The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 20: Great tribe in the desert


In the early morning of the Nalun Desert, the sun was still blazing.

Kant shook the reins and rode forward.

Behind them are 6 fully armed desert robbers, riding their own desert horses, their eyes are vigilant and cautious, without any slack, as if no one knows where, an ambush enemy will appear.

They are heading deep into the desert.

During the night of scouting, the gnoll tribe that attacked the sentry oasis.

"Look over there."

Kant reined in his horse and squinted at the sand dunes in front of him.

That's a lot of bunkers.

Exhaling slowly, Kant turned his head and said, "It seems that our route is correct."

"The traces they leave are obvious."

The desert robbers followed, and one of them spoke with obvious sarcasm: "With these simple dogs, I really don't know how they survived in the desert."

"If these dogs were in the desert of Sarande, they would probably be swallowed up to nothing."

The other desert robbers were also ridiculed and disdainful.

The continent of Calradia is full of disputes, and the continuous wars have made them all like desert experts.

Looking at the conspicuous traces on the sand dunes, it is undoubtedly in their eyes that they are announcing in a high profile: Hey, I am here. You know, following these traces, we can find our hometown. Come with us, we can't help but want to be slaughtered by you.

"It's ridiculous."

Kant also nodded, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Kicking the horse's belly lightly, Kant shook the reins and said lightly: "Let's continue walking, pay attention to vigilance."

"Understood." The desert robbers responded in unison.

As cavalry, their maneuverability in a short period of time was better than that of the infantry.

Following the obvious scrambled footsteps on the sand, they went deep into the desert.

As long as there is no sandstorm, they are not worried about the route and direction, because behind them, there are also traces left by their own horses, which are unique to the Nalun Desert.

Gnolls don't have horses, let alone the concept of horse taming.

This kind of creature, which can be domesticated and forms an important part of the cavalry, is actually no different from the prey in the eyes of the wolf man.

Besides, there are no horses in this thirsty desert.

There is only an endless sea of sand.

A vast expanse of visual impact.

It also symbolizes extreme poverty.

Even in Kant's view, the desolation of this Nalun Desert is worse and crueler than any desert he has ever known in his previous life, almost making it difficult for any creature to survive.

Along the way, the impression is even deeper.

Even some extremely drought-tolerant shrubs that are common in deserts are very few.

Except for a few plants that can be seen under the sand dunes near the oasis, in the depths of this desert, where there is no water, there is no green at all, only the vast, endless yellow sand that seems to swallow everything.

Cruel like purgatory.

Kant's face was gloomy.

As he got deeper into the Nalun Desert, the desolation from the barren land filled his heart.

"Who would live in a place like this?"

Swallowing his saliva, Kant's mouth was as dry as if he could breathe fire.

The same was true for the six desert robbers behind him. One of them immediately took off the water bag on his horse's back, and handed it to Kant with great insight: "My lord, drink some water first."


Kant nodded, and reached out to take the water bag.

It's still a little cool to start with, this is the spring water poured from the pond in the sentry oasis.

Take a big sip, refreshing with a bit of sweetness.

The spring water covered the heat in his heart, but Kant's heart was still heavy.

The goal of this mission was to scout out the location of the Gnoll tribe and explore the possible saline-alkali land, but he had already wasted a whole morning, which really made him a little anxious.

He doesn't want to get nothing.

"Go on, hurry up, it's almost noon."

After Kant gave a warning, he continued to ride his horse forward, speeding up the march.

The 6 desert bandits behind nodded, wiped off the water stains on the corners of their mouths, and after putting away the water bags, they also speeded up to keep up.

After all, they are cavalry.

Compared with Kant's speed when he left the Sanwaya Mountains and went to the sentry oasis, it was at least 10 times faster, and with a clear route, the entire 7-member team moved very fast.

At noon, after a short rest.

Wait for the sun to slow down and the temperature to drop, then continue to set off.

Until the sun slanted westward and dusk appeared.

Kant and the others finally stopped moving forward, because just following the messy traces under their feet, and continuing to move forward a hundred meters away, a gathering place composed of a large number of tents appeared in front of them.

It's the Gnoll tribe.

Kant's eyes narrowed slightly.

Without further instructions from him, the desert bandits next to them immediately jumped off their horses and led their desert horses to hide behind the sand dunes, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble from being discovered by these extremely large number of wolf men.

Kant also got off his horse and handed the reins to the desert robber behind him.

Then he walked towards the top of the dune, squatted down carefully and observed: "This tribe of gnolls looks much larger than the tribe in the sentinel oasis." After a pause, he added: "At least three times."

"Maybe more." The other two desert robbers who followed behind him had solemn eyes.

According to their observation, this wolf man tribe is indeed very large.

Tents made of various materials were piled up on the sandy ground in a mess without any planning. Even these wolf men with long jaws and long fangs and gray fur walked around the tents randomly, just like a slum.

The ground was littered with rubbish, leftover bones.

There is also excrement and excrement, which almost covered the sand of the entire wolf man tribe.

Many young wolf men rolled and chased each other among the excreted filth, as if these were not dirty things, but clean and hygienic plasticine, without the concept of dirty at all.

"It's disgusting."

Kant spit to the side.

Now he finally understands why those jackals always have a strange smell.

That's why.

"My lord, I have some regrettable news."

The desert bandit opened his mouth and said in a solemn tone: "Based on visual inspection, there are nearly 2,000 adult gnolls, and 200 juvenile gnolls. If nothing else, this should be a well-developed gnoll tribe."

"It's a pity." Kant nodded, his eyes filled with gloom.

Slowly lowering his head, Kant looked deeply at the front and said: "The gnoll tribe with a population of nearly 2,500 is less than a day away from our sentry oasis. No matter how you think about it, it is very dangerous."

"They also seem to have a food source for hunting."

The desert bandit continued to speak, with a more serious tone: "It's getting worse."

Kant narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction indicated by the desert robber.

His expression was slightly startled.

But immediately, his face became more gloomy.

On the edge of the messy tents of these wolf man tribes, many slaughtered livestock were placed on the sand to dry. At a glance, there were at least 300 skinned desert antelopes.

It seems that it has been in the sun for a while, and it has shrunk into the appearance of air-dried meat.

This is a small number of animals that can survive in the Nalun Desert.

It is drought-tolerant by nature, can eat a variety of vegetation, adapts to desert life, and has extremely tenacious vitality.

On the natural dividing line between the Nalun Desert and the Lion Principality, in the majestic and huge Sangwaya Mountains, there are many desert antelopes living and multiplying, of course Kant knew about it.

Even in the villages of the Lion Principality in the south, there will be hunters going to the mountains to hunt the desert antelope.

But he frowned. Although he knew that there were many desert antelopes near the Sangwaya Mountains, he didn't know that there were desert antelopes in this area deep in the desert.

And it became the prey of this gnoll tribe.

"My lord, there is one thing, maybe you haven't noticed."

Another desert robber spoke with a bit of horror on his face.

Kant frowned: "What?"

The psychological quality of the desert bandit is still good, but Kant was a little surprised by such a horrified expression.

But then, his eyes were also filled with shock.

Kant obviously realized what he was talking about, and couldn't help blurting out: "This...impossible!"

"Yes, it really exists."

The desert bandit swallowed slightly, and said slowly, "My lord, I don't know what's going on at all, but the reality is like this." After a slight pause, he continued: "In this tribe of wolf men No springs, no lakes, no soil, it's not an oasis at all, but here they are."

Their faces are impressive.

In the Gnoll tribe just a hundred meters away, there were indeed messy tents everywhere.

There are gnolls in simple linen clothes and young gnolls who don't care about hygiene.

Including looking at filth, household garbage.

But no matter how Kant observed it, the flat sand in front of him didn't look like an oasis at all!

It is really as the desert bandit said.

There is no spring water.

There are no lakes.

There is no soil.

There is no oasis.

But in this Nalun Desert, without an oasis and without water resources, it is tantamount to death!

How could it be possible to develop so well like this gnoll tribe

The gnoll tribe with a number of close to 2,500 is already considered a large tribe, but now it just appeared in this desert, in a desert area with no oasis and no water, it is really heart-wrenching.

Even more startled.

Kant couldn't help muttering to himself: "This is not scientific."

PS: Thanks to "Sword Three Dreams" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Flying Yumang" for the 300 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)