The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 54: Killing in fire and blood


The night was quiet and cool.

Among the sand dunes of the Nalun Desert, Fatis was leading his war horse quickly to the west side.

The 17 elite desert bandits behind him, as well as the newly recruited desert bandit, also led the desert horse silently and followed closely behind him, but there was a strong and crazy killing intent in their eyes.

It is undoubtedly a crazy move to charge straight into the center of the enemy with 19 riders and behead him in an instant.

Good luck, the task is completed, and everyone is happy.

If they are unlucky, not only will the task not be completed, but even they will be caught in it.

But they don't care either.

Fatis' eyes looked at the night sky. The originally bright stars began to dim, and the bright moon gradually disappeared. Only the solemn darkness shrouded the sky like ink, as if to forcibly block the reward of dawn.

"That ray of light will eventually pierce all darkness."

Opening his mouth softly, Fatis thought of the poems spoken by those bards when he was in Su Nuo.

His heart beat faster, but he gritted his teeth tightly and got on his horse swiftly.

"It's our time."

Fatis spoke in a deep voice, and flicked the rein to steer the horse forward.

Behind him, 18 cavalrymen who had long been familiar with desert raid operations, turned on their horses as quickly as he did, raised their spears in their hands, and kicked their horses' bellies to follow closely behind.

The sound of horseshoes gradually rose, but when they hit the soft sand layer, they could only sink into shallow pits and could not be heard very far.

Their speed is naturally not fast.

The most suitable riding tool for the desert is the camel, and the horse is still better at the plains.

However, for the current raid, these war horses can still exert 70% of their usual speed. After all, the sand layer can also bear the weight of the war horses, and it is not quicksand that sinks to the bottom.

After descending the sand dunes, the horseshoes knocked on the flat sand, making the horses go faster.

The sand layer here has been trampled down by jackals.

"here we go."

Kant took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Standing on the top of the dune, he kept his eyes fixed on the direction of the dunes on the west side. When he noticed that a dozen black spots appeared and were moving towards the wolf man tribe at a speed far exceeding that of walking, the calmness on his face was replaced by seriousness.

Everything is going according to the predetermined tactical plan.

Again, everything went fine.

But now is not the time to relax. Kant turned his head and looked at the soldiers who were ready behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Attention everyone, prepare to attack."

"Of order." A unison answer sounded from the sand dunes.

These Swadian soldiers looked solemn, and looked at Kant standing on the dune with fanaticism, as if they were not facing a tragic battle, but a tournament worth boasting about.

The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Everyone understands this simple truth, there is no hesitation, only the determination to die generously.

The kingdom of Swadia has never been short of warriors.

And on the west side, Fatis led 18 cavalry on horseback and rushed into the wolf man tribe.

Like a howling wind.

Holding the reins tightly in their hands, they galloped wildly, and one after another of simple and dirty tents passed by quickly. Fatis and the others didn't care at all. It splashed hard on the tents on both sides.

Although the night was dark, under the light of stars and moonlight, it could barely be seen that it was a brown liquid.

As they raided in a straight line, the tents on both sides seemed to be drenched in rain.

However, the two elite desert bandits at the very back stretched out their hands and pulled out two small barrel-shaped objects from their arms, and tore apart the linen that blocked them, revealing traces of red light in them.

It is a fire storage tank filled with charcoal.

The expressions of the two of them remained unchanged, and they threw down the dry water bag in their hands, and immediately threw the fire storage tank behind them.

The charcoal was spilled, and when it touched the tent that the water bag had splashed before, it combined with the brown liquid, and the originally dim red charcoal suddenly exploded with a little open flame, contacting more brown liquid around it, and turning into a bigger and bigger ball fireball.

The water bag is not filled with spring water, but the oil that Kant bought before!

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo—"

The brown oil was ignited, and the tent made of tattered linen mixed with it turned into a ball of fire in just a few seconds.

And the fireball spread towards the tents on both sides, burning more and more intensely!

The desert is already dry and there is no moisture at all. These tents are gathered together in a mess, and there is no clear concept of fire prevention in the planning. Following the oil-splashed lines, the fire rises.


At this time, a wolf man with sleepy eyes finally poked his head out.

For some unknown reason, he looked at the fire burning in the distance, and his companion who also rushed out of the tent due to the fire, his whole body was scorched.

Their heads still couldn't figure out how the fire came from.

However, there were also Jackals who had experienced previous night raids, and pulled out their maces in the tent with a terrified expression. What flashed in their green eyes was not ferocity, but extreme fear.

Because they also saw the cavalry continuing to rush towards the center of the tribe.

It's Fatis.

And those 18 murderous bandits from the desert of Sarande!

The speed of the war horse under the crotch became faster and faster, and the tent in front of it was no longer bypassed, and it stomped heavily with the horse's hooves, trampling the wolf who was still sleeping inside.

Fatis raised his head, and the larger tent was already less than a hundred meters away.

It's just that there are about forty or fifty jackals in front of him, and they are raising the mace in their hands, trying to use their bodies to defend the safety of the big tent.

"For Lord Kant, kill!"

Fatis kicked the horse's belly hard, and slashed with the long sword mercilessly.

Blood splattered.

Several jackals were knocked into the air, and the heads of two jackals were cut off by the long sword.

Standing upright with spears behind him, 18 desert robbers roared to follow. The sharp spearheads pierced the wolf man's chest directly, like a string of gourds, nailing each wolf man together.

They were already desperate, and they didn't care about the mace they waved.

It's completely a life-changing injury!

And in this crazy rush, they got close to the big tent, and they even saw the panicked wolf man shaman who escaped from the big tent and was holding a staff.


The Gnoll Shaman was already quite old, and his hair all over his body had changed from gray to white.

Slightly hunched over and looked at the burning tent with a cane, the entire western tribe had been turned into a sea of flames. Countless wolves were howling and fleeing frantically, and suddenly howled angrily: "Human!"

It speaks the lingua franca of humanity.


But Fatis and those desert robbers had no intention of communicating at all.

The long sword in his hand slashed, and the flange hammer slammed down, killing the wolf man who hindered them in front of them. Even if three elite desert bandits were smashed to the ground by the mace, they still moved towards the wolf man Sasha. full dash.

Their task was to kill the leader of this tribe.

That is the Gnoll Shaman.

"I will take out all your bones and hang them on my body as decorations!"

The eyes of the old Gnoll Shaman were full of madness. How could it, whose wisdom was far superior to that of ordinary Gnolls, fail to notice that its tribe was being attacked by human troops

"Let the bloodthirsty of your ancestors cover your hearts and kill these human cavalry!"

It grabbed a handful of colorful powder and threw it at the surrounding gnolls, raised the staff in its hand and roared, "Bloodthirsty!"


The surrounding gnolls were stained with powder, and their eyes instantly turned red.

But before these gnolls pounced on them, the desert bandits who were still rushing towards the book had more standard equipment they had already prepared-short javelins in their hands.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh—"

With the strength of the throw, the short javelin roared and tore through the air.

And the already old Gnoll Shaman realized that it was too late to flee to the side.

There are very few throwing weapons such as javelins and throwing axes in this world. Now facing the elite desert bandits, they can't dodge the precise and extremely lethal javelin throwing.

"Ho—no, my mighty power..."

4 short javelins pierced deeply into Gnoll Shaman's body.

The old shaman screamed, but leaned on his staff but fell crookedly.

In its wisdom, as a powerful extraordinary spellcaster, it is impossible for him to die so easily, not to mention there are those wolf warriors who have cast bloodthirsty spells, are extremely manic and fearless.

"let's go!"

Fatis watched the Gnoll Shaman fall, and immediately pulled the horse's rein.

The long sword in his hand slashed to death a red-eyed jackal, and he mobilized his horse to continue charging forward, because according to the original plan, they would not go back to the west, but forcibly penetrated the entire jackal. Human tribes, headed eastward, where Kant led the troops to attack.

And now, Kant has led the troops to attack.

The rain of arrows covered the tents on the east side densely, and the heads of those gnolls who fled in a panic.

PS: shamelessly ask for a recommendation ticket. If you have recommendation tickets, please give them to me. There will be another update tonight.

PS: Thanks to "Stuffy Jars Yuhuayang" for the 1600 starting coins~Thanks to "Lazy Yinglong" for the 1600 starting coins ~ Thanks to "Fantasy Different Dimension Star" for the 100 starting coins~Thank you "Mo Lan Xing Ye" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Dust Dust Duyi" for personally rewarding 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Taoist does not catch ghosts" personally rewarding 1000 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)