The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 545: Celia's Choice


Fatis led the army and was only 1 kilometer away from Fort Selia.

At this time, Fort Selia was still silent, without any reaction.

"Want to defend the city with cavalry?"

Fatis looked at Fort Selia in the distance, thinking with some puzzlement.

There are only a little more than 14,000 cavalry in Fort Selia. In fact, the plains are their best battlefield, rather than sticking to a small castle.

They were a lone army with no supplies or reinforcements.

There are not many supplies for defending the city.

The aristocrats of the southern county of Celia Fort never considered at the beginning that they would be forced to defend the city.

Soon, Fatis led 20,000 infantry soldiers to the city of Fort Selia.

Fort Selia is a fortress-type castle with only one gate.

Therefore, at this time, more than 14,000 cavalrymen in Fort Seria have been besieged in Fort Seria.

On the square in the center of Fort Sellia.

"You idiots!"

"The best opportunity to ride out of the city has been wasted by you bastards!"

Viscount Kami led his family's private army to confront the surrounding "friendly troops" who surrounded them. Hearing the movement outside the castle, he roared angrily.

"Viscount Kami, you blatantly killed my master Baron David, do you still think that we will obey your command?"

"You are not worthy at all!"

"That's right, you executioner, you should go to the gallows!"

The great knight under Baron David, who was originally guarding outside the conference room, listened to what was going on in the conference room. At this time, he led the heavy cavalry under Baron David, and encouraged the troops of other nobles to condemn Camille Viscount.

However, they didn't dare to really do anything to Viscount Kami.

Viscount Kami is a nobleman, but they are not.

If they kill nobles with their own hands, it will be treason, and no nobles will allow such behavior.

Even if they avenged Baron David, other nobles would definitely lead their subordinates to destroy them without hesitation.

They can only besiege Viscount Kami here, expecting other nobles to take down Viscount Kami, and then send Viscount Kami to the noble court.

At this time, after Viscount Kami left the meeting room, the nobles who had been sullen and procrastinating for a while finally made up their minds to fight to the death and came out of the meeting room one after another.

Then, they saw the situation on the square.


At this moment, the gate of Celia Castle made a loud bang.

"Oops, Baron Kant's subordinates have already led the army to attack the city!"

Many of the nobles showed panicked expressions. Although they had already made a decision to fight to the death, they were still panicked that they were about to enter the war so soon.

In Celia Fort, the nobles of the South County, and the heavy cavalry who were not on horses, were messing around in the central square of Celia Fort.

This is the disadvantage of this seemingly incoherent coalition.

When there was hope of victory, they were still able to cooperate sincerely, but when faced with such a desperate situation, they could no longer be the same as before. Instead, they began to form groups and guard against each other.

What's worse is that the nobles have command authority, but have not issued specific orders for a long time.

Originally there were still some elite heavy cavalry units, but judging from the situation in the square in Fort Selia at this time, they were completely scattered.

"Baron Purcell, you will be the supreme commander in this battle!"

"My nobles! I also hope that you can appease your army as soon as possible and obey the orders of Baron Purcell! Let Baron Purcell organize the army as quickly as possible!"

"My knights! Come with me, let's block the gate of Fort Selia and buy time for Baron Seil to reorganize his army!"

At this moment, Viscount Kami stepped forward. He methodically put forward a few suggestions, and then he led his private army and quickly walked towards the gate of Fort Selia.

Baron Purcell was the baron who sat on the top right side of the conference room.

He looked at Viscount Kami with complicated eyes. When it comes to talent and courage, they can best reflect this critical moment of life and death.

Viscount Kami's performance at this time, he thinks he can't compare.

Like Baron Purcell, many nobles looked at the back of Viscount Kami leading the army away, and suddenly had the same thoughts as Baron Purcell. At this time, the anger and resentment towards Viscount Kami subconsciously dissipated.

Viscount Kami's behavior is undoubtedly to use the lives of himself and his subordinates to buy them time.

Many nobles couldn't help thinking that maybe it wasn't that Viscount Kami was too weak, but that his opponent was too strong.

An image of a girl with blond hair, amber eyes, and a little immature face appeared in their minds.

That was Baron Kant, the nobleman who drove them to the current desperate situation.

At this time, this image, in the hearts of these nobles, suddenly became a little profound and terrifying.

Baron Purcell looked back at Viscount Kami, and said aloud:


Baron Purcell himself also possesses the strength of a great knight. At this time, with extraordinary power, his voice instantly covered the entire central square of Fort Celia.

The crowd quickly quieted down!

At this time, the people in the Fort Seria Square were in panic, and they needed someone to stand up and lead them.

Of course, apart from Viscount Kami, the soldiers would be willing to accept any other nobleman.

The hatred and resentment of the nobles towards Viscount Kami, under their own deliberate indulgence, has deeply infected their private soldiers.


Another loud noise came from above the city gate.


Viscount Kami roared. At this time, he was wearing leather armor and took the lead to put his body on the gate of Fort Selia. His body exuded a faint orange light, which was the brilliance of extraordinary power.

Viscount Kami's private army also blushed, and each exerted their greatest strength to firmly stand behind the gate of Fort Selia.

The location of the city gate is limited, and there are still many private soldiers of Viscount Kami directly on Pao Ze.

"You nobles, go and command your own private armies!"

"At the same time, according to the original deployment of the heavy cavalry corps, arrange a square formation on this square!"

"Hurry up!"

Baron Purcell quickly found his own private army, arranged his private army in a small square formation, and at the same time used extraordinary power to issue orders.

At this time, with the coordination of the nobles, the more than 14,000 heavy cavalry seemed to have found the backbone, and they efficiently followed the order of Baron Sellia, and arranged a neat square formation on the square of Fort Sellia. .

However, the original heavy cavalry phalanx has now completely become a heavy infantry phalanx.

(end of this chapter)