The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 213: The ambition of high-end force


Just like this apprentice dormitory in front of you.

Its exterior decoration is exquisite and elegant, which can almost be compared with the rooms of the Kant fortress level.

And the people living here are only mage apprentices, who belong to the lowest level of existence among mages. From this, it can be seen that the strength of the Enfarth Empire is vividly reflected.

The sound of rustling sounded from inside the door.

There seemed to be someone inside.

Soon the door was opened, and five apprentice mages, holding staffs, wearing gray mage robes and mage hats, came out quickly and stood respectfully in a row.

They bowed their heads and stroked their chests in salute: "I am very glad to see you, Lord Lord."

"Me too." Kant smiled and nodded in response to their salute.

However, looking at the five mage apprentices, he raised his brows slightly. According to observation, these five mage apprentices actually looked like young people in their 20s. Although their faces were resolute and respectful, they were still immature.

Maybe it's because they lived in the mage tower for too long, all of them are white and tender, and their skin is better than that of women.

Youth does not mean vitality.

Compared with those elite troops who were all middle-aged, these young mage apprentices really did not give Kant much reliable feeling, especially the identity of apprentices, and even said hello in terms of combat effectiveness.

He can understand the MOD of Wind of War, mage apprentice itself is not an advanced unit.

"What do you know?"

Slightly pondering, Kant still asked.

The five mage apprentices looked at each other, they all looked shy.

In the end, the apprentice in the middle took half a step forward and introduced himself to Kant: "My lord, we are all excellent apprentices who have studied with the great mage in the mage tower for 10 years. I have firmly mastered it, and the specific spells I have learned are divided into 3 types."

Kant nodded, looked at these young apprentices with a smile and encouraged him: "Very good, continue."

The apprentice was encouraged with a grateful look on his face.

After sorting out the language, he continued: "The spells we have mastered include magic bullet, which is a single-target offensive spell, fireball, which is a range explosion and continuous burning spell, and can enchant soldiers' weapons for a short period of time. Sharpness effect status spell sharp golden blade."

"Magic bullet, fireball, and sharp gold blade." Kant summed up these three spells.

"That's right." The mage apprentice nodded.

Kant had a smile on his face: "Very good."

The five mage apprentices suddenly beamed with joy. Obviously, Kant's praise made them very happy.

Indeed, they were all apprentices who had just stepped out of the Mage Tower.

The character is still very pure.

Kant shook his head. It is estimated that after going through several brutal battles and upgrading to full-time mages, these pure apprentices will put away their current foolishness and become battle mages that can adapt to any battlefield.

But Kant seemed to think of something.

Wei Wei pondered, and asked them: "Then what is your daily spell limit?"

"Oh, that's right."

The mage apprentice immediately replied: "We can use magic bullets 5 times, fireballs 3 times, and sharp gold blades 2 times a day. If there is magic power to replenish, we can use it multiple times without limitation."

"Yeah." Kant nodded: "I see."

He doesn't have mana to replenish right now.

According to what the mage apprentice said, there are 10 chances to cast spells every day.

Really useless for a brutal battle.

To be honest, Kant was a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't show it. He still had a faint smile on his face, and he casually chatted with these five master apprentices, making them feel like a spring breeze, grateful as if they met the most important confidant in their lives And the mentor, the eyes became extremely worshipful.

Although Kant was young, his mental age was close to 40 years old.

Past and Present.

Coupled with the training of the Lion Principality, it is completely old-fashioned in the officialdom.

Compared with these young apprentices who just came out of the mage tower, they are like heaven and earth. They can sell this group of guys and let them count the money by themselves.

Of course, due to the constant loyalty of the system, these master apprentices will not betray Kant.

Through communication, Kant also understood the power of these three spells.

Generally speaking, magic bullets are magic missiles.

Condensed with magical power, it is inspired by the magic staff that depicts the magic circle. It has a range of 100 meters and a speed similar to a stone thrown by a sling. It is the size of a fist. A blunt blow is like a two-handed sledgehammer. Even if ordinary soldiers are protected by shields and armor, they will be severely injured.

The fireball technique is almost the same as the magic in Kant's impression, and it doesn't matter if it is called a burst fireball.

These mage apprentices condense the fire element, and after compression, they are also activated by the staff. The range is only 80 meters, and the speed is slower than the magic bullet, but as long as it hits the enemy, it will explode violently and turn into a blazing fire. Sea of fire, causing double and continuous damage to the enemy, similar to the combination of grenades and incendiary bombs.

As for the sharp golden blade, it is a status spell.

This is a very different spell from the game in Winds of War.

It seems that the system combines the rules of this world. The sharp gold technique has become a magic that increases the status of the surrounding soldiers. The range is about 10 meters around the soldiers. As long as it is cast, the magic elements will gather on the weapons in the hands of the soldiers. Melee weapons such as sword blades, blades, and gun blades have become sharper, causing greater casualties to the enemy.

"Overall, it's pretty good."

Kant pondered in his heart.

Although the sorcerer apprentice looks a bit weak at the moment, and loses his combat ability after casting all the spells, he can upgrade.

When the experience points are reached, you can upgrade by paying dinars.

Instead of thinking hard and meditating in reality, it takes decades of study to upgrade to a higher-level mage.

If according to the MOD of Wind of War, the follow-up upgrades to mage and archmage, then it is really the magic master jokingly called in fantasy works, and this title is simply worthy of the name!

Such as the strongest archmage.

Not only can spells be cast across thousands of meters, it's either lightning strikes or frost and flames.

It can also summon activated weapons and natural elements. Almost one person can be equivalent to an army. Several archmages stand together, summoning troops to pounce on them, and adding attack spells. The combat power is simply ridiculous!

Kant, who has enemies, naturally has no shortage of experience in upgrading.

Even if it has not yet torn face with the Stone Pass and the Principality of the Lion, there is no ready-made enemy force to fight.

The demonized creatures in the Kesangwaya Mountains are readily available.

With the village of "Aaron" as the center, the Ravenston ranger leads the team, and the senior Rhodok spearmen serve as guards. They go to various hills with these mage apprentices to find those demonized creatures to gain experience. The speed of upgrading will definitely not be too fast. slow.

Kant could afford to wait for these mage apprentices to grow up.

In the thinking communication system, Kant used up the recruitment quota for one mage apprentice this week.

Six mage apprentices stood in a row.

"Continue to study."

Kant waved his hand, signaling them to go back to their dormitory.

Although it seems that this dormitory is only 50 square meters in size, Kant realized after entering that the space is very large, as if using some kind of space folding technology. The side is full of all kinds of books, which can be called a small apartment.

Moreover, the decoration is extremely exquisite and elegant, even if it is not as luxurious as a royal, it is still only rich and financially able to decorate. At least Kant thinks that his room at the fortress level will lag behind this dormitory.

The Enfarth Empire is indeed strong, and there is no way to do it.

After all, the ultimate arm of the empire is the Titan who controls the Thunder Spear.

In terms of combat power, it has already crushed the Swadian knights, or the two are not comparable.

There is no way to compare alternate history and fantasy world.

And combined with this world, that is, the rules of this fantasy world, once a titan appears in this world, it is estimated that it will be comparable to the legendary age of the gods, which is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding!

At least Kant couldn't imagine how terrifying the army composed of Titans and Archmages would be!

Of course, this is just a random thought.

After Kant visited the apprentice dormitory, he turned and left, and walked towards the high-level watchtower about 40 meters high. He planned to walk up the spiral staircase to the top to see the surrounding scene.

This building that occupies the commanding heights is really well-deserved to be called a watchtower.

After climbing for more than 20 minutes, Kant came to the top of the tower.

For a 2-meter-high tower, the space is only about 2 square meters.

It was being stationed by 3 Vikia sharpshooters, and when they saw Kant coming up, they immediately wanted to salute and say hello.

"Continue to be vigilant."

Kant reached out his hand to stop their thoughts of saluting.

At such a high distance, the air did not become cooler, but was still quite hot due to the sun's rays.

Especially when looking down from the open window, the entire "Drehem" castle has become a small matchbox, which made Kant's breathing a little short, the fear of being so high above and losing a solid ground I couldn't help but look away, and looked into the distance to relieve myself.

Several groups of desert robbers are patrolling along the predetermined route, and the small black spots can be clearly seen in the desert.

There is only one color in the Nalun Desert.

That is khaki.

Any abnormal color is a stranger. If abnormal colors gather together, it is an unfamiliar team. This is the identification expression consciously organized by the Vikia sharpshooters who are in charge of looking out and observing.

If there is a large telescope or astronomical telescope, it may be possible to identify friend or foe.

Kant was also thoughtful.

After all, the production technology of telescopes is actually not difficult, as long as it is a skilled craftsman, it can be done after several months of careful handling.

The difficult part is where to find flawless, large clear gemstones.

After all, if you want to make a telescope without glass making and purification technology, you have to rely on these natural creations.

"Let's talk about it later."

Kant shook his head with some regret. His current strength really cannot make a telescope.

But if you draw a lottery in the system, you might be able to get it.

In the modern series of mods, there are many props such as binoculars. For example, World War II mods have high-magnification military binoculars specially used by snipers.

It is only limited by the rules, or restricted by the system itself. Kant has not yet unlocked troops with modern firearms.

Just imagine it as a joke, if you can build a World War II-style army equipped with M1 Garand semi-automatic rifles, let alone the Principality of Lions, even in this world, Kant would dare to defeat it.

The emergence of hot weapons in the era of cold weapons is really too out of balance.

Even in the fantasy world.

PS: I recommend "Chinese Martial Artists in World of Warcraft", the story of Chinese martial arts unparalleled in World of Warcraft! Of course, it's not low martial arts, but high martial arts, the kind that can definitely crush dragons and kill titans! The Yue family's big guns shocked Stormwind City! Tai Chi Subdues the Pandaren Monk! Control the crane and capture the dragon to shake the frost dragon! Thirty-six Dragon Subduing Palms against Warcraft Heroes!

(end of this chapter)