The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 208: Miraculous construction


The data provided by the system is very detailed.

Kant carefully looked at the slightest detail.

This is the castle-level data of "Drehem", and it must not be taken lightly.

After all, the next construction represents Kant’s official foothold in the Nalun Desert and the construction of his own castle, which is the center of the power. Whether it is expanding outward or sticking to the same place, it must be carefully considered.

Swipe to build buildings.

There are many buildings, but they are not complicated, but Kant's eyes are slightly stunned.

The buildable castle-level buildings look familiar.

Many buildings existed in the fort-level buildings, and now they have been built inside the city walls, and they are all similar in function, or exactly the same, the difference is only the upgraded version and the non-upgraded version.

Such as towers, arrow towers, city walls.

It became a large tower, a large arrow tower, and a high-level city wall.

Although it seems that only two words have been added to the building, the architectural picture displayed on Kant's retina is not only that, but even larger and more magnificent!

Compared with the original 5-meter-high city wall, a 2-meter wooden attic was added to the 7-meter city wall.

The high-grade city wall is completely 7 meters high, and the whole body is made of bluestone strips that are 2 meters long and half a meter thick. The width of the city wall has also changed from 2 meters to 5 meters. There is no interlayer in the middle, and the whole building is completed. In addition to large-caliber artillery, it can only collapse. It is already the era of cold weapons and a nightmare for siege troops.

And the three training camps can even provide the recruitment of advanced arms.

This is the compromise of the system.

According to the original game, it is impossible to directly recruit mid-to-high-level units. You can only go through the first-level units, gain experience points after going through battles, and slowly upgrade.

Such was the case with the troops of the Kingdom of Swadia.

If it is an upgrade, it must be gradually upgraded from the 5 steps of level 1-level 2-level 3-level 4-level 5.

Quite cumbersome.

Kant was aware of this.

Therefore, Kant directly used the troop upgrades presented during the lottery draw by the system in the governing hall.

Now "Drehem" can directly recruit level 2 Swadian militia.

But even the second-level militia, for the enemies that Kant is currently facing, also loses the ability to engage in frontal battlefields. Perhaps only the third-level units, light infantry wearing chain mail, Germanic swords and fan shields, can be used in battle. An infantry line against the onslaught of the enemy.

Only the 4th-level infantry and 5th-level sergeants who wear chain armor belong to the heavy infantry are the ones to rely on to maintain the front.

As for the level 4 heavy cavalry and level 5 knights, they are the real main forces that Kant relies on!

And about the crossbowmen of Swadia...

With the village "Aaron" in the Rhodok Kingdom, there is the strongest sniper crossbowman, and there is no need to recruit at all. Even in terms of infantry combat effectiveness, those Rhodok sergeants with long-handled heavy scythes can beat Swadi The sergeants of the sub-kingdom were eliminated, and even the 6th-level infantry Nord royal guards could compete with each other.

However, Swadian sergeants are good at using swords and shields. With the combination of warrior swords and thick fan-shaped shields, they can directly cut into the enemy's battlefield, which makes up for the shortcomings of Rhodok sergeants who use long-handled heavy scythes without changing their actions.

Kant withdrew his mind.

I couldn't help feeling the strength of the castle level in my heart.

With all these buildings appearing, the elite troops recruited can completely guard the area.

Even if the enemy attacks, they can rely on the perfect fortifications to fight against the enemy, and even use the powerful field capabilities of the Kingdom of Swadia to defeat the exhausted enemy.

Just like dealing with the expeditionary forces of the Gray Mane Kingdom back then!

Live examples are at hand.

Moreover, Kant didn't believe that, based on this castle erected in the oasis in the depths of the desert, what kind of enemies can besiege it for a long time, and it probably won't take long before it will retreat on its own.

Even the nearest Lion Principality.

Ten years ago, 2,000 troops retreated across the board in less than two months.

Logistics supply in the desert is a huge hassle!

Slightly pondered.

With consideration in mind, Kant directly communicated with the system, and Shen Sheng issued a series of orders: "Upgrade all the current stone city walls to castle-level city walls, build a large arrow tower every 10 meters, and build a large tower every 30 meters , all the city gates were upgraded to high-level city gates, and a large arrow tower and towers were built on each side."

The large arrow tower is 15 meters high and divided into 4 floors, which can accommodate 50 archers.

The large tower is 20 meters high and divided into 6 floors, which can accommodate 80 archers.

It can be said that these castle-level large arrow towers and large towers have been built along the city wall, and they are basically impenetrable. Any enemy troops who attempt to attack the city wall must suffer tragic casualties when they approach the city wall, otherwise they will rely on their lives alone. Pile up, I don't know how many people can get close.

What's more, with the range and rate of fire of the Vekia archers, as well as the strength and height of the city wall, the enemy can completely dispel the attempt to attack the city wall with simple siege weapons.

Like ordinary long ladders and simple siege cones, it is impossible to break through castle-level high-level city walls.

The 5-meter-thick high-grade city wall is made of bluestone blocks.

It has reached the point where it is necessary to use advanced siege weapons such as siege vehicles, siege towers, and catapults to approach the city wall and suppress enemy firepower, and it is possible to capture the city wall.

As for whether it can withstand the rain of arrows and defeat the stubbornly resisting city wall defenders, that's another matter.

What's more, the heavy cavalry troops of the Kingdom of Swadia are not vegetarians.

[Ding... system prompt]

[This construction requires a total of 29,570 dinars. Do you choose to build?]

With the expenditure of nearly 30,000 dinars, the walls of the entire "Drehem" castle changed suddenly. The construction team from Su Nuo had already appeared behind the sand dunes not far away. The number was huge, and the number of people had exceeded 500. The large amount of wood and stone brought, as well as construction tools, were filled with 100 large carriages.

It is a huge amount of work to upgrade and build all the city walls, arrow towers, and towers.

The overall construction time given by the system has also reached 150 days.

Nearly half a year.

According to the real world, in the era of cold weapons, manpower is the main force, and the city wall fortification with such a defensive effect can be harvested in half a year, which is absolutely amazing.

From the perspective of the game, the so-called 150 days is about 20 hours in reality.

Play the game for several days in a row and you're done.

But now, even though it is the real world, Kant also has the system time in the game.

150 days, half a year later, it was a bit long for Kant.

Have system help.

Any construction project of Kant can be completed in a short time!

The system once reminded Kant not to waste his prestige recklessly, so he still kept the prestige points he gained, and now, these reserved prestige points played the most critical role!

Now 10 reputation can reduce the construction time by 1 day.

Then it means that Kant's 150 days of construction time can be completely offset by 1500 reputation!

For Kant, who has 24300 reputation, it is a drop in the bucket.

Various mainline missions, temporary missions, and special missions have allowed Kant to accumulate such a large-scale reputation. Now is the time to use it, and he doesn't need to care about consumption at all!

That in itself is his saving of prestige!

There is no burden to use it.

"System." Thinking directly communicated with the system, Kant's command issued to the system: "Pay 1500 reputation immediately, and immediately shorten the construction of all city wall projects to 1 day!"

[Ding... The construction time has been shortened.]

The system pops up a prompt.

In Kant's mind, the number of prestige points immediately dropped by 1500 points.

But there are 22800 remaining.

The corner of Kant's mouth curled up into a smile, and he used the golden finger of the system to directly complete the building. This feeling is extraordinary, because a large amount of data flow has begun to permeate the "Drehem" castle below him.

The sound of clanging buildings sounded extremely fast.

At a speed almost visible to the naked eye, the outlines of the city walls and arrow towers have appeared.

And it tends to completion as the data flow gets involved.

The 150-day construction time has been shortened to the current 1 day, which is almost equal to the completion of the project. The four walls are tall and wide, with large arrow towers every 10 meters, and one large tower every 30 meters.

These fortifications are one after the other, like giants.

In front of the 10-meter-high city wall, the 15-meter-high arrow tower, and the 20-meter-high tower, the buildings on the inner side of the city wall were as low as a chick. Even the 15-meter-high governing hall seemed much shorter.

However, as the main building of the castle, the governing hall occupies a larger area, with thicker walls and better defense.

After all, this is an all-round defense.

When the enemy breaks through the city wall, all the soldiers and civilians in the "Drehem" castle will enter the ruling hall for defense. The height of the 6-story building can accommodate thousands of people, and it is no problem to hold on to the enemy's retreat.

Of course, Kant would not let the enemy break into the walls.

The current 1,500 civilians can directly become 1,500 Swadian militiamen as the bell tower rings.

Although the combat power is relatively weak, he is not afraid of death because of protecting his homeland.

And in the list of buildings, the clock tower can also be upgraded, and Kant scanned the list of buildings that can be upgraded and constructed, and at the same time issued instructions faster: "Upgrade all houses, upgrade the clock tower, build infantry, cavalry, crossbowman training field, and build all livelihood buildings at the same time.”

Under the premise of dinars and reputation, under the blessing of the system's rules, the building was completed like a miracle!

PS: Don't wait for my 1,000 yuan red envelope, there are 3 more updates tonight. Book the last 1 update at 2 o'clock in the morning. With so much money, if I send a red envelope, my wife will kick me out of the house...

PS: I recommend a friend's "Online Game: Evolutionary Battlefield", the heroic and invincible lord article, this time the book is definitely not talking big, the plot is wonderful, and it is absolutely beautiful! The archangel waved the sword of judgment in his hand, and the knight launched a charge that swept across the earth. The thunderous roar of the dragon echoed in the sky, and the Lich threw magic that covered the battlefield. The Titan's Thunder was condensed in the hands of the Titans, and the Snake Demons entered the battlefield in groups. Archers covered the sky with rain of arrows, and skeletons drowned the creatures on the green earth.

(end of this chapter)