The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 34: Hobson's embarrassment


In the southern part of the Nalun Desert, powerful war horses are galloping.

The expedition team from the Principality of Lions is advancing among the sand dunes at a relatively fast speed.

"It should be right ahead."

Rowan rode his war horse to the front, staring at the horizon in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart: "Unsurprisingly, we should reach the sentry oasis in half an hour."

As a guide, he finally completed his initial task.

Luo Wen sighed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and showed helplessness in his eyes.

Arriving at the sentry oasis to complete the mission

What a joke!

The sentry oasis is only the first step in this expedition.

There is a second step.

The third step, and even more!

They are all going deep into the Nalun Desert, exploring unknown and unfamiliar areas, and even investigating the conquest troops of the Lion Principality ten years ago, places that have never gone deep.

"Oh, that's pretty darn good."

Luo Wen rolled his eyes, thinking about it now, he felt really unlucky.

However, when he turned his head to look at the expressionless and capable-looking retinue knights, Rowan also tactfully hid all negative expressions on his face.

He can't afford to offend these guys.

Luo Wen is just the captain of the cavalry, and these knights are members of the cavalry.

The status of the two parties can be different.

Especially the Hobson knight who rode forward next to the carriage, but he was a real knight. In the entire Lion Principality, there were no 300 knights.

Now a person appeared in front of him, no matter what he said, it made his mouth dry.

But it has nothing to do with him.

As a guide, Luo Wen knew that he had to lead the way.

Just as he was thinking wildly, a knight under his wing rode over and said indifferently to him: "Lord Hobson invites you to come over, I hope I can talk to you about the route."

The servant knight's attitude was very rude, but Luo Wen was used to it.

He cursed in his heart: "Damn it." But with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Understood."

Turning his head to look behind, Knight Hobson also looked over. After he nodded, Rowan reined in the reins, turned the horse's head over, and asked respectfully, "My lord, what can I do for you?"

"How soon can we reach Sentinel Oasis?"

Hobson asked in a normal tone, without much arrogance.

He is a knight after all.

The cornerstone of the aristocratic class, with its own style.

"Well, there should be half an hour left."

Luo Wen quickly replied: "It will be there soon."

"Half an hour?"

Hobson nodded, staring forward, with a bit of relief on his face.

Even he was quite exhausted in the Nalun Desert.

"Knight Hobson, take it easy. If we can really find something during this expedition, we will have great rewards when we go back."

A slightly hoarse old voice sounded in the carriage.

Scholar Hank lifted the curtains of the carriage, his eyes were extremely bright: "Trust me."

"Of course, Scholar Hank, your erudition shines like pearls in the Lion Principality."

Knight Hobson nodded, which is why he was willing to come here with Scholar Hank.

lost city.

This noun stands for endless wealth.

In fact, when he came here, he also had the shadow of the Lion Principality.

He was a member of the aristocracy.


But Hobson's face was slightly solemn, and he raised his right hand directly: "There is a situation!"


The sound of the long sword being unsheathed was heard incessantly.

Luo Wen also pulled out his long sword subconsciously, swallowed, and the surroundings were shimmering with coldness. The knights who followed him pulled out their knight swords impressively, reined in their horses, and looked around vigilantly.

The Nalun Desert is full of dangers, they naturally know it.

Hobson looked ahead, with a serious face, and said slowly: "Team 1 and Team 2 spread out and investigate from both sides!"


On the left and right sides, 20 retinue knights responded immediately.

Then they spread out on their horses, roaring towards the middle of the sand dunes, forming an efficient scouting team in groups of two.

They are the standard cavalry regiment.

"Hobson Knight."

Scholar Hank had a dignified expression, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Luo Wen also swallowed and listened quietly.

"I heard the sound of hooves, not many, but very flexible."

Hobson nodded, with solemn eyes, looked around the surrounding sand dunes, frowned and explained: "They are operating among the sand dunes, they should be light cavalry."


Scholar Hank frowned, and looked around in disbelief: "Why are there light cavalry here?"

Hobson frowned slightly: "This is exactly what I am curious and doubtful about."

The Nalun Desert is a barren land.


That is impossible!

It is difficult to even support people in this desert, and the more delicate war horses cannot support them at all!

You must know that war horses can't be filled by just any horse.

"Da da da…"

But just as they were contemplating, the sound of hurried hooves appeared on the sand dunes ahead.

The 10 retinue knights behind Hobson immediately drew their swords forward, each with solemn faces, but they had been trained as regular knights since they were young, and their faces showed no fear at all.

Behind the sand dunes, a light cavalry was rushing out on horseback.

And behind this cavalry, 6 retinue knights are biting tightly behind.

It seemed that it was the chasing of these retinue knights that made the light cavalry come here in a panic.

Hobson frowned slightly.

He found that the light cavalry was wearing relatively tattered equipment and weapons, but because of its light clothing, it was so fast that even the subordinate knights could not keep up, and the distance was getting wider and wider.

If they weren't here, it is estimated that the light cavalry would have escaped through the sand dunes.

"My lord, be careful!"

The retinue knights drew their swords and kicked their horses' bellies forward, all of them had stern faces, obviously ready for battle.

But Hobson raised his hand, frowned and said, "Wait." And he also spoke, and said to the light cavalry: "Unfamiliar cavalry, we come from the Principality of Lions, and we have no malicious intentions."

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and blurted out: "We know Baron Kant."

This sentence seems to break the barrier between the two sides.

The retinue knights who were still chasing also slowed down.

However, the crowd still maintained the encircling formation, firmly surrounding the nimble light cavalry in the middle.

It is basically difficult to escape.

The hussar obviously knew it too.

Weiwei reined in his horse, frowned at the Hobson knight who was obviously superior, and finally said: "What is the relationship between you and Lord Kant?"

"Baron Kant is the son of the Lion Duke, and I am the personal knight of the Lion Duke."

Knight Hobson spoke and introduced himself.

But his status as a knight respected in the Lion Principality did not have any effect on the light cavalry, not even bowing his head on the horse to pay tribute.

This light cavalry soldier from the Sultanate of Sarande is only loyal to Kant.

It is the Desert Bandit!

"Why are you here?"

The desert bandit spoke with a questioning tone: "This is Lord Kant's territory, and you are trampling on Lord Kant's sovereignty now. I hope you can give a reasonable explanation."


Hobson was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect that the light cavalryman would speak to him in such a tone.

But when he turned his head to look at the vast sea of sand, there was also a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

You are right.

The Principality of Lions had already entrusted the southern part of the Nalun Desert to Kant as a barony. He brought so many troops to the Desert of Nalun, and he had not yet explained the situation to Kant. He could cause war in the Principality of Lions.

This is a matter of reputation.

No nobleman would be indifferent to strange troops rampaging in his territory.

But this is even more embarrassing for Hobson.

But where is it

Nalun Desert!

Civilization restricted area!


Nobody would come here if they didn't have to!

But seeing the serious look of the light cavalryman, he also shook his head helplessly, without explaining anything: "Take us to the sentry oasis, the old scholar on the carriage and I are acquainted with Baron Kant."

PS: This is a supplement to yesterday's update.

(end of this chapter)