The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 204: Caravans appearing one after another


Everything stabilized.

Kant inspected the village. Although it was still small, it also had a prosperous atmosphere.

Sweeping across the corner of the southwest, there are 10 3-meter-high earthen kilns built with stones and soil, and puffs of blue smoke rise up, but this blue smoke is not conspicuous, because it has not risen from the top of the mountain. Ten meters away, it dissipated in the slight mountain wind that appeared all the time in the Sanwaya Mountains, and it was no longer visible.

This is the only building currently producing goods in the "Aaron" village.

charcoal kiln.

Exclusively for the sentry oasis salt workshop.

At the same time, it also provided the family of "Drehem" with heating materials at night.

Now 30 Rhodok farmers are in charge of it full-time. After all, in addition to transporting the charcoal to "Drehem", there is also a lot of demand in "Aaron" where I live.

For example, all kinds of prey brought back by hunting teams, after being skinned and dissected, are made into long strips of meat, all relying on these charcoals to smoke and roast, sprinkle a layer of fine white salt while it is hot, and hang them in the shade Waiting for natural air-drying, it can form air-dried meat that can be stored for a long time, and it can be supplied to "Drehem" to increase meat.

The rich flora and fauna of the Sanwaya Mountains has no shortage of resources.

The hunting team can harvest a lot of prey just by wandering around a few nearby hills and surveying the terrain.

The demonized creatures have been eliminated.

The rest are wild boars, desert antelopes, elks, pheasants, hares, foxes and other small wild animals, or large wild animals such as wild wolves, black bears, lions, and cheetahs. The foresters are the main ones, leading a hunting team composed of Rhodok farmers, posing the slightest threat.

Instead, it has become the main source of air-dried meat in the village of "Aaron".

At the same time, the cleared hilltops were also planned as forest farms to vigorously develop the logging industry.

Just at the foot of the forest farm, there are small rivers formed by underground rivers gushing out of the ground, and on both sides of the paved road, there are logging camps, and a large amount of wood is cut down every day and transported to the bottom of the mountain in the village of "Aaron". Next to the lake, there are special personnel waiting to process this batch of wood.

The firewood is directly chopped into blocks and transported to the charcoal kiln on the mountain top to burn high-quality charcoal.

This is the complete planning process of "Aaron" at present.

Follow-up planning has also initially followed.

Kant, Manid, and James once inspected the hills on both sides of the river. The areas with relatively gentle slopes are where the logging industry is vigorously developed, and the trees are being felled vigorously.

When all the trees on these hillsides are cleared, they will be leveled.

Although the Rhodoks do not have the technology to build terraces, this technology is not a top secret that cannot be learned, and it is not difficult to imitate. Kant, who has previous life experience, understands this in his mind. Experiment on the hillside, and finally perfectly form the first-class terraces that can grow lush crops.

For this reason, a week ago, the small river next to the paved road was slightly dredged.

Block any overflowing creeks.

At the same time, the silt in the shallows and other places was dug to make the depth of the creek close to 2 meters.

The canyon between the hills was originally the flow route for flood discharge after heavy rains in the past. After years of erosion, a river channel has long been formed, but it only appeared during the summer heavy rain season, and now it has become a constant flow of rivers.

According to Manid, the creek is perfectly navigable.

Although it can only drive a small sampan with a width of 1 meter.

But it also belongs to sailing.

Hundreds of small sampans with a width of 1 meter and a length of 3 meters go down the river, and the cargo they carry can exceed the load of hundreds of pack horses, and the speed is very fast. As long as you are careful about the winding river in the canyon, it will take less than 30 minutes. You can walk through the caravan composed of pack horses or camels, which takes nearly 4 hours.

The mountain where the "Aaron" village is located is far from the edge of the mountain range where the desert is located.

Although this is still the outer area of the Sanwaya Mountain Range, the so-called outer area is still a dauntingly large area compared to the entire mountain range.

You know, when Kant entered the mountains.

Even if there were systematic roads, he didn't arrive here from morning until near dusk.

It took nearly half of the day.

Even if paved roads are built.

It takes about 3 hours to reach the foot of the mountain from the entrance simply by cavalry driving the horses for a fast trek, let alone the slower packhorse caravan.

Kant had even more long-term plans.

If possible, when a new spring is drawn, he will definitely place it on the way of this river, replenish the water volume arbitrarily, and even let this river go deep into the Nalun Desert, pass through the vast sand dunes, and directly reach the "De The sentry oasis where "Rehm" is located connects the two with each other, and they are completely and closely connected.

If this is the case, the passage between the two places may not take three days to go back and forth.

And the banks of the river will become oases.

Just like on both sides of the Nile River, a large number of riverside plants suitable for survival on sandy land and a large number of trees are used to resist the erosion of the desert, and even reverse the erosion of the desert to form a wider riverside oasis.

Somewhat impractical.

But it is indeed Kant's ambition.

His plan is to use the system mall to draw a large number of natural environments such as springs or lakes, and to complete the preliminary completion in 10 years, to establish the connection of rivers and roads between the two places, and to completely tie them together.

At that time, the southern part of the Nalun Desert will be under his complete control.

With the big killer of river transport.

His heavy troops can reach both places with great speed.

Even reach any section of the river between the two places to launch counterattacks and raids on the enemy.

This ambition, even if it is unrealistic, can be realized with Kant's systematic help. For him who is still young, as long as he chooses to wait, the future will not be grim.

Occupying the right time, place and people, time is on Kant's side!

... ... ...

"Aaron" Village is on track.

Kant temporarily handed over the rights to James and planned to return.

Fifty Swadian knights followed him back to "Drehem", while Manid took the camel caravan, 7 Mamluks, and 20 desert robbers to the Stone Pass again.

Forty bags of fine white salt are still on the dromedary's back.

The salt trade will continue this month.

Manid is currently fully responsible for this task. At the same time, he can also purchase a large amount of tools and food, and indirectly use the large silver coins obtained, all of which will be turned into materials. Aaron" to speed up the development of this Rhodok village.

To some extent, "Aaron" has much more room for development than "Drehem".

"let's go."

Leaving the scope of the paved road, Kant led the team into the Nalun Desert.

A scorching wave of air surged in.

Although it was early in the morning, Kant, who was used to the cool climate of the mountains, felt a burning and tormenting feeling. Even if he got familiar with it quickly, he still felt quite uncomfortable.

No one likes the brutal environment of the Nalun Desert.

Shaking his head slightly.

Kant shook the reins, and the group continued to ride forward.

It would take them a day and two nights to reach the post station, and then they would have to walk a day and a night before they finally reached the sentry oasis. The time was relatively tight.

Leave from the beginning of the month.

It's the end of the month now.

Kant delayed the upgrade of "Drehem".

After all, in the middle of the month, the fortress on this oasis can be upgraded to a castle.

Of course, the delay was well worth it in Kant's view.

The newly emerged village "Aaron" is already on the right track. According to his calculations, in a year's time, as a town, it will be able to feed back the military castle "Drehem" on a large scale.

At that time, the two sides will echo each other between the north and the south.

As indestructible as horns.

And when the development reaches a certain level, new villages will continue to appear.

After all, as the controller of the southern part of the Nalun Desert and the lord of the entire Nalun Desert in name, Kant's power cannot be supported by these two points.

If possible, Kant would arrange for a new village to be built in the depths of the desert.

This is a preparation for contacting the forces on the coast of Mannheim in the future, and after Kant returns to "Drehem", he will also put this plan on the agenda.

A new system emerged.

Or two.

Kant has not yet studied in depth, but he has been deeply shocked.

Because the emergence of the two systems brought about two completely different extraordinary powers!

And it is these extraordinary powers that give him confidence, even if he touches the coast of Mannheim in the north of the Nalun Desert, he has the confidence to protect himself, and even occupies the absolute initiative in his own area in the south. , once again organized the Jackal Expeditionary Army to conquer, and Kant was also confident that they would be crushed among the dunes again.

What's more, the results of the battle in the Sanwaya Mountains this time are extremely rich!

Sunset and sunrise.

Kant led the team and rushed back at a high speed.

Come to the station soon.

The 10 Swadian recruits rushed over to greet them, and at the same time, the 40 desert robbers were also notified to ride back, just to salute and say hello to Kant and report the latest news.

They are the garrison force stationed at the station just this month.

Scout the desert on weekdays.

However, after Kant arrived, the news they reported was not optimistic.

"What? A lot of scouts showed up in the desert?"

Slightly frowning, Kant sat on a chair with a wooden bowl in his hand, not caring to drink the cool well water, but asked the four leading desert robbers in front of him, "What's the matter, so many people appear? Remember before leaving at the beginning of the month, no one seemed to come to the Nalun Desert at all?"

"That's true." The desert bandit replied: "We have repelled three waves of guys who claimed to be caravans, and there was one time when they almost started a war because they ignored our dissuasion."

"It's really fast enough."

Kant lowered his head slightly, his thoughts wandered, he raised his head and praised: "You guys did a good job." But he still put down the wooden bowl, reached out and knocked on the table and said: "Next, I will continue to mobilize some Sarande riders to help, here is The only way to the sentry oasis, you should pay more attention to the surrounding situation."

"Understood." The desert bandits replied in a low voice.

PS: Brothers, resume updating today! 3 more guarantee!

(end of this chapter)