The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 214: A trade caravan riding and chopping


Rubbing between his eyebrows at the top of the tower, Kant regained consciousness.

But he didn't dare to look down.

Ordinary people don't have a fear of heights, but such a height is enough to make his legs a little weak.

But Kant's thinking communicated with the system to relieve his inner fear of heights, and directly gave instructions silently: "System, use all the item gift packs and hero gift packs."

[Ding... used up]

The system responds immediately.

At the same time, in Kant's mind, 3 prop cards and 2 hero cards suddenly turned into golden lights and shattered.

And just behind the sand dunes not far from the "Drehem" castle, three strangers appeared out of the air, making the Vikia sharpshooters who were already vigilantly watching the surrounding environment look solemn, and directly wanted to convey the message downwards .

This advanced watchtower is equipped with a sound transmission device, which is a pipe made of iron and wood. It runs directly through the top tower and the bottom government hall for 40 meters. If you have any news, you can directly speak to the pipe loudly. Reverberant, delivered clearly to the bottom.

"No, they are all our own." Kant stopped their movements.

Of course he knew that these were the residents he had recruited.

500 urban immigrants, and 500 rural refugees, are also women.

"Maybe we can start normal reproduction and communication."

Kant pondered slightly.

In the past, the system data showed that there was a lack of women in one's territory.

However, Kant did not take the initiative to ask for more female personnel because there were not many women needed in the war.

Now the system actively sends 1,000 women who can indeed combine with those men. As long as they can get married and have children and form a good reproductive system, the power of the Kingdom of Swadia can be regarded as completely rooted here.

These are living men and women who naturally bear children.

There was no message from the watchtower.

But there were also Vekia sharpshooters stationed on the arrow tower at the city gate, so they quickly discovered these strange teams.

A team of desert robbers rode out.

However, among the women, two figures also rode out to negotiate with the desert robbers.

Although it can't be seen clearly.

But Kant knew that it should be Rolf and Bundak.

These are the 2 hero NPCs I have drawn.

Although Bundak is flamboyant, he has an excellent character and can match up with Fatis, Manid, and James.

Especially for the pity of civilians, almost have the same topic as Fatis.

After all, even if Bandak, the captain of the crossbowmen, won the title and fiefdom, he would not let others call him a lord, but would call himself a tribune. He took the protection of civilians as his duty and was the protector of innocent civilians.

Only for Rolf, Kant is not sure.

From the title, the villain aristocrat can tell how hateful this inferior hero NPC is.

In fact it is true.

Robbing caravans, robbing civilians, and slaughtering captives are all things Rolf likes to do, as well as extortion, extortion, and theft. This self-proclaimed nobleman is a top-notch expert.

Of course, it also includes his excellent combat effectiveness.

In the original version of Mount and Slash, Fatis is absolutely at odds with Rolf.

Manid, James, and Bundak also hate this kind of companion who has no bottom line.

According to the settings in the game, the four of them would definitely unite to push Rolf out of the team, but in the real world, Kant thought that maybe they could try other ways to make them get along happily.

Especially the desert bandits who have no leader yet, they may be able to match Rolf very well.

Their essence is similar.

In fact, Rolf, a nobleman, had really been a robber or bandit.

Surely there is nothing wrong with leading this band of desert bandits.

As for Bundak, Kant plans to send him to the village of "Aaron". As a foot crossbowman, he is absolutely suitable to lead the Rhodoks army. After all, the troops of the Kingdom of Swadia are led by Fatis.

At present, the strength of the "Drehem" castle is actually not much.

Therefore, personnel arrangements are also convenient.

Rolf led the desert robbers to the post station, responsible for preventing spies from investigating, and patrolling the Nalun Desert near the pass of the Sangwaya Mountains to ensure that there were no enemies with strange intentions, and quietly organized a team to go deep into the sentry oasis.

"But these buildings need to be seriously considered."

Kant frowned slightly.

In this building gift pack, there are also 5 types.

And there are many of them.

For example, there are 5 chicken farms, 5 bee farms, 5 small fishing farms, and 5 tanning workshops.

As for the flax field, it is a full 50 acres!

This number is quite astonishing.

In the 50 mu flax field, if the mature flax raw silk is harvested, there are estimated to be 500 bundles.

This supply is the material from which linen is made.

Now there is a linen workshop in Kant's "Drehem" castle. As long as the flax raw silk is harvested, the weavers can turn the flax into smooth and soft linen!

Think for a moment.

Kant also had an idea. The handicraft industry of "Drehem" Castle still needs to be developed, and close-by raw materials must be indispensable, so the thinking communication system: "Build these flax fields here, and connect them with the previous 10 acres!"

The card shattered, and the data stream gushed out immediately.

Next to the original 10 mu flax field on the west side of the lake, a new 50 mu flax field appeared.

The crisp flax seedlings have already grown, and they will germinate and grow up in a few months. When the season of harvesting raw flax is reached, the entire "Drehem" castle will be able to obtain a large amount of flax.

These are goods that can be traded directly with Calradia.

After all, this is an item produced by system creation.

As for the five small fishing grounds, Kant also chose to build them in the sentry oasis. There are not many fish in this long and narrow lake.

This is what Kant has carefully considered.

The lake is the embodiment of the rules of the system, and there are many aquatic plants in it, which can provide fish with shelter from the scorching sun.

At the same time, the bottom of the lake is connected to spring water and groundwater, and the temperature will not be too high.

With commercial fish species stocked in small fish farms, Castle "Drehem" can obtain fresh fish and make shelf-stable food such as smoked fish.

It can directly bring help to the sentry oasis.

Although "Aaron" can also place small fishing grounds, it is a new river after all, so it is not suitable for fishing grounds.

Maybe after Kant's transformation again.

Although "Aaron" cannot place a small fishing ground, Kant has other plans.

For example, 5 chicken farms that can breed and find food by themselves, and 5 bee farms that require a lot of flowers are the buildings he wants to put in "Aaron".

"Switch to Aaron Village."

With Kant's thinking communication system, the whole person's thinking suddenly entered the God mode again.

Only this time it was not the sentry oasis in the Nalun Desert.

Rather, the village of "Aaron" in the Sanwaya Mountains!

Looking at the Rhodoks who were still busy at the bottom, and the Ravenston rangers stationed inside the wall, Kant's thoughts moved slightly, and 5 chicken farms and 5 bee farms suddenly appeared in the east. At the side wall.

Outside the east wall is a cliff, which can prevent wild beasts or demonized creatures from climbing.

And the thousands of acres of flat land on the top of the mountain is enough for the sand grouse in the chicken farm to play freely.

You must know that the chicken farm is not the previous chicken coop.

There are 100 sand grouse in each building, and as the eggs are laid and hatched every day, the number of these sand grouse will increase exponentially, and the number of eggs and feathers that can be provided every week is extremely large .

Eggs can be used as food, and they can also hatch chicks.

Chicken feathers are a necessary material for making arrows.

If it weren't for the fact that the sentry oasis is really not suitable for a large number of sand grouse to gather, and it belongs to the main base on the surface, Kant really planned to build these five chicken farms outside the "Drehem" castle.

The same reason why the apiary was built in "Aaron".

But honey is easy to store and carry.

Kant can transport the honey to the sentry oasis through the camel caravan.

And this kind of sweet food is also a raw material and a commodity. It is simply sold as honey, or made into candied fruit with dates, but they are all good things, and the price in Calradia is also high.

Like linen, it can be exchanged for dinars.

"That's it."

Kant withdraws from the perspective of God.

Returning to the top floor of the high-level watchtower, Kant looked down at the immigrants and refugees who had entered the castle one after another at the bottom, and then it was time for him to arrange tasks.

At the same time, he also planned to see what happened to the trade caravan.

After all, there are these people in the item package.

Among the crowd of women, 10 carriages and more than 20 people followed into the castle.

"System, open the trade caravan details."

Kant gave the order.

The system quickly popped up an introduction on his retina.

[Trade Caravan: This is a caravan composed of 1 caravan leader, 4 caravan guards, 12 sentries, 20 rough horses, and 10 carriages. It can trade with the outside world. Remarks: You need to randomly select a city before starting trade. The city may be any kingdom power, please consider carefully.]

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Kant swept across the trade caravan.

Immediately, Jocelyn of Zhiwading came to mind. If he guessed correctly, this trade caravan is definitely Kant’s own caravan. As long as the city is randomized, he can trade with that city in the world of riding and hacking!

At the same time, Kant scanned the list of buildings he already had.

He remembered that there seemed to be another building at the castle level, which also had a similar effect, and it also formed a caravan!

[Caravan station: civil building. This building can organize a caravan to go to the Calradia continent for trade, and will return at the beginning of each month to settle the balance of the trade. At the same time, it can also order the caravan to purchase necessary materials, or designate a certain city to sell certain materials.]

"It seems interesting."

Kant looked at the introduction on the dialog box given by the system.

I meditate in my heart.

The emergence of these two caravans may be able to get rid of the current dinar income, relying entirely on the plight of the captive trade, if a good trade network is formed, with better commodities, according to Kant’s experience in the game, each caravan , There are tens of thousands of dinars in one month!

PS: I recommend "Transforming a Cute Girl and Fighting for a Cute King", a two-dimensional novel that was mistakenly posted on the game channel, friends who are interested in two-dimensional can take a look. It is about a boy traveling to a world similar to the Three Kingdoms game. But he finds that he has turned into a cute girl who has no little brother, and the only hope of turning back into a man is to compete with those popular anime cute girls for the new cute king.

(end of this chapter)