The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 210: The emergence of professional craftsmen


After careful consideration, Kant has already made a decision.

The 15-meter-high water tower is built in the spring water behind the government hall, and the bottom is just in the middle of the spring.

With the transformation of the system, the springs that have been connected to the water element plane are gushing clear fresh water, and inside the stone wall at the bottom of the water tower, the wooden water cart also starts to rotate, drawing a large amount of fresh water into the upper layer The 5-meter-high wooden water tower, like a big-headed doll, serves as a water reserve.

At the same time, Kant also built two water towers in the eastern military area, southern residential area, western handicraft area, and central residential streets, forming a total of seven water towers.

And next to the water tower, build a deep well and a fire tower again, let the wooden water pump extend into it, as long as civilians come to the water pump to operate, they can quickly replenish the fresh water with the help of the water pump. In the water tower, a reserve water source is formed to supplement the daily demand for water.

The water stored in the water tower will also be distributed to the fire tower.

These 20-meter-high buildings can overlook the entire "Drehem" castle at present. The source of any fire will be instructed by the observers stationed at the top of the fire tower, so that the fire brigade on the ground will dispatch and use the matching water truck And buckets, carry the clear water from the fire tower to quickly extinguish the fire.

These supporting buildings with water towers are helpers in preventing fires!

Of course, there are also small fountains.

Kant also set up four small fountains on the southwest and northeast sides.

The four small fountains on the southwest side ensure the daily water supply in the administrative area, handicraft area, and residential area respectively, and in critical moments, before the fire brigade arrives, they can control the spread of the fire by themselves.

The four small fountains on the northeast side are mainly for the soldiers in the military area.

So to speak.

These 2-story pools with a width of more than 3 meters and a height of more than 1 meter are not just ornamental fountains.

It is still the main force of drinking water and fire fighting!

In the daily process, you can also enjoy the spring water with beautiful arcs, and the water mist is formed when the spring water is sprinkled, which reduces the temperature inside the entire city wall.

Although the effect is not great, it can also add a bit of water vapor, so it won't look too hot.

This depends on the water diversion channel.

This kind of stone and wood-based building is actually a unique building that refers to the drinking water pipes of the Kingdom of Rhodok and the Kingdom of Sarande, and is formed through systematic integration.

It is even a soul building that mobilizes the water source in the "Drehem" castle.

Build more carefully.

Because the establishment of water diversion channels is related to the drinking water, fire prevention and fire fighting of the whole residents, and the distribution of water resources.

Connect water towers, deep wells, fire towers, small fountains.

It is the core of the entire "Drehem" water source mobilization!

The water diversion channel is divided into upper and lower layers.

The upper layer is dominated by the trunks of date palm trees, hollowed out to form a channel, erected on the four walls and the top of the house, and finally connected to the water tower, and then flowed into the underground water diversion channel.

The underground water diversion channels are neatly built from finely cut stones.

At the same time, lime and other materials to prevent water seepage were applied.

Then buried half a meter deep in the ground, together with the 8 small fountains in the entire "Drehem" castle, finally formed a siphon effect, allowing wonderful water to spray out of the fountains.

Even the governing hall has a separate water diversion channel.

This is similar to the aqueduct engineering of the Romans.

But the difference is that these water diversion channels have not reached the scale that spans several kilometers to bring drinking water from lakes on the mountains into the city. They only use manpower to transport fresh water from lakes and deep wells to various parts of the castle.

But although the scale is small.

But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, making the "Drehem" castle impeccable!

To ensure safety.

Civilian building guard towers are also built in the 4 districts in the castle.

The jurisdiction of these 4 guard towers is very wide.

It is similar to the urban management system, which maintains order and cleanliness of the streets during peacetime, patrols the streets during wartime, maintains stability, searches for spies, and demonstrates the castle's official determination to maintain stability and the appearance of winning.

It's just that there are no outsiders in the current castle, so the guard tower is just for show.

After all, these soldiers and civilians are constantly loyal, and it is impossible for Kant to betray.

As for spies.

Kant has not yet planned to open the "Drehem" castle, and these mouse-like guys will not appear.

As for other civil buildings.

For example, the Artisan Guild is built next to the training ground.

This is a building where craftsmen can be recruited or trained. The craftsmen recruited can make siege or defense weapons, such as catapults, towers, long ladders, or ballistas.

But it is not a craftsman who makes siege equipment.

In the craftsman guild, there are also professional blacksmiths, sugar makers, salt makers, weavers, tailors, etc.

These full-time craftsmen trained and recruited by the guild are all skilled professional skills.

Just like farmers are more suitable for farming.

These full-time craftsmen fill the current vacancies in the handicraft industry of "Drehem" Castle, such as salt workshops, sugar workshops, and linen workshops, all of which can cultivate excellent talents to settle in and start more efficient work. Temporary guest appearances, completely part-time farmers are much better.

There are even various workers needed in the weapon workshop.

For example, professional craftsmen such as arrow craftsmen, spear craftsmen, leather craftsmen, and weapon craftsmen.

Weapon Workshop Kant acquired this building at the fortress level.

But the cost performance is lower.

Only weapons such as wooden sticks can be produced, even leather armor, but due to the unfamiliar craftsmanship of the farmers and the lack of professional production talents, they cannot be produced, so they can only choose to give up in the end.

Although ironing and tanning, it seems very simple.

But without practical experience, it is really impossible to complete the production of weapons.

Otherwise, it would be too childish to simply hand over defective weapons to the soldiers to defend their homes and the country.

On the real battlefield, if there are no high-quality weapons, relying on these inferior products alone, it is estimated that the weapons will break or shatter directly when they come into contact with the enemy's formation, and it is impossible to maintain a high-intensity battle.

In the end, the battle failed and tragedy was staged.

The emergence of the craftsmen's guild also made up for this shortcoming.

The current "Drehem" castle has an advanced weapon workshop. As long as there are raw materials such as iron ingots, it is completely possible to manufacture weapons by itself. There is no need to continue to purchase weapons and spend a lot of dinars.

Although Jocelyn, a businessman from Zhiwading, gets along well, he is a businessman after all.

Broken goods cannot be sold for a few dinars.

Replacement of lost weapons, such as lances and spears in the hands of cavalry, consumes a lot of dinars.

This is a system limitation.

Unless you have your own arsenal.

Now, Kant has been able to confirm that the weapon workshop can be put into use.

Buy extremely cheap iron ingots from the Vikia Kingdom, let professional blacksmiths and full-time weapon craftsmen make various weapons and armor, and distribute them to soldiers. Be a source of dinars.

Weapons can also be a lucrative trade, no less than the trade in salt, sugar and spices.

The stone pass is very good.

Those noble knights can only wear repaired chain mail. Seeing the excellent chain armor on the Sarande riders, military spears, Sarande swords and Sarande shields and other weapons and equipment, they are extremely envious , and even became evil because of greed, and finally died under the close-range charge of the Sarande riders and desert robbers.

Well-made weapons and equipment are often hard currency, and they are strategic materials that are difficult to purchase even with payment!

This is true even for ordinary spears and short swords.

Weapons that can kill the enemy on the battlefield and armor that can protect oneself on the battlefield are good things.

Otherwise, it would not be so difficult for Kant to purchase arrows.

If it weren't for Baron Dylan of the Stone Pass, who felt that Kant was still to be used, it is estimated that the small amount of weapons and longbows and arrows that are almost like sending away beggars, even if they are inferior products, would not be given to him.

This represents an armed force capable of killing the enemy!

Only names and utensils cannot be fake people, and the meanings are almost the same.

Kant understood this truth.

At present, the castle-level building is basically completed, and the remaining large prison cells have also been upgraded at will. This building used to hold prisoners, spies, and enemies is not very useful.

It was randomly arranged on the city wall at the southeast corner of the military area, serving as the number of buildings.

However, advanced watchtowers are extremely effective.

This kind of ground floor is nearly 6 meters wide, and then it is built with stones, extending straight to 40 meters high, with a high-level watchtower with a top of about 1 meter, almost reaching the position of Kant's current perspective of God.

The field of vision is extremely wide.

In places with clear weather, sufficient light, and flat terrain, you can even faintly detect movements ten kilometers away.

This level of vision can be called terrifying.

If equipped with a large telescope, even 20 kilometers can be seen clearly.

It can be said that after the completion of this advanced watchtower, any enemy marching in the daytime will be spotted by the security personnel above in the shortest possible time. Even at night, with the help of moonlight, they can also find a dark patch within 2 kilometers. The target is different from the khaki color of the Nalun Desert.

With this advanced watchtower, the enemy will lose the possibility of sneak attack!

Because the Nalun Desert is a relatively flat area where the height of the dunes is generally less than 5 meters.

And Kant built this high-level watchtower next to the governing hall, next to the large clock tower, and even extended to the governing hall, and opened a door at a position of 15 meters to connect the city wall and roof of the governing hall, so that The three buildings are completely connected as a whole, forming three levels of observation perspectives: high, low, medium.

Embody with the rules of the system.

Construction of all buildings is substantially complete.

It is indeed a miracle.

Even Kant couldn't help feeling a little proud when he saw the towering watchtower and the surrounding thick, tall, and well-established city wall arrow towers.

Based on the current castle defense, the enemy wants to attack

Perhaps whimsical!

Only today's "Drehem" castle dares to say that it really stands in the Nalun Desert.

The sentry oasis will not be afraid of the enemy's attack!

(end of this chapter)