The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 39: The first shock of terror


The war begins.

The flag on the red background is flying, and the golden lion in the middle is showing its teeth and claws.

It is Kant's banner [the tendency to deter the enemy].

His cards.

As long as it is within a radius of 500 meters from [Position to Deter the Enemy], special effect 1 will be activated, and the morale of the enemy will be reduced first, and the fear of Kant will also appear in the heart.

Gnolls are Kant's current enemies.

Of course it will be affected by special effects.


The howling sound was like that of a wild beast, and the shrill sound appeared from the big mouth full of sharp teeth.

This is a language only gnolls know.

Accompanied by these howls, these huge numbers of gnolls were also running crazily, charging violently towards the houses and streets at the sentry oasis.

The night was dark.

But these jackals with night vision had already seen the human infantry at the intersection.

8 Days New Enemy at Outpost Oasis.

The old hatred of the Lion Principality 10 years ago.

Let these gnolls who don't have much sense run faster with maces in hand.

His expression became even more violent and ferocious.


The Chief Gnoll roared and rushed forward, the chain mail on his body rattling due to his violent running.

It can't wait to enjoy the taste of blood.

Including those jackals behind him.

There are no tactics.

There is no so-called formation.

They are still in the primitive and ignorant era, they only know killing at all.


Just as they continued to run and got closer and closer to the sentry oasis, there was a throbbing in their hearts.

The same is true for the chief gnoll.

The green eyes revealed ferocity and tyranny.

There's just a little more...

Fear of those human soldiers in front!

The distance between their feet and the direction of the sentry oasis is exactly 500 meters.

[Potential to frighten the enemy].

Special effects start.

The jackals who were running and charging at a fast pace would all stop once they got within 500 meters of the banner. Although they continued to run, the previous tyranny and fury disappeared.

Their morale was cut instantly.

And the most effective morale in this kind of combat is often a bang.

Once reduced, there will be endless troubles.

The same goes for Gnolls.

... ... ...

"For Swadia!"

A tidy and uplifting shout resounded through Dehrim.

At the intersection on the east side, the infantrymen were already ready, and they looked at the approaching Jackal troops with resolute faces. In addition to the panic deep in their eyes, there was also a determination that they were not optimistic about the future.

Since you can't survive, you can only work hard.

This is the east side of the street.

The main attack direction of the 2,000 Gnolls.

It is also destined to be brutally fought, with blood flowing into rivers at the entrance of the street.

The only 30 Swadian recruits all held their shields at the front of the street, only sticking out their spears through the gaps.

The spearhead flickered coldly.

And 60 Swadian farmers stood behind them, densely blocking the 10-meter-wide street entrance, raising their long-handled sickles and aiming at the front, trying to arrange a phalanx of spears in defensive mode.

Formed this steel hedgehog that can make enemies bite their mouths.

This is not the only arrangement.

The 35 Kant's most sophisticated second-level troops are all defending above the roof of the street.

The hunting crossbow with good crossbow arrows is ready to be fired at any time.

At the same time, fan shields and heavy spears are placed in advance on the side of the feet, as well as a fighting pick that is more suitable for melee combat.

They were all preparations to prevent the Jackals from going over the roof.

These are traditional houses in Swadia, with a height of about 3 meters. Even with the triangular roof, the height is no more than 3.5 meters. For the jackals, it is not too high an obstacle.

"They're here!"

Scholar Hank spoke in a deep voice, directing Kant's attention forward.

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, and the light crossbow in his hand was already in his hand. He could even smell the stench in the air.

The stink that belongs only to the Gnoll.

The distance of 500 meters flew by in the blink of an eye as the wolf man ran.

The dense black shadows gathered, and the sound of running was like a flood breaking the embankment, sweeping all the terror, about to rush to the sentry oasis, and about to slap heavily in front of the infantry at the street entrance.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa—"

But the sound of the bowstring is slightly ringing, and the sound of breaking through the air is also endless.

The trigger is pulled.

Whether it was Kant or the militiamen on the roof, they all chose to shoot at the same time.

The iron crossbow appeared instantly.

Blood flowers bloomed in front of the Gnolls in the front row. The iron arrows easily pierced through the fur, and then pierced the muscles under the fat layer, splitting the blood vessels, leaving deep wounds in the body.


A shrill howl sounded, and the eyes of the frontmost gnoll who was hit by the arrow became more bloody and ferocious.

The shooting from the hunting crossbow did not cause fatal damage to these jackals.

But there are exceptions.

There were also 4 jackals who didn't know that they had shot to a vital point, slowed down and even fell to the ground, but were trampled mercilessly by the jackals behind them, let out a few dull howls, and then stopped breathing.

First battle meritorious service!

For an army of 2,000 Jackals, this was a drop in the bucket.

But for Kant's troops, it was like adding hot oil to a pan.

Morale is boiling!

[Potential to intimidate the enemy] The golden lion flag on a red background swayed slightly. The Swadian recruits who were stationed at the street and had been eye-to-eye with the jackals showed a bit of excitement in their eyes.

The special effect ④ activates.

Enemies killed on the battlefield will additionally boost their morale.

"Long live Swadia!"

The recruits were shouting, with resolute faces, carrying a rage that dared to go all out.

But then.

The jackal slammed into the spear phalanx at the entrance of the street!

"Boom bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang—"

It was as if something was pounding on the board, but in fact it was the jackal who was madly attacking the spear phalanx at the entrance of the street and the seemingly solid shield with his body and mace!

The impact of these gnolls was really crazy. Even if there were spears and long-handled sickles in front, they could still charge.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

There was a crackling sound of wood breaking.

The Swadian recruits at the front let out a dull and painful hum.

The entire phalanx crowded at the entrance of the street, under Kant's naked eyes, suddenly took four or five steps back before finally stopping, while the 12 Swadian recruits in the front row at the front where they met the enemy, All have been killed.

Even if the left shoulder is against the shield, the spear in the right hand sticks out of the gap between the shields.

The peasants behind are still helping to hold the spears of the recruits in front with their hands, in order to stabilize their strength when contacting the enemy.

Still suffered heavy losses in the terrifying collision of the Wolf man.

The shield shattered and the spears snapped off. Even though more than 20 gnolls were poked to death by the spears and sickles, the entire phalanx of spears began to look precarious.

The quantity advantage has completely overwhelmed the quality advantage.

Even if it wasn't for the [Position to Intimidate the Enemy] still unfolding on its own without wind, which inspired the morale of many Swadian infantrymen, the infantrymen at the entrance of the whole street would have suffered such a terrible collision, their morale would have plummeted.

These are real people.

"In the name of Swadia, withstand the enemy's attack!"

Kant's voice shouted in the street.

But it couldn't work at all, because the only remaining recruits and farmers shouting and screaming in front of him, as well as the howling of the wolf man, had already covered up his orders.

The Swadian recruits were struggling to support, and they no longer cared about stabbing their spears, but just propped up their shields to cover the farmers behind them.

Slash from top to bottom with a long-handled sickle, or stab from back to front.

But that won't last long.

Gnoll corpses appeared on the ground, but the Swadians also fell because of being hit by a mace.

Amidst the shouts of killing, every second there were deaths in battle.

Even on the roof, in front of the militiamen, a jackal finally appeared.

He had no choice but to abandon the hunting crossbow and use the fan shield and fighting pick to fight at close quarters.

But it is losing ground.

"Scholar Hank, we must retreat back."

Kant gritted his teeth tightly, watching the infantrymen in front of him fall down.

The Jackal's first attack almost destroyed all his defenses.

And he also knew that it might not take long, maybe a few minutes, that he was not worth the line of defense in "Dherim", and he would be completely penetrated. The terrifying number of gnolls used the flesh and blood of his companions to attack him. It was chiseled in!

(end of this chapter)