The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 201: Ruins of a sudden collapse


When the female demon died, no matter if it was the tentacles or the pitch-black eggs, they all began to shrink, drying up visible to the naked eye, turning into black powder like rotting vegetation.

Kant slowly raised his left hand, signaling to stop the attack.

However, there were still 4 Swadian sergeants on both sides carrying their shields forward and went to the stone platform to check the results of the battle.

Seeing that their skulls had been ripped open by the awl-headed arrows and the back of their heads had been pierced miserably, they turned their heads and nodded to Kant, put away their clenched hands and half of the sword and said: "It has been killed."

"Very good." Kant nodded, and praised the Ravenston people next to him: "Very decisive."

"You flatter me."

The rangers and rangers bowed slightly, appearing very humble.

After all, these are bow masters.

Excellent archer.

When they saw this female demon, their aversion to evil in their hearts had already begun to agitate. Without Kant speaking, they almost couldn't help but want to shoot, and the order from the lord made them pay the full price. Without any psychological burden, he drew his bow and shot an arrow, and killed the female demon who exuded a strong evil aura like an invader from the underworld.

People in Pendor Continent are naturally hostile to all creatures in the underworld.

Kant naturally understood.

This is the reason for Pande's worldview.

But his order to shoot also came from the task issued by the system.

walk forward.

Kant came to the corpse of the female demon who was shot into a hedgehog. He could still see the pretty oval face at first, but now it has been pierced by more than a dozen cone-headed arrows like a strange shape. Looking at this miserable appearance, it is almost the same as that goddess. On par.

He shook his head slightly.

His eyes were still calm and indifferent.

Put your hands on the forehead and temples, and the data flow spreads.

Everything in history has nothing to do with him.

Kant knew.

It is to absorb the power of these ancient survivors, make the system stronger, and make your own power stronger, which is the only thing you can rely on to survive in this world!

[Ding... After your unremitting efforts, you have completed this task.]

[Main task: "Absorb again" has been completed]

[Task Rewards: New System Functions Enabled]

[Introduction: When you thought that solving the opponent was the victory, but you didn't expect another crisis. The two women don't seem to be in the same camp, but that's okay, you're not in their camp either. By absorbing the newly emerged female demons, the system will gain new rule power again.]

Task completion dialog pops up on Retina.

Kantian thinking hides it.

The system has enabled two new functions.

But he couldn't check it for the time being, because after Kant ordered to kill the female demon, as the pitch-black tentacles and eggs withered and withered, the golden light in the sky also began to shake and dissipate.

In just a few minutes, half of the golden light had dissipated.

"Lord Kant."

Manid looked up at the dissipated golden light, and solemnly reminded: "It seems a little dangerous here. I think it's best to evacuate all of this ruin now. After all, this is inside the mountainside. If there is a collapse, we will be very dangerous."

"That's right." James nodded in agreement: "We'd better retreat immediately!"

The golden light above their heads shone brightly like the sun, bringing them a bit of stability.

But these golden lights are dissipating.

The whole and the interior quickly became dark.

Even ordinary soldiers felt that once all the golden lights disappeared, something bad might happen, and it was best to retreat quickly, so as not to be caught off guard in danger.

"Let's go." Kant also nodded.

But he looked at the huge stone coffin with pity.

There is also a slightly smaller gold coffin inside. Judging from the purity of the color, it is the purest gold. If it is shipped out, it may be more than enough to buy the title of Earl of the Lion Principality and a fief!

That golden coffin is really priceless.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Kant just wanted to speak, and wanted the soldiers behind him to pry open the golden coffin, but he didn't expect that there was a sudden violent shaking under his feet, and even the neatly cut stone slabs appeared some kind of topographical fluctuations. The ups and downs, and made the inside of the ruins shake slowly.

A large amount of muck and stones began to fall, just like a heavy rain, and the golden light that was still spreading and refracting in the sky also became smaller and dimmed very quickly.

"This place is going to collapse!"

Manid and James looked horrified, and they grabbed Kant's hand and wanted to run towards the cave.

This is inside a thousand-meter-deep mountainside.

In other words, the bottom of this mountain is not impossible.

If this space of thousands of acres collapsed directly, it would represent the collapse of the entire mountain, and millions of tons of earth and rock would directly pour down, leading them into this ruins.

At that time, this place will really become a mausoleum.

their mausoleum.

It's really unworthy to die because of this kind of thing.

But when everyone surrounded Kant and ran towards the cave quickly, more violent vibrations appeared, and even hundreds of meters above the head, in a burst of rumbling, a rock tens of meters collapsed, roaring It hit directly in the middle between the original stone platform and the stone gate of the cave.

"Boom—" The infrasound waves and air waves generated by the falling boulder instantly lifted Kant and the others who had entered the stone gate and the cave passageway, and the violent air flow gushed out in an instant.

It's like being in a storm, involuntarily.

It roared and flew four or five meters away.

Then because of the disappearance of the air wave generated at that moment, it fell heavily on the stone road in the alleyway.

"Uh...cough cough..."

Suddenly, a slightly painful cough sounded.

In the dark alleyway, the air wave even sprayed the accumulated bones directly outside along the corridor, which caused everyone to fall without a buffer layer, allowing the flesh to resist its own inertia and weight.

With the chain armor on the whole body, it is estimated that it is no different from being hit by a heavy hammer.


There was a small sound, but it was getting louder.

Everyone who was still coughing looked at each other, especially Manid, who was used to living in the sea or river, turned his head and looked into the ruins cave behind him: "Is... the sound of running water?" He said in astonishment: "It's water!"


Before everyone could react, a louder sound appeared.

It was indeed the sound of running water.

But compared to the sound of the oozing water hitting the stone slab just now, it was more like a flood directly broke the embankment, rushing into the ruins violently with a devastating momentum!

"Boom boom boom—"

The waves of water were squeezed out in a small space, and the sound of slapping and struggling was like a roar.

And at the end.

With Rhodok's skilled spearman lighting the torch brought in advance, the entire cave alley suddenly became bright. Although it was dim, he could barely see things, and he could see clearly seven or eight meters away.

"That is…"

Manid's breathing was a little short.

James next to Kant also stared wide-eyed: "It's water!"

That's right, it's water!

And a lot of water!

It surged violently inside the stone gate, as if the tide was rising, rising crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, even soaking the boots of the skilled Rhodok spearman at the bottom.

"Retreat quickly!" Kant's order sounded.

Only then did they react, and continue to climb towards the top of the corridor.

The injury from the fall just recovered a lot.

These already strong soldiers supported each other and quickly walked towards the light at the end of their eyes under the leadership of Kant, because they knew that there was their way of life, as long as they escaped to the position of the light and saw San The skies of the Waya Mountains will survive!

"Boom boom boom—"

Right behind him, the sound of water flowing and collapse could not be heard.

Every time it was like a bomb was falling.

Because the water spread in the ruins, the air in the ruins was backlogged, and there was a strong wind blowing from the inside to the outside in the entire alleyway, as if pushing them to escape from this area quickly.

In less than ten minutes, they had already seen the light that was close at hand.

Kant got out first.

James and Manid, as well as the infantry and crossbowmen came out behind them.

And inside the cave, the sound of rumbling water still resounded through their ears, causing their eardrums to ache. Even the natural sound of birdsong and beasts singing in the Sanwaya Mountains could be heard from time to time. They couldn't hear the slightest bit, they could only feel the rumble of the water that seemed to be continuous and never stop.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here!"

Manid leaned into Kant's ear and shouted loudly: "It will collapse! Dangerous!"

"I know." Kant nodded, and also shouted loudly: "Everyone, retreat immediately, leave, this, mountain, we, now, let's go!"

But the eardrums were buzzing, and everyone couldn't hear clearly.

Can only act with gestures and mouth movements.

After leaving the cave and returning to the top of the mountain, the "Aaron" village that was originally located here was not affected in the slightest, except for the 20 skilled Rhodok spearmen and 20 skilled Rhodok crossbowmen stationed there. , because of the panic of those loud noises, saw Kant and the others hurried over to salute respectfully, and at the same time reported the situation they encountered so far.

"Let's go!" Kant didn't talk nonsense, and he couldn't understand the reports of these guys. Instead, he pointed them to the gentle hillside and the paved road in the north, and said loudly, "Let's go!"

If the thousands of acres of caves collapsed, this mountain would also suffer.

Collapse is a good thing.

If there is a large-scale depression, the entire mountain will be completely subverted!

stay on top.

It's like waiting to die!

Rhodok's village disappeared, and if he was lucky enough to draw a village again in the future, he could continue to build. If he died, then everything would be in vain. Kant would not let his life be threatened at all.

He is very sorry for his life.

The soldiers behind him were also running fast.

And those obedient war horses and dromedary camels also seemed to sense the vibration of the ground, and they quickly came to them, stopped to be ridden by their respective owners, or brought additional people, and quickly walked towards the mountains along the paved road I rushed to the desert outside, in short, I wanted to stay away from this mountain top.

(end of this chapter)