The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 33: The horn sounded


Lunch in progress.

Daily quota per person, sliced black bread, grilled shredded meat with oily oil, plus a bowl of cabbage soup mixed with flour, and finally 2 dates per person as an extra dessert.

As a respectable and honorable lord, Kant added spices to his food.

The food looked good.

There are meat and vegetables, soups and main courses, as well as desserts.

For ordinary people, this is tantamount to a big meal.

Kant knew this well.

In the Lion Principality, only citizens with decent jobs in towns, or freedmen with their own farmland in the countryside, can have extra funds to enjoy such delicious food.

Backward productivity is not enough to support everyone to eat good food.

The only exception is Kant who has a system.

"I am full."

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Kant calmly wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.

But between his brows, he was also a little helpless.

He has had enough of this food.

It's not that it doesn't taste good, but that he has been eating it for 8 days, which makes him a little tired.

Even if his food was carefully cooked and spices were added, the familiar taste of three meals a day for several days in a row made his tongue protest and want to change the pattern.

Or change the type of food.

Bread, dried meat, cabbage.

And of course, sun-dried dates.

Put the sun-dried soft dates in your mouth to chew, and the tempting sweetness immediately fills your mouth.

But Kant shook his head slightly.

No matter how good something is eaten often, it will feel flat and tasteless.

Put down the handkerchief.

Kant walked towards the second floor of the governing hall, turned his head at the same time, and told the Swadian militiamen who were still eating lunch in the governing hall: "Remember to be vigilant during the lunch break."

"Understood." The militiamen responded in unison.

Although it was lunch, the security work of the sentry oasis was actually not left behind.

In particular, the watchtower next to the governing hall has been built, with a height of 8 meters. After going up, you can easily observe the distance of thousands of meters around, which provides great convenience for their security work.

The terrain of the Nalun Desert is relatively flat, not a complicated mountainous environment.

"Yeah." Kant nodded, and returned to the room on the second floor in peace.

He believed in their responsibility.

At least these Swadian soldiers have never had any troubles, and Kant has never found them slack.

After all, they came from the continent of Calradia, a war-torn and tragic place. Anyone who was careless and slack was probably already buried in the soil and became a remains that witnessed the development of history.

Lying on the bed, Kant closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although not busy, thinking still consumes energy.

The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the temperature rose.

The sentry oasis, which was as high as 50°C, also became silent after lunch.

Everyone rested.

This is a hard-won lunch break. After recharging their energy, there is still a lot of work waiting for them in the afternoon.

including military training.

As well as the tactical training of the Swadian militia, recruits, and farmers.

The threat of the wolf man has never disappeared, and Kant has never let down his vigilance, and has been assuming possible enemies. Therefore, last week, he organized everyone to start training.

The training in the system can increase the experience, so that the arms can be upgraded.

However, [Training Ground], or the leader's own [Training] skills are required.

This is the real world.

Kant naturally doesn't have data-based skills, so he can't upgrade his arms during daily training.

The current "Dherim" is still a village, and there is no [Training Ground], a building that can increase experience during training.

But this does not prevent them from training.

Although it is impossible to increase experience, it is impossible to upgrade level 0 farmers to level 1 recruits.

But it can train combat formations and tactical formations.

In the real world, fighting with blood and flesh requires higher tactical formations, because this is not a messy battle in the game, which can be solved by rushing forward.

At present, Kant already has a force of nearly 200 people.

100 Swadian farmers.

30 Swadian recruits.

35 Swadian militiamen.

17 desert bandits (one can be recruited this week).

and Kant.

There are a total of 183 people, all of whom are fighters who can fight desperately to protect their homeland.

Among them, there are also 10 special Swadian militiamen.

The previous battles have brought these 10 militiamen enough experience. As long as Kant pays the dinars required for the upgrade, they can evolve into a more advanced level 3 unit at any time.

Such as Swadian light infantry.

As well as Swadian guerrilla shooters.

But for the current Kant, upgrading rashly is not a good thing.

Because the damage overflows.

In other words, it is the current Swadian militia. These level 2 units are fully capable of dealing with primitive races like gnolls. The effect is very good, and the cost performance on the battlefield is extremely high.

Equipped with iron-inlaid leather armor and iron-inlaid helmet.

Weapons include heavy spears with iron fronts, one-handed fighting picks that can pierce armor, and hard fan-shaped shields.

And there are hunting crossbows.

Although this kind of crossbow commonly used by hunters is less powerful than the light crossbow in Kant's hand, and the killing distance is only 80 meters away, but it is still a long-range attack method, and it is a weapon worthy of recognition.

That's why it is said that the Swadian militia is very cost-effective.

This is the all-powerful weapon.

Even on the frontal battlefield of the Kingdom of Swadia, these militiamen can act as a temporary line of defense against the onslaught of the enemy if they simply defend and stick to their positions.

What's more, facing those jackals, it can better reflect their value!

Kant thought about it carefully.

As long as they can win the second attack of the Wolf Man tribe who does not know when, Dherim's troops will usher in a new qualitative change.

More farmers will be promoted as Swadian recruits.

Likewise, more recruits will be upgraded to the Swadian militia.

Even stronger Swadian light infantry.

The war that others fear, in Kant's view, is an alternative path of development. The system is based on war to support war. The so-called peaceful development is just a rhetoric before it succeeds, and it is an illusion to paralyze the enemy.

If Kant had 100 Swadian knights, he would declare war on the Gnoll tribe without hesitation.

Use the high mobility of cavalry.

And the terrifying combat power of the Swadian knights.

Cut through the Gnoll army on this flat desert, slaughtering them among the sand dunes.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have 100 Swadian knights.


Just as Kant's thinking was diverging, a dull horn sounded suddenly.

It seems to shake the soul.

"what happened."

Kant opened his eyes instantly, and regained consciousness.

He knew that this was the sound of the sentinel's horn horn on the watchtower, and when this sound appeared, it only represented the possibility of an abnormal situation.

Such as the discovery of Gnoll troops.

Or find suspicious troops.

All in all, for Kant and the others, it is necessary to take a defensive posture!

Quickly walked out of the room and came outside the governing hall.

The recruits and militiamen armed with spears were assembled.

And on the side of the street, 100 peasants with long-handled scythes are also ready.

Strong fighting spirit.

"what happened?"

Kant walked out of the governing hall with a stern face and holding a light crossbow.

The militiamen at the top of the watchtower quickly ran down and explained to Kant: "My lord, I found that there are strange cavalry troops in the south, moving towards the oasis where we are."

"Unfamiliar cavalry?"

Frowning slightly, Kant's eyes were even more solemn.

Turning his head to look to the south, he could only sweep across the seemingly endless sand dunes. He asked slowly, "How many people are there?"

The militia replied: "50 cavalry and 1 carriage."

"Yeah." Kant nodded, but his brows frowned even more heavily.

Naturally, the Jackals did not have cavalry troops, and even if they did, they would not appear in the south.

Because the south is the Principality of Lions.

Kant's hometown, the famous martial country, the human country with the strongest cavalry.


Waving his hand, Kant gave an order: "Get ready for battle!"

"Understood!" Everyone cheered.

Kant will not lose his vigilance just because there are cavalry troops from the Principality of Lions. It must be known that even the various nobles in the Principality sometimes have fierce conflicts due to territory and wealth.

Small-scale wars are common among nobles.

So he directly ordered the 17 desert robbers who were riding on desert horses at the entrance of the street: "Now you will conduct the investigation, and close combat is not allowed. Return immediately after the investigation is completed!"

"Yes, my lord." The desert robbers nodded.

Investigation was their forte. As soon as they kicked the horse's belly, 17 people galloped out and dispersed in the vast sea of sand.

(end of this chapter)