The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 43: Part-time slave trader


It was still daylight.

There are busy figures everywhere in the sentry oasis.

These Swadians are working hard to clean up the battlefield, and they will clean up the village as soon as possible regardless of fatigue.

Especially those bloody Gnoll corpses are the first element to clean up. The temperature in the desert is high. If the corpses rot and seep into the soil layer and directly pollute the groundwater, it will be terrible.

Wait for the sky to brighten, and the morning will come.

The battlefield has been cleaned up. More than 400 wolf man corpses are piled up as high as sand dunes.

This is one of the results of last night.

At the same time, on the back of the house, hundreds of jackals were crouching in the corner with their hands tied behind their backs and their heads dejected.

These are also one of the results of the battle, the captured Gnolls.

The 19 surviving Swadian militiamen were scanning the group of gnoll captives vigilantly with their hunting crossbows in their hands. If there was a slight movement, the already tensed crossbow strings would be put on the crossbow arrows and aimed at that side.

At the same time, there is also a fighting pick that can break armor with one blow, and the skull breaker.

However, no one cares about these gnoll captives at present.

The allied forces who helped Kant win the battle last night are now preparing to set off at dawn.

"Now, Baron Kant."

Knight Hobson stretched out his hand and held Kant's hand tightly: "Thank you for the breakfast and fresh water you provided, and at the same time, may the great God of War, Emond, bless you and your territory."

"Me too." Kant nodded, with gratitude in his eyes.

At the same time, he turned his head, looked at Scholar Hank, and said apologetically, "Mr. Hanke, I hope you won't feel regretful about this visit to the Nalun Desert."

"No." Scholar Hanke shook his head and chuckled: "Let the investigation of the lost city be left to the younger generation."

Sighing slightly, he was also a little unwilling, reached out his hand and took out a scroll in his arms and handed it to Kant: "This is my research on the lost city when I was in the academy, I may not come to the Nalun Desert again, since you are here Lord, if you can find any relics, or items about the lost city, that would be really great."

"Thank you, Mr. Hank." Kant took it solemnly.

Kant naturally knew that this represented Hanke's lifelong painstaking efforts.

Solemnly retracting it into his arms, Kant said solemnly: "I will collect it seriously."

"I hope you can make up for my regret." Scholar Hank nodded with a smile, with a bit of relief in his eyes, chatted with Kant for a few more words, and then turned back to his carriage.

"Goodbye, Baron Kant."

Knight Hobson nodded, rode his horse and led his followers and knights to turn around and leave.

The seriously injured were supported by others, and the corpses of the knights who died in battle were also tied to their horses. They were all a whole, and even if they died in battle, they would be brought back by others. This is a real honor.

The cavalry captain Luo Wen was also among them, supporting the seriously wounded.

After going through this battle, it is estimated that after he returns, he will be appreciated by the Hobson knight and may be promoted.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Kant.

He has left the Lion Principality, and is just a small lord in the Nalun Desert.

But in his mind, Kant still had the back of his cheap father, and he couldn't help but sigh. He really didn't understand what his father was thinking.

"Since everyone exiled me here..."

Lowering his head slightly, Kant had mixed feelings in his heart: "But why did you send someone to support me?"

This is the doubt in his heart.

After all, after living in this world for 16 years, both cats and dogs have feelings.

Not to mention the father who raised him.

"Master Kant, good morning, it seems that you are not in a good mood?"

Respectful greetings sounded behind him.

Kant turned his head, only to find that it was the caravan leader from Zhiwadin.

Nodding, Kant also smiled: "Good morning."

His attitude was more intimate. After all, in the battle at dusk yesterday, this caravan leader, whom he had never met before, dared to lead his caravan guards and sentries to fight desperately, which changed Kant's view of him.

"My lord, I hope I didn't disturb you."

The caravan leader was still respectful, as before.

He didn't become complacent because of his help to Kant. This is the truth of life. The caravan leader who often runs business in various towns naturally knows a lot.

"Do you have anything?" Kant heard the hesitation hidden in his words.

The leader of the caravan swallowed, nodded and said, "Master Kant, it's like this. I see that after yesterday's battle, you captured a lot of gnolls?"

"Do you have an idea?" Kant was slightly taken aback.

The caravan leader nodded and did not evade. Instead, he said directly: "These jackals seem to be physically strong and have a lot of sense. I think after domestication, they will be very good coolies in mines or forest farms."

"And then?" Kant thought thoughtfully.

This is a feature in the game.

The captured arms are a good thing. They are completely dinar resources, and they can make a lot of money by selling them to slave traders. It can be said to be one of the main ways for players to obtain dinars.

"I want to buy these gnoll captives." The caravan leader expressed his thoughts.

"Oh." Kant looked at the slightly embarrassed look of the caravan leader, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at the sand dunes in the distance and said, "I don't remember that the caravan, which is only in charge of buying and selling goods, can even buy captives."

"Occasionally part-time." The caravan leader bowed his head in embarrassment.

The reputation of slave traders is not good, and they are basically notorious in Calradia.

But for Kant, who is quite short of money, it is undoubtedly a good thing that is icing on the cake. He can sell it in the game, so how can he not sell it now

So Kant asked without hesitation: "Then how many dinars can you use to buy these gnoll captives?"

"For this... I can buy it for 30 dinars per person,"

The caravan leader swallowed, looked at Kant with some fear, and said truthfully: "I am not a professional slave trader, so I can only evaluate 30 dinars, but I think the actual price of these jackal captives, Should be higher."

"30 dinars?" Kant pondered slightly, then nodded and said, "Deal."

Although according to the price in the previous game, even the lowest-level robber can sell for 35 dinars, but considering that the system is the only buyer, Kant did not raise any objections.

This is money after all.

And it's a free dinar.

Even if it was 10 dinars per gnoll, Kant would sell it without hesitation.

In fact, he didn't have a good solution to these jackal captives. If there was no acquisition by the caravan leader, his solution would be to cut his throat with a knife, and then throw them into the cremation pit and burn them to ashes.

He doesn't need gnoll slaves.

"The current number of Jackal captives is 142."

Following Kant's confirmation, the leader of the caravan also smiled, and quickly said: "Each 30 dinars, equivalent to the total amount is 4260 dinars."

Kant's heart beat faster: "How much?"

"4260 dinars." The leader of the caravan bowed his head respectfully: "If there is a slave trader, he may offer a higher price than me. I apologize for that, Mr. Kant."

"No, this is very good, very good." Swallowing, Kant tried hard to control his emotions.

Only 142 Jackals were captured, and he earned more than 4,000 dinars.

It is simply a huge profit!

It directly gave Kant the dinar to upgrade his arms, and he could continue to develop villages and build buildings, as well as the weekly salary for maintaining troops in the future, all done!

At the same time, Kant's eyes flickered, and he suddenly discovered a very good way to create wealth.

Licking his lips, Kant looked at the caravan leader and asked, "So are you going to buy captives for a long time?"

"I'll come here once a month, and if you have any captives, I'll make a valuation."

The leader of the caravan nodded and said with certainty: "Of course, I prefer goods as commodities. If there are no various goods, then I will buy these captives."

"very good."

Kant nodded, his eyes flickering: "Now these gnoll captives are all yours."

The caravan leader bowed and gestured behind him at the same time.

The 6 caravan guards and the 12 sentinels who had been prepared for a long time immediately walked towards the gnoll captives with grinning grins, grabbed the flax ropes that bound their hands and feet, and walked directly towards the grocery store.

They have their own way to turn these jackals into their slaves.

In Kant's mind, 4260 dinars were credited instantly.

The current balance is 5743 dinars.

"It's time to upgrade your arms."

With so many dinars around him, Kant is full of confidence!

(end of this chapter)