The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 5: A gamble to begin with


Kant looked at the astonishment on Luo Wen's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth without leaving a trace.

It's mocking.

But Kant's face was still calm, and his slightly frowned brows showed his inner anxiety: "Actually, we have come here, and the water reserve is running out."

"Then how much more?" Luo Wen's face was gloomy.

"There are not many left." Kant said.

The temperature outside has soared to 70°C, but the atmosphere inside the tent is quite cold.

The two sat opposite each other, but there was no topic to continue communicating with.

And Luo Wen's face was extremely gloomy, like the haze of a stormy night, because when he knew what lack of water meant at this time, it was not just thirst, but also a desperate fight.

He has been battle-tested and has his own keen intuition.

In this sand dune, so close to the sentry oasis, they encountered more than 50 wolf men.

That means that the sentry oasis has long been occupied by the wolf man tribe!

"That's right."

Rowan finally nodded and looked at Kant with a gloomy face: "Master Baron, this is really bad news."

"Bad news, yes." Kant nodded.

The atmosphere continued to be cold, Rowan's fists were clenched and his teeth were clenched: "But Lord Baron, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid? Afraid of what?" Kant seemed confused: "Why should I be afraid?"


Luo Wen smiled softly, and laughed back angrily, a suffocating breath in his chest, almost burning into anger.

How could he not imagine what happened here

But he dared not do anything.

Although Kant is an exiled baron, the youngest son who is not loved by the Duke.

Even if Kant should die, there must be a decent excuse, just like the current Kant going to his baronie, maybe he will be killed by jackals in the future, but he definitely does not die in a lion principality, ordinary cavalry hands.

Because Kant still represents the blood of Cameron, the Duke of the Lion, and is a respectable Lord Baron of the Duke of the Lion.

What Kant insisted on is the rules of this world!

"However, we can go to the sentry oasis."

Kant opened his mouth and said in a normal way: "According to the records, there is spring water for drinking." After a pause, Kant looked at Luo Wen and said, "It is sweet and high-quality spring water, which is more than enough for wine making."

"That's really great." In Rowan's view, these are useless nonsense!

And Rowan didn't intend to continue to be perfunctory, and asked Kant with a gloomy face: "Lord Baron, what do we need to do next?"

"Go to the sentry oasis." Kant smiled on his face.

"But the current sentry oasis has been re-occupied by a group of wolf men. With our numbers alone, it is absolutely impossible to fight against these wolf men." Rowan was impatient and directly lifted the fig leaf.

Kant seemed surprised and said, "What?"

"Lord Baron, we all understand that no one is a stupid fool."

Luo Wen took a deep breath and said, "The wolf man tribe in the sentry oasis, we must kill them, otherwise they will all die of thirst in the Nalun Desert, and no one will survive."

"It's really serious." Kant lowered his head, as if he didn't understand the meaning of his words.

Luo Wen continued: "My subordinates all have their own families, lovers and children. They don't want to stay here forever. It's not fair to them." Looking deeply at Kant, he Said in a deep voice: "Lord Baron, I hope you can understand."

"The gnolls have taken over the spring in the sentry oasis."

Kant seemed to nod with the same emotion: "We will kill those gnolls, and then you can go back."

"What about the plan?" Rowan gritted his teeth.

Things have come to this point, he will not believe that Kant has no plan, because it is precisely this young baron who caused all this!

Of course, Kant did have follow-up plans.

Looking at Rowan's suppressed anger, Kant said, "We launched a surprise attack while the group of wolves were not paying attention. After all, the news of our arrival was not noticed by this wolves tribe, so we are still hiding in the dark. Has hidden advantages."


Luo Wen's voice raised slightly: "But this will cause heavy losses to my subordinates!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Wen gritted his teeth and said, "Please note, my lord, we only have 20 cavalry!"

"And my people." Kant said calmly, "If our raid is successful, then these gnolls will fall into chaos, and we will be able to kill them all before they organize an effective counterattack."

"Your peasants?"

There was undisguised mockery and ridicule on Rowan's face: "I admit, they are good at farming."

"Combat is also possible." Kant replied.

"Lord Baron, you are playing with fire." Rowan stared at Kant with anger in his eyes: "It is also irresponsible to my subordinates."

Kant looked at each other calmly: "If we don't do this, we will all die of thirst in the Nalun Desert."

"This is fighting with our lives." Luo Wen's voice was slightly higher.

"War is like this." Kant responded without flinching. At the same time, he looked at the middle-aged man and reached into his pocket to take out a wallet: "Is this enough?"

The purse was made of strong linen thread, and it rattled as Kant threw it.

"This..." Rowan caught it, feeling the metal texture in his hands.

Kant said: "This is your reward, 20 large silver coins."

"20 large silver coins?" Luo Wen's breathing was a little short, this is not a small sum.

Their monthly salary is only 20 small silver coins per person, and the exchange rate difference between the silver coins is 100 small silver coins to be exchanged for 1 large silver coin.

This means that each of them can get 5 months of extra salary.

"I know that you can leave after escorting the sentry oasis. This is my reward for hiring you."

Kant looked at Luo Wen and said solemnly: "You should understand that if our raid is successful, maybe no one will die."

A raid is a sudden attack, literally.

It can also be called sneak attack.

A means of inflicting effective blows on a large number of enemies when one's own forces are small.

Especially in the hands of cavalry units with superior tactical mobility, the effect of the surprise attack will reach its peak. This is why Kant used this method to offend Rowan and the others and forced them to stay.

With only 10 Swadian recruits and 20 Swadian farmers launching a raid, it will not be successful.

"When will it start?"

After accepting these large silver coins, Luo Wen's face softened slightly.

Looking at Kant, he put forward his opinion: "We have to wait for a good time, when those gnolls are most relaxed, maybe dawn is a good choice."

"No." Kant directly rejected his suggestion.

Before dawn is the most relaxed time for Wolf people, but for themselves, there is not much time to wait.

"Why?" Rowan frowned, he was very confident in his war experience.

Kant explained: "The slaughtered gnolls on the side of the dunes will arouse the vigilance of the sentry oasis, because no one has returned by late at night, and this gnoll tribe can definitely guess that there are enemies around."

Rowan breathed heavily: "But what else can we do?"


After pondering for a moment, Kant said solemnly: "In the afterglow of the sun, we will launch a surprise attack."

"Afterglow." Luo Wen repeated.

"Yes, the sun will be our ally, and the light will obscure our figures."

Kant took a deep breath: "At that time, they won't be able to find us quickly, and what you need to do is to rush in quickly, and completely plunge that gnoll tribe into chaos."

After a slight pause, Kant said slowly: "At that time, my people and I will also rush in."

There was silence in the tent, and it took a while for Luo Wen to raise his head and say, "Okay."

"We will succeed." Kant smiled, looked at Luo Wen and said softly: "Believe me, today's battle will be the capital that you will be proud to talk about when you happily drink light beer in the tavern .”

Luo Wen chuckled, and stared deeply at Kant: "I hope."

Then he stood up and walked out of the tent, and at the same time said to Kant: "I'll go and prepare with them."

"Yeah." Kant nodded.

He was alone in the tent again, but Kant's face was extremely solemn.

A fierce battle is about to begin.

It is estimated that some of the cavalry who are only responsible for escorting will die, and he currently has only 30 Swadian personnel, who will be the main reliance for building the territory in the future, and will also lose part of it.

"In life, there will always be one or two big gambles."

Kant took a deep breath.

Now that you have chosen the sentry oasis, it is equivalent to being on the gambling table.

Now that he has no capital, if he still wants to live and live well, he has no choice but to work hard.

Kant touched the light crossbow in his hand, and couldn't help laughing at himself: "Besides, you don't have to lose."

He has worked hard, but what he wants is victory

This is a must win!

(end of this chapter)