert, allowing the village of "Aaron" to be officially included in the " Within the scope of the development of the "Drehem" fortress, a large number of precious materials in the mountains are continuously transported back through the camel caravan formed by camels, which has become the driving force for development.

Given the opportunity, Kant wanted to build terraces in the Sanwaya Mountains.

After all, developing agriculture in the sentry oasis, he can be regarded as aware of the suffering in the desert.

can be developed to its present size.

Thanks to the system.

Although the Sanwaya Mountains are dangerous, the environment is basically suitable for planting crops. Basically, it is much better than the barren sentry oasis. As long as the water source is guaranteed, the development of agriculture will be even faster.

And it can also develop animal husbandry.

The opening of this second base can be regarded as the most successful move in Kant's development.

That's why.

Kant turned his head and looked out the window. The 23 Salander horses were still walking not far away. They looked very lonely without their riders, but because of their closeness to Kant, they did not leave. Instead, they began to walk freely on the top of the mountain. Stepping on the soft soil, from time to time, he went to the cemetery where the rider was buried for a few minutes.

"When Jocelyn comes again, they can be sold."

Kant shook his head and sighed.

Kant, who doesn't need too many horses, sold the Sarande horses produced by these systems and indirectly let them return to his own world, which is also a good ending.

After all, these are all high-quality Salander war horses.

Even the nobles of Vikia will cherish it very much and will not treat it carelessly like a horse.

This is the means by which the system recycles.

When Jocelyn left, he also bought the weapons and equipment of those who died in the system arms in the last battle, which solved Kant's troubles. After all, he didn't want so many excellent things to be handed down to the Lion Principality. It would be great to exchange the system for some dinars.

"Now, just wait for James to lead the team." Kant thought.

Curly blue smoke appeared.

In the kitchen of the ruling hall, the aroma of food cooking appeared.

It was the farmers who were making dinner. After all, as the sun slanted to the west, dusk was coming, and it was going to be dark soon. If they didn’t make dinner, they would probably have to wait until evening before everyone could have a warm meal.

The kitchen in the governing hall is not very big.

Just enough to barely maintain the food needs of more than 60 people.

PS: The fourth update. Let's encourage you to order monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and there will be another update in the evening. Remember to vote for recommendation until tomorrow. I'll see the situation tomorrow, there is a banquet for my classmates and children, and the third shift is guaranteed.

(end of this chapter)