The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 40: Mysterious supernatural power


"Retreat? No, we don't need to retreat."

Scholar Hank was leaning on a cane, his wrinkled face was still calm.

His face is expressionless.

Aging does not reflect age, but also experiences far beyond ordinary people.

This is not the first time for him to experience such a tragic battle. Besides, as a senior scholar of the Lion Principality, while studying literature, Hank has also mastered extraordinary powers that need to be studied, such as spells.

"Body protection stone skin."

The cane tapped lightly on the ground, and in front of Scholar Hank, a brown light quickly spread over.

The Swadian infantry, who were still struggling to resist, were shrouded in this brown light, and their whole bodies seemed to be condensed with brown stones. Although it was a thin layer, they stood up like stubborn stones in pieces.

Even if someone was hit by the jackal's mace and the stone layer on the surface was shattered, they could still grit their teeth and endure it, instead of vomiting blood and falling to the ground as before.

Apparently Hank Scholar, the spell cast took effect.

"This is…"

Kant was stunned.

Originally, he wanted to stretch out his hand, but the movement of dragging scholar Hank away from here was a meal.

"This is a level 1 earth magic, body protection and stone skin."

Scholar Hank smiled slightly, with a bit of pride in his eyes: "I have trained this spell to an expert level, which is enough to withstand 5 heavy blows from the wolf man, which is equivalent to everyone wearing excellent scale armor."

"This is really... really good." Kant couldn't help swallowing.

The Swadian infantry in front no longer retreated due to the violent charge of the wolf man, and even stood firm, re-formed a defensive formation, and continued to stab and chop with spears and long-handled sickles.

Stabilizing the line and reorganizing the spear phalanx, the infantry had entered a brief stalemate with the Wolf man.

This is a war of attrition.

A mill of flesh, a slaughterhouse of life.

The night sky seemed to be shrouded in the blood of fighting.

As long as one of the two sides can't bear this tragic consumption and fear arises in their hearts, this short stalemate will be broken, and the fearful side will be slaughtered by the victor because of the rout.

Fighting on the battlefield is extremely cruel.

"I did not expect that…"

Kant shook his head slightly and smiled wryly: "Mr. Hank, you are still a mysterious mage."

Getting along with scholar Hank in the academy, Kant had the impression that he was just a very high-level scholar, but in normal times, he didn't even expect that he was actually a mage.

Scholar Hanke said with a chuckle: "Although I am a senior scholar of the academy, I am also an honorary mage of the Mages Association."

"I don't understand. To me, it's like two worlds."

Kant shook his head and smiled wryly: "I'm surprised."

Although he knew about the Mage Tower, he also knew about the so-called Mage Association.

But in fact, this is just a record in various documents.

The mage's tower, which is actually located next to the Lion's Castle, is equivalent to a forbidden area for Kant. Even as the youngest son of the Duke, he is not qualified to enter it, and it is impossible to even understand it in depth.

This is also the reason why he chose the academy instead.

"The Mage Association is very strict in the selection of mages. This is no secret."

Scholar Hank heard the loss in Kant's words.

Slightly pondering, he still comforted: "Although mages have mastered extraordinary power, it is only obtained through years of research and experiments, and it takes at least 30 years to become a strong one."

"30 years, the price is really high."

Kant smiled wryly. Although he coveted extraordinary power, the price was really not something he could afford.

Not to mention having golden fingers.

He may not be inferior to those extraordinary powers.

Just like the flag of [Fearing the Enemy] that is still being held in the hand, as the stalemate in the war, more and more gnolls were stabbed to death by long-handled sickles and spears, the red background became more and more vivid, and the golden one The lion is also more and more majestic.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

But on the battlefield, the faint sound of thunder was transmitted.

The wolf man chief, who was in the middle of the battle and commanded the tribe to fight, was also a little more shocked in his tyrannical eyes.

Not only it, but the jackals behind also raised their heads.

The sound of thunder was getting louder and louder, but the stars in the sky were bright and there were no dark clouds at all, which made all the jackals very puzzled. Where did the rolling thunder that almost rang in their ears come from


There are gnolls howling in terror, this is their primitive language.

And all the wolves in the rear started to commotion, and even the wolves in the front who were still roaring and fighting towards the human army with red eyes all started to retreat, the ferocity and brutality in their eyes fading away.

The spreading awe and fear gradually appeared in the eyes of these gnolls.

They found the source of the sound.

50 retinue knights like heavy cavalry have already raised their spears, pressing them over like mountains and seas!

"It's Hobson Knight."

Scholar Hank's old face was also a little more relaxed at this time.

Smiling, he turned his head to look at Kant, raised his cane and said, "Since the plan is in progress, Baron Kant, I will release a level 2 spell later, and I will need yours next."

"Of course." Kant nodded.

This was planned, but there was no Hank scholar to release the spell.

But there is no doubt that it was the spells released by Scholar Hank that allowed these low-level troops of Kant to successfully resist their attacks when faced with a brutal and extremely large number of gnoll troops, thus making the battle situation more stable. It's a turnaround.

"Venom droplets."

Raising the cane forward, Scholar Hank's eyes flickered slightly.

A certain mysterious connection was communicated, and an earthy yellow light condensed immediately, turning into a green liquid. Following Hank's thoughts, the Swadian infantry who were still struggling to resist in the street, smashed heavily on the ground. Among the group of jackals, splashes were scattered in all directions!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi—"


The green liquid stained the wolf man's body, and became highly corrosive in an instant.

Smoke rose, and a strong stench permeated the air. This was the corrosion effect of the chemical reaction between the green liquid and the fur and flesh, causing those gnolls who were contaminated by the liquid to howl miserably.

But the howling didn't last long.

A few seconds later, the strongly corrosive liquid penetrated the contaminated skin, fur, and even the entire blood vessel. Even the wolf man, with his tenacious vitality, fell to his knees on the ground coughing blood in pain, completely dead in convulsions.

Immediately, all werewolves within a range of more than ten meters were cleared out of the densely packed wolf man army.

"Baron Kant, don't hesitate."

Scholar Hank reached out and patted Kant on the back, and said in a deep voice, "This is a good opportunity, don't waste it."

"Okay." Kant recovered instantly.

Holding the [Position to Deter the Enemy] high in his hand, he pulled out the dagger at his waist and shouted loudly to the front: "Warriors of Swadia, move forward and kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy!"

The few remaining Swadian recruits roared.

The farmers who suffered heavy casualties also responded, holding their long-handled scythes and moving forward frantically.

A burst of courage burst out in their hearts.

Even on the roof, the militiamen who had already been holding fighting hoes and fan-shaped shields to fight with the jackals roared angrily, bursting out with intense hatred for the death of their comrades.

With less than 100 troops, it seems that they have completely forgotten death.

Under Kant's order, he roared and raised his weapon to move forward, and even forcibly defeated those gnolls who rushed into the street, and even killed these primitive races with fear in their faces, causing them to flee!

[Awe-inspiring Power] Special effects are activated at the same time:

Special effect ③ Enemy troops will be more likely to collapse due to timidity.

Special effects ④ Enemies killed on the battlefield will additionally increase their morale.

When morale rises.

When the situation is favorable.

Even a coward can become a screaming butcher!

Even an ordinary farmer has become a Swadian warrior who dares to fight!

"Long live Swadia!"

"Long live Lord Kant!"

The eight remaining Swadian recruits hold hatchets.

The 19 remaining militiamen wield fighting hoes.

The remaining 53 farmers were also hacking with long-handled sickles.

They seemed to be crazy, and rushed forward viciously, killing all the jackals at the entrance of the street. Even if they lost themselves, they would kill all the jackals out of their village.


The chief gnoll in chain mail was howling in anger.

However, it was originally extremely authoritative, but now it is completely unable to restrain the panic that has been shaken and is even spreading towards the entire army, and the troops began to flee.

The most notable thing is that the part of the front line that is in contact with the human troops, those who have been killed start to retreat.

And sides.

Hundreds of gnolls widened their eyes in horror, and were staring at a hundred meters ahead in panic. A group of heavy cavalry was charging, and the target was them.

In the dark night, the raised dust seems to cover the sky.

The horse's hooves hit the ground heavily, the strong vibration and thunderous sound made these jackals almost untenable.

Ten years ago, the fear of human heavy cavalry came to them.

Massive breakdowns began.

(end of this chapter)