The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 29: Rivadin's Caravan


New buildings appear.

It is just located on the west side of the governing hall, covering an area of nearly 200 square meters, which is flush with the five Swadian houses.

Just like two parallel lines.

This is Kant's pre-designed buildings and streets.

But looking carefully, Kant also found that this grocery store looks a little rougher than other well-built buildings.

The base is made of stones, the main body is made of wood and hemp rope, and the windows are specially opened to form an open counter, all of which are nailed with thick wooden boards. tool.

However, the counter is now empty.

And the entire grocery store was empty, not to mention the merchants, there were no goods for sale.

The system gives a prompt.

[Ding... After your hard work, the brand new building has been completed.]

[Main task: "The Value of Dinars" completed]

[Reward: Grocery Store × 1 seat]

[Introduction: Now, the grocery store you own can be exchanged for dinars. Of course, the premise is that you have to own items that have "value" in the eyes of the system before you can exchange them for dinars.]

Kant frowned.

His eyes swept across the empty store, and at the same time he noticed the introduction on the dialog box.

There are specially marked words.

Kant slowly repeated: "Valuable items?"

The wording is simple.

It can be said to be easy to understand.

But Kant just didn't understand what an item with "value" is!

big silver coin

Precious gold and silver jewelry

When Kant was in Lion Castle, he had negotiated with the system for these things, and there was no way to exchange them.

"System, I don't understand."

Kant frowned.

If you don't understand, you have to ask, so he connected his mind and said silently: "What is the "value" you marked equal?"

The system is slightly silent.

But after a few seconds, he responded, "An item with magical power."

"Items with magical power?" Kant frowned even more.

This noun is a bit complicated.


The system answered simply: "The effects of such strange things as [Intimidating the Enemy] can be exchanged for dinars."

At this time, Kant was slightly silent.

Turning his head, the banner of "The Power to Deter the Enemy" was still planted in front of the gate of the governing hall.

Although there is no wind, it is still fluttering slightly.

The golden lion is embroidered on the red background, with its teeth and claws showing a sense of deterrence.

As if to choose someone to eat.

"Wonderful thing."

Kant spoke softly.

He has already thought about what the system wants to be worthy of the word "value".

After bowing his head in thought for a moment, Kant said slowly, "Magic items?"

"Yes." The system simply replied.

Kant smiled bitterly: "Sure enough."

In this world, the world of swords and magic, since there are gnolls, races such as dwarves, elves, and orcs, there are also professions such as mages and priests, and there are some items with magical powers.

Such as magic items.

Of course, this kind of item with magical power is also particularly precious.

Kant knew a lot in the books of scholars, but what he really saw and touched was only in the room of his cheap father, the Lion Duke Cameron.

It was a suit of armor.

The interior consists of two layers of the finest chain mail, covered by a layer of scales.

It is constantly enchanted by the court mages of the Lion Principality with the power of mysterious magic, which can reduce weight, strengthen defenses, and permanently stainless spells. It is one of the most precious treasures of the Lion Dukes in the past.

Even Kant, the second son of the Duke, was not qualified to touch him.

It can be seen that this kind of magic item is extremely precious.

In Kant's impression, it is simply difficult to get into the blue sky if you want to buy it.

"What's the difference between this and not saying?"

With a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, Kant couldn't help complaining to the system.

This kind of thing that can be used as a family heritage, at least Kant has never seen a noble family sell it.

Even if the families of these aristocrats have entered decline, there are very few people who have sold such magic items in history. After all, keeping such magic items can revitalize the family, but once they are sold, the family is completely over.

What's more, even if someone sells...

Kant has no money to buy it!

"System, can you have some reliable suggestions?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Kant smiled wryly.


Unexpectedly, the system actually responded.

This made Kant slightly stunned, and asked back: "What is that?"

The system did not answer.

But what is given is a system task.

[Ding... special task released]

[Special Mission: Exploring the Mystery]

[Reward: 5000 dinars.]

[Introduction: There seems to be a mysterious power hidden in the wolf man tribe deep in the desert. Maybe you should go there to find the source of this mysterious power.]

Look at the introduction, the task is very simple.

It is investigation.

But Kant frowned tightly: "Explore the mystery?"

He was good at thinking.

So it was easy to discover the hidden meaning in it.

That's right.

This is indeed reconnaissance.

However, the meaning given in the system introduction is that if the source of the so-called mysterious power is not investigated clearly, then this mission will be impossible to complete.

This is a special task.

The last special mission asked Kant to investigate the military system of this world.

The reward is the light crossbow on his back now.

"But this time, it's a little difficult." He exhaled slowly.

Not only is it difficult.

It is very difficult!

Investigate a tribe of gnolls deep in the desert.

And this wolf man tribe is currently known as the large wolf man tribe with a population of more than 2,500.

Want to investigate

It's courting death!

The gnolls swarming out could probably devour his entire sentry oasis. With his army of less than 80 people, against the enemy's army of 2,500, he is simply seeking his own death!

Quantity has completely crushed quality.

What's more, the quality of Kant's troops has not reached the level of one against ten.

"Special missions have no completion date."

The system replied at this time: "And it does not constitute a conflict with other tasks, you can handle it at your own discretion."

Kant nodded: "That's about the same."

If it really conflicts with other tasks, or must be completed, then Kant is really powerless, and now he has no way to get dinars.

Even if there is this way, it will not be able to quench the near thirst!

The empty fund balance has shown that he will have no money at all to pay the troops next week.

At the same time, even the money for development is gone.

[Ding...the caravan from Zhiwadin has arrived.]

Suddenly, the system came to upgrade.

Kant frowned slightly.

"Zhivadin's... Caravan?" He was a little dazed.

On the sand dunes on the north side not far away, a Swadian militiaman ran down quickly, waved at them at the same time, and shouted: "Unknown people are approaching! Unknown people are approaching!"

"come yet?"

Kant frowned, thinking of the so-called caravan.

However, he turned his head and told the desert robbers waiting beside him, "Go and have a look!"


The 16 desert bandits nodded, quickly got on their horses, and galloped towards the sand dunes to the north.

After all, this is the Nalun Desert, so they can't help but relax.

But soon, these desert robbers came back with 3 carriages, followed by several riders and walking entourages, the speed was not too fast, and they were talking and laughing.

Obviously, this is not the enemy.

They gradually approached.

And on the roof of Dherim, the militiamen in charge of defense also watched them vigilantly with hunting crossbows.

"My lord, they brought it here."

The desert robber came on horseback and reported respectfully to Kang Dehui: "It's Zhiwadin's caravan."

"Yeah." Kant nodded.

At the same time, I looked at this Zhiwading caravan consisting of 3 carriages, 1 caravan leader, 6 caravan guards, and 12 hired sentries, and my heart was a little calm, even though the bodies of these people were shining brightly. With weapons.

He knew that these were indeed in-game caravans.

The leader of the caravan is very smooth.

Seeing the way the desert bandits treat Kant respectfully, why don't you know that this is the true master

Hastily winked at the six caravan guards who were also riding behind them, jumped off their horses one after another, bowed respectfully and said in unison: "Dear Lord of Swadia, the caravan from Vekia Zhvadin, I sincerely welcome you With the highest respect.”

PS: I went out for a trip yesterday, sorry. At least three more today.

(end of this chapter)