The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 24: Back to the sentry oasis


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The bright moonlight shines on the saline-alkali ground, and the color of the white flowers makes people intoxicated.

This is the only remaining special area with a lot of salt left behind after the lake was surrounded by desert and then dried up.

"It looks beautiful."

Kant sighed softly, but the light crossbow in his hand was still in front of him and he did not put it down.

Because he had already seen that there were 46 dilapidated tents on the edge of the saline-alkali land. The messy appearance and the filth all over the place seriously affected his mood.

The most important thing is that this beautiful saline-alkali land that represents wealth already has an owner.

It's the Gnoll.

Dherim, by far the greatest enemy.

"The situation is not good."

The desert bandit next to him frowned slightly, turned his head heavily and said to Kant: "According to the size of the tent, there are at least 300 wolf men here. If the prediction is correct, these wolf men are directly related to that large tribe. , should be sent here to mine the salt mines."

"It does seem so." Kant nodded.

That large wolf man tribe had obviously completely controlled the open-pit salt mine. Looking at the sandy ground that had been trampled down after years of walking, it could be seen that they had been mining the salt here for a long time.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that it is mining.

Should be collected.

This is an open-air saline-alkali field, and you can just collect raw coarse salt at will.

For Kant, who has the purification technology, if he wants, he can purify the fine white salt that only exists on the table of the nobles of the Lion Principality at any time, and sell it at a sky-high price!

And at this moment, the system also appeared.

[Ding... After a hard journey, you seem to have discovered something.]

[Temporary task: "The Origin of Salt" completed]

[Reward: Standard Swadia house x 5]

[Evaluation: The seemingly barren desert contains rich resources, including these open-pit salt mines.]

The system prompt sounded in the ears.

On the retina, the prompt box for task completion has also appeared.

But Kant did not show joy. He already knew the depths of the desert, and he understood the situation he was facing now. It was too cruel and made his heart heavy.

"But at least, it's a small improvement."

Scanning the pictures of houses on his retina, Kant also shook his head secretly.

It's just that this kind of improvement is still too little.

Pulling the reins, Kant rode his horse and walked down the dunes. At the same time, he turned to the six desert robbers and said, "Let's go, it's time to return."

The system task has completed.

The goal of coming here has also been determined.

Now Kant does not need to take risks, go deep into the Nalun Desert to continue the investigation, what he needs now is to return to the sentry oasis, let his "Dhrim" be fully developed, and strive to match the threat of the wolf man.

The 7 people rode back quickly.

Compared with the lack of familiarity with the road, their return road is quite obvious.

So the speed is also a bit faster.

In order to ensure physical strength, after midnight, Kant and the six desert robbers found a sand dune, dug a sand pit, built a bonfire and had a simple rest for the night.

In the early morning of the next day, after recovering a lot of physical strength, we continued to set off.

The traces of coming are still very clear.

After all, it is a desert. As long as there are no sandstorms and strong winds, it will take several months for the traces left on the sand to be smoothed out by nature.

"My lord, there is a tribe of wolf men ahead, be careful."

The desert bandit running in front slowed down slightly, turned his head and said, "We should go around."

"Then go around!" Kant nodded.

In front of the road is the large wolf man tribe.

It was early in the morning, and in order not to startle the snake and expose their whereabouts, they must not appear in front of these gnolls carelessly.

So they took a trick and went around in a circle.

Bypassing the gnoll tribe, without attracting the attention of those gnolls, they continued to run towards the sentry oasis.

Back on the trail leading to the Sentinel Oasis, their speed increased.

It is the safest way to follow the traces of when you came.

After the noon break, before dusk in the afternoon, the appearance of the sentry oasis was finally in sight.

"My lord, it's the governing hall!"

The desert robbers in front were a little tired, but when they saw the governing hall and the stronghold, they were relieved. They turned to look at Kant, and said happily, "We are finally back."

"Yes." Kant nodded wearily.

After a long trek, even riding a horse, I already feel that my body has reached its limit.

As for the war horses and desert horses under his crotch, they were already slowly trotting with their heads drooping. If they were galloping, they would not have the strength at all. After all, these horses also need to rest.

In this investigation, their horses are the absolute main force.

When Kant and the others continued to move forward, the Swadian soldiers in charge of the sentry at the oasis quickly discovered them.

Five Swadian militiamen holding hunting crossbows were standing guard on the sand dunes. When they saw Kant and the desert robbers, they walked down quickly and saluted respectfully: "My lord."

"Yeah." Kant nodded, lifted the hood on his head, and asked, "How have you been these two days?"

"Everything is all right, my lord."

The Swadian militia replied respectfully.

In the more than a day since Kant left, the sentry oasis did not encounter another attack from the wolf man, and it seemed to be very stable. However, this was an undercurrent under the sea, so these militiamen were arranged here as sentries.

Instead of believing that Jackals will not attack, it is better to believe that the sand in the desert can be eaten as flour!

Kant instructed: "Be careful."

Then he continued to ride his horse slowly towards the sentry oasis, with a smile on his face.

The governing hall and the desert bandit stronghold were established on the south side of the pond, and the outline of the watchtower has been built by a third. Many Swadian soldiers armed with weapons are spontaneously training. It seems that the defense of the village is on the right track.

Even the war horse under his crotch is faster.

Apparently they also found themselves home and finally able to rest.

"My lord, welcome back!"

"My lord, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

When Kant returned to the governing hall, these Swadian recruits and militiamen immediately greeted them respectfully and happily. For them, Kant was everything.

"Very good." Kant responded.

However, he was still physically and mentally exhausted, so he got off the horse immediately, and he also wanted to have a good rest.

"Give these horses more hay, and better brush them."

Looking at the recruits who came around to lead the horses, Kant also ordered: "After all this is done, let these horses rest in the stables in the stronghold."

"Yes, my lord." The recruits nodded, leading Kant's war horse and the desert horses of the desert robbers.

The fodder is prepared in the manger, and a little air-dried meat and dates are added. This is a good thing to replenish the strength of the horses who have traveled a long distance.

Kant was relieved to hand it over to these recruits.

Exhaustion had already made him a little bit blindfolded, and he walked quickly towards his room on the second floor.

At this time, he needs a good rest.

After all, they didn't sleep well last night, and they had been riding their horses back all the time. They hadn't replenished their energy at all, and they were exhausted, which made it difficult for them to continue.

Even the six desert robbers quickly returned to their stronghold, lying on the bed and falling asleep.

(end of this chapter)