The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 203: Aaron's prosperity weather


Perhaps this ruins cut off the underground river in the mountains when it was built, and any abnormal situation would trigger a self-destruct program, causing the water of the underground river that had been accumulated for thousands of years to pour out, obliterating everything in that gushing During the flood discharge, let the ruins become a tool to destroy the enemy, and die together.

Perhaps for thousands of years, underground rivers eroded the caves and diverted river water in series. This is very common in the natural environment. After all, everything can happen in thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

These speculations are reasonable, but for now, they are also of little help.

Knowing history can understand the truth of gains and losses, but history is only experience after all, it is an anecdote, and it cannot provide any help to Kant now, and it is dispensable.

Kant didn't need to know what ever happened here.

There is also no need to know what kind of grievances are there between the divine saint in the ruins who has survived in the golden coffin for at least ten thousand years, or the female demon who claimed to break the seal due to the weakening of the golden light.

The present era is not the era of the gods.

Even if the so-called gods come back, Kant will not let them go.

Just as the gods would never allow forces that challenge their authority to appear, Kant, who has no faith and no blessing from the gods, is definitely an existence they want to erase.

Kant could not offer his soul to the gods for protection.

From the current point of view, the two sides already have irreconcilable contradictions.

And the most intense kind.

"But fortunately, now is the age of Dharma. The mages and priests who used to be high above have to bow their heads to the swords in our hands. Even demons have to die in front of Feather Arrow."

Kant's voice appeared behind the stone gate.

Turning his head to look at Manid, James, and the accompanying Swadian knights on both sides who were faintly stunned and shocked, he said in a deep voice: "No one will be our opponent, this is the belief I firmly believe in. .”

James is a little older, so he reacted quickly: "Under your leadership, it will definitely happen."

"Yes... yes." The others also nodded in response, and at the same time turned their eyes back to the stone gate in front of them with some shame.

The scene inside the stone gate still shocked them.

Although I have seen the magnificent internal sculpture and architectural structure before, as well as the almost wide space, but after all, the demonic wolf and the two female enemies attracted attention and attention, so I didn't observe it carefully.

Now relax.

When I checked again, the ruins of the overall collapse caused by the flood, although a little less solemn and solemn, had a little more shock brought by the precipitation of time.

The stone platform under the statue is still there.

The stone coffins wrapped in golden coffins are also listed on the stone platform, as well as the god-born saintesses in gold silk costumes on the left and right sides, and the female demons wrapped in black cloaks and with goat horns on their foreheads.

They were all corpses, and the death conditions were equally miserable.

"That's good."

Kant breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes became more eager.

It would be fine for the two worthless corpses to remain in the underground river casually, but the gold coffin weighing several tons is not acceptable. If it is really washed away by the flood, or sinks into the deep river outside the stone platform, then Kant will die. Absolutely not happy, this is tantamount to giving up ready-made dinars.

Jocelyn, the caravan leader from Zhiwading, once said that gold can be exchanged for dinars.

Although no specific price was mentioned.

But just by looking at the solemnity Jocelyn said, the exchange rate is definitely not low!

How to say that gold is the hard currency of all planes and crystal wall systems!

The same is true for Calradia.

These water sources are the agricultural basis for the long-term development of "Aaron", and these golds are definitely the spoils for Kant to harvest a large amount of dinars and gain more development opportunities.

As for whether this golden coffin might be a strange object

Kant didn't care.

A large amount of dinars can be earned, even if it is a wonder, he has no shortage of wonders now!


Slightly raising his head, Kant glanced at the edge of the stone platform, and there were two stone statues together with the stone platform, which were being made into a kneeling appearance, and the two sun discs were raised with both hands, still emitting golden light.

Therefore, although the interior of the ruins is dim, they can still barely see things.

But the flood continued to flow.

The stone slab ground outside the stone platform collapsed as a whole, forming a deep and dark underground river. Even under the shining golden light above, you can vaguely see an unknown big fish more than 1 meter long swimming back and forth, with its dorsal fin emerging from the water from time to time, slightly The black scales are neatly arranged, and it looks like a carnivorous fish.

There are really not many vegetarian fish in the underground river.

“Ready-to-eat fish!”

Manid raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the flood outside the stone gate, there are many small and shoals of fish, mixed with the 1 meter long fish swimming past, appearing and disappearing in the flood, can't help Zhu turned his head and smiled at Kant: "I really envy Yalun Village. It seems that they not only have more game, but also can develop fishery."

This underground river can be used for fishing. Looking at the abundant fish schools, we can know that the natural fish resources in this underground river are rich.

Moreover, the water seeping out from the cracks in the mountains, the small lakes formed at the foot of the mountains, and the small rivers that spread out of the mountains are all natural environments where fish can be raised, and artificial fishing grounds can be formed with a little modification of the terrain.

As long as Kant has fish species, he can quickly breed a lot of fish.

Making smoked fish and increasing the variety of food is definitely not a dream for this "Aaron" village. The grain in the warehouse is definitely an important stronghold at the agricultural base level!

In terms of development prospects, this "Aaron" village surpassed "Drehem" almost at the beginning of its establishment.

Because the resources here are really rich!

It's just that the necessary development is missing.

Once it takes two or three years to let "Drehem" supply this place first for development, and everything is fully developed, "Aaron" will feed "Drehem" back, forming a stage of mutual benefit and win-win.

Kant did not intend to develop "Aaron" into a castle.

Instead, the choice of subsequent upgrades is based on towns.

After all, the castle is the main point of controlling a certain place, and it is used for military purposes. In terms of people's livelihood, agriculture, and business development, it is completely backward, or it is purely military-centered.

The military upgrade of "Drehem" is due to the existence of external enemies.

And "Aaron" has no enemies, even if there are potential enemies, they are only beasts and demonized creatures in the mountains.

So the two are different in nature.

"Let's go back."

Kant had already made up his mind, so he led the team away from the stone gate and the cave passage.

The ruins had become his possession.

The entire area around the area where "Aaron" is located is also in Kant's pocket.

Now just need to develop.

The golden coffin is still on the stone platform, waiting for the small sampan to be made in the future, so that people can divide it and transport it out. Naturally, the things in the bag that have been firmly held in the pocket cannot escape.

... ... ...

The village "Aaron" is built.

In order to ensure development, Kant stayed in the Samwaya Mountains until the end of the month before finally preparing to leave. This is why James and Manid were worried about the "Drehem" side and let Kant go back first.

During this time, the village of "Aaron" went on to develop rapidly.

The 20 traditional Rhodok houses are arranged in an orderly manner next to the government hall, forming 3 small streets with the 10 previously built houses, which have been inhabited by 300 Rhodok farmers who fled.

And on the south side of the governing hall, near the mountain top flatland deep in the mountains, it has basically been leveled to look like farmland.

But because the soil layer is thin, some areas are even less than 20 centimeters, and they are full of crushed stones. Therefore, these farmers are using hoes to search for soil on other hills, and bring them back in rattan baskets. Artificially began to lay bedding and raise the soil layer. , Lay the foundation for future agriculture, so that the mountain fields that can be planted can be quickly reclaimed.

And just beside the crack in the mountain at the foot of the mountain, where the underground river gushes out, a water mill has also been built. The water mill turns fast, driving the stone mill inside to crush the grain and turn it into flour.

Farmers load up the flour and bake it in the kitchens of the houses.

Curly blue smoke lingered in the sky.

The "Aaron" village finally showed some prosperity.

And just inside the wall, 40 Ravenston rangers armed with heavy bows patrolled under the leadership of 7 Ravenston rangers, vigilantly scanning the situation outside the hill, using superb archery skills to guard Overseeing the safety of the "Aaron" village, ensuring the stability and belonging of this place.

During this period of time, at least 30 demonized creatures without eyes have fallen under their arrows.

Although they are all common species, it also shows their strength.

At the same time, 10 Swadian sniper shooters and 20 senior Rhodok shooters are stationed in the governing hall. They all use heavy crossbows. The difference may be that the level 5 shooters have slightly more proficiency and experience.

It has to be said that Rhodok is a natural master in crossbows and polearms.

Thirteen Swadian sergeants and 40 senior Rhodok spearmen with long-handled swords have formed a force that can face demonized creatures of ferocious species and also has fierce combat effectiveness.

They killed 2 of the 3 ferocious demonized creatures hanging in the governing hall.

And it was a battle without casualties.

Of course, Ravenston's archers and Swadia's and Rhodok's crossbowmen also provided the necessary help so that these melee units could easily deal with the ferocious demonized creatures.

The combat capabilities of the soldiers forming a battle order far surpassed that of beasts.

PS: An update today. 2 updates will resume on the 18th, and the update will explode on the 20th until the end of the month! Not too eunuch, believe me, this book will be fine in no time, can I be a eunuch? joke! !

PS: If you recommend a friend's "One Hand to the Sky", if you get a right arm of a great god, how would you feel? Swords, guns and sticks are hard to get into my body, and demons and goblins don't want to be rampant! Regardless of your intrigues and myriad thoughts; I will go all the way with one arm, one way and the other!

(end of this chapter)