The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 41: Casting a successful victory


[The Power to Frighten the Enemy] This is the extraordinary fetish of the system.

It directly affects the morale of the enemy, even these gnolls are no exception.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Cavalier Hobson led 50 retinue knights, and directly inserted into the queue of gnolls from the side. The charge brought by a small number of heavy cavalry was as violent as hundreds of infantry.

Forty or fifty wolf men were directly knocked out by the majestic war horses and flew out.

The sophisticated spear easily pierced through the Wolf man's body.

And the long sword drawn out next, along with the rampage of these subordinate knights, hacked to death those jackals who couldn't dodge or even had fear on their faces.

Cavalry will always counter infantry.

The heavy cavalry in the cold weapon era is the king of land warfare who can destroy all living enemies!

So these gnolls are routing.

Especially after experiencing instant casualties, under the double-layer pincer attack of the human infantry in front and the human heavy cavalry on the side, these gnolls had no intention of resisting at all, and had already started to retreat in panic.

"For Swadia!"

And at the intersection, these red-eyed infantry rushed out, still chasing and killing this group of jackals.

And the cavalry that belonged to Kant.

17 desert bandits roared out, each holding a spear, and pierced into the bodies of those gnolls who couldn't dodge. .

Skull shattered.

Bright red blood mixed with gray brains.

In terms of cruelty and tyranny, humans are sometimes not weaker than beasts at all!

There is no mercy.

This is a life-and-death battle between races. These desert bandits charged forward fiercely, regardless of their own safety, so that the infantry behind them could keep up and charge directly into the depths of the wolf man's army. go.

Because those 50 retinue knights, who were like gods descending from the earth, were also on the rampage.

They separated the already chaotic formation of the Wolf man, like slaughtering chickens, so that these originally ferocious primitive races now only have thoughts of fleeing and panic in their hearts.


The chief jackal swung his two-handed battle ax angrily, hacking the jackal beside him to death.

It wanted to contain the completely collapsed troops, but no matter how angry it roared, the Gnoll, whose heart was filled with fear, had no intention of staying at all.

Primitive troops without tactics are just that.

Once it is hit hard, it will fall into complete chaos.

What's more, in Kant's hands, the golden lion with a red background is moving without wind, releasing invisible waves in the deep night.

Special effects are in full swing.

The morale of the wolf man has been terribly reduced.

The speed of the rout also became faster.

These gnolls now, even though they have an absolute advantage in numbers, have already fallen into chaos and panic. They only know how to flee with their companions around them, and the fleeing companions around them see more people fleeing, so they also flee. effect, the Wolf man's offensive collapsed completely.

Kant held a short sword and held a banner behind the desert robbers.

In the sound of fighting not far away, the retinue knights in bright red linen robes had already fought bloody battles, and the linen robes on their bodies were dyed red with blood.

Only the elite can reflect their value in war.

Even Kant is quite envious of these rampant retinue knights.

If he has 50 Swadian heavy cavalry in his hand.


Even if there are 10 Swadian heavy cavalry, Kant is satisfied. He has been able to lead these low-level troops to rampage and fight wantonly among the fleeing troops of the gnolls!


A howl of anger came from ahead.

Kant squinted his eyes and looked over, holding the [Position to Intimidate the Enemy] tightly in his hands, with a serious expression.

That's Chief Gnoll.

He was raising the two-handed battle ax in his hand, ignoring the jackals around him, and chopping and hacking the two retinue knights on the horse. You can see the blood stains on the ax blade, the two retinue knights are fierce More good luck less.

The Chief Jackal must be the strongest Jackal!

Now, this strongest Gnoll was equipped with chain mail and a two-handed battle axe, and his fighting power was equally astonishing.

For a while, even the retinue knights did not dare to approach.

And this chief gnoll, with his red eyes staring at him, roared to find the subordinate knights, and slashed wildly with his two-handed battle ax like a windmill, killing several subordinate knights one after another. .

This scene seemed to boost the morale of the jackals around them.

"Not good." Kant frowned.

If the morale of those gnolls recovers, the chaos in front of them will definitely subside.

Once they found out, the number of human troops that were chasing and killing them was pitifully small.

Then this group of ferocious gnolls will definitely fight back, and use the tyranny and cruelty of being hunted down to let Kant and the retinue knights know what an overwhelming advantage in numbers is!

"Lord Kant, do you need to kill that guy?"

And just ahead, those desert robbers who were still fighting on horseback had already seen Kant's frown.

The spears in their hands stabbed and the flanged hammers swung, killing the surrounding gnolls.

Fearing the power of the 17 of them, all the wolf men around were running away for a while, without the slightest thought of resisting. In fact, the wolf men are still in chaos and fleeing.

"Yes, do you have a solution?"

Kant nodded with a serious expression.

"Of course." The desert bandits answered in the affirmative, and at the same time drew the short javelins behind them.

The length of an adult's arm is short, and it is made of fine wood. The sharp spearhead at the front and the stable iron clad at the rear all make this throwing weapon full of killing intent.

Desert robbers are good at using short javelins!

Kant said in a deep voice: "Then kill him!"

The desert bandit didn't answer, but raised the short javelin in his hand and kicked the horse's belly hard.

The desert horse in the crotch was in pain, and suddenly slammed forward violently, 17 people formed a horse wall, and even the wolf man was knocked down on the sand and trampled wantonly by the horse's hoof.

They were fast approaching Chief Gnoll.

Then the short javelin that had already been raised in his hand was thrown forward fiercely.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and a few meters away, the chief jackal was still swinging his two-handed battle ax frantically, but when he came back to his senses, he felt a huge force suddenly coming from his back.


Pain made its eyes red.

The chain mail draped randomly on his back had already been pierced by 11 short javelins at this time, and the bloody spear head even penetrated deeply into the muscles of his back, making this originally majestic and strong Jackal chief , become like a hedgehog.

The arm holding the tomahawk in the right arm was also hit by two short javelins, and the pain made it impossible to hold the weapon at all.

The wolf-like head howled, and its eyes were full of fierce light. It saw Kant and the others behind him, including the desert robber who picked up his spear and flange hammer again.

This is the murderer who just threw the javelin.

But it can only remember this moment.


A cold light suddenly appeared, and a long sword appeared under the throat of the wolf chief.

Knight Hobson galloped past, clenched the knight sword tightly in his hand, and the sharp blade easily cut his throat, allowing the originally strong wolf man chief to subconsciously cover his throat and slowly knelt down on the ground. land.

[Position to Intimidate the Enemy] Shaking, the golden lion became more ferocious.

The special effect ② activates.

The enemy army will be thrown into chaos when killing the enemy leader.

It's total chaos.

In these gnoll armies, chaos equals complete rout.

The gnolls who watched their chief fall down like this all wailed and dropped their weapons, without the slightest thought in their minds, only to escape!

The farther you escape, the better!

"For Swadia, kill!"

The death of the wolf man leader became the key to the outcome of this battle.

The infantry shouted frantically, and rushed towards the jackals even more fiercely, as if they were fearless.

The retinue knights are also instigating their horses to gallop quickly, chasing and killing the scattered Jackals, and they are sure to plunge these primitive races into chaos, making it impossible to reorganize.

There are gnolls all over the mountains and plains.

Even if there are at least 1,500 of them.

But without the fighting spirit, they are no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

For Kant, the Nalun Desert, the wolf man tribe that currently threatens him the most, has completely lost the power to continue to rival him along with the bright galaxy, and has become a stepping stone under his feet, dust of history!

(end of this chapter)