The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 547: Regretful insurgents


The sound of fighting in Fort Celia lasted for most of the day.

By the afternoon, the sound of fighting had gradually weakened.

At this time, Fatis ordered the Swadian sergeant, Swadian infantry, and Swadian heavy infantry who had been blocking the gate of Selia Fort to slowly push into Selia Fort.

"Decree: In Celia Fort, the rest will be killed!"

"Decree: If you find someone who is not dead, kill them with a knife."

Fatis looked at Fort Selia with a cold and determined look in his eyes.

At this time, in Fort Celia, after half a day of fighting, there were less than 3,000 people left among the 30,000 people, and almost everyone was injured.

At this moment, the Swadian infantry, holding a shield in one hand and a Germanic sword in the other, slowly advanced forward.

"Hahaha, you bastards of Nanjun, your end is here!"

"The elite of our army are here to harvest!"

The infantrymen belonging to the coalition of the nobles of the North County, watching the arrival of the Swadian infantry, laughed in surprise, and at the same time mocked the soldiers of the South County.


A scolding infantryman of the coalition army of nobles from the northern county was suddenly pushed forward by a Swadian light infantryman behind him, piercing the heart with a sword from the back.

"I... I am the Allies... Allies... why..."

The infantryman of the coalition army led by the nobles of the North County was bleeding from his mouth and asked puzzled questions, but before he could finish his words, he fell to the ground.

The Swadia who killed him started and looked at the soldier who fell on the ground, and said softly:

"That's the order we received!"

Whether it is the soldiers of the North County Noble Alliance or the soldiers of Kant.

They didn't know that their order came from the rebellion and strife of the nobles of the North County. As captives, they forgot their identities, and their cross-border behavior brought destruction to themselves and their soldiers. destiny.

However, due to the loyalty of the system, Kant's soldiers completely respected the orders issued by their superiors.

The more than 3,000 people who survived on the battlefield, whether it was the infantry of the North County Noble Alliance Army or the heavy cavalry converted into infantry from the South County Leader Noble Alliance Army, they did not have much combat effectiveness at this time.

Facing the Swadian soldiers who were advancing layer upon layer and killing them mercilessly, they had almost no ability to resist.

The ruthless massacre completely ended the remaining soldiers in Fort Selia.

In Fort Selia, corpses were piled up layer after layer, directly reaching the soldiers' ankles.

Hundreds of vultures were attracted by the bloody aura rising from the sky, and they were circling over Celia Fort at this moment.

"Herald: Search for loot!"

"Decree: Drag the corpses in the Celia Fort outside the Celia Fort, gather them, and cremate them directly!"

At this time, there were no spies from other countries on the battlefield. After Fatis' plan was destroyed by the rumors of the nobles of the South County, there was no need for those spies to continue to exist.

They were ruthlessly driven away by desert bandits and Swadian heavy cavalry led by Rolf.

Some spies who refused to retreat because of their large numbers, Rolf directly let them stay forever.

Along with a big fire, it ignited ragingly on the edge of Celia Fort, marking the successful first step of Fatis's invasion plan against the South County Territory.

It also means that the land of the North County Territory has completely become the sphere of influence under Kant's crown, and half of the South County has become a barrier for the North County Territory.

As long as Rolf successfully wiped out the Nanjun leader's uprising army, then half of the Nanjun leader would completely fall into the hands of Kant.

On the same night, in an abandoned farm deep in the territory of Nanjun.

The rebel army led by Nanjun was stationed here.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the South County Rebel Army, Ke Luode, was pouring alcohol on himself, trying to numb himself with alcohol and make himself feel better, otherwise, the overwhelming regret would completely swallow him up.

Yes, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, Clode, is extremely regretful now.

He regretted abandoning the extremely generous covenant Kant gave him.

After abandoning Kant's very formal covenant, Cloade tried to lead the South County rebel army in an attempt to seek refuge with Cameron, the Duke of the Lion, using the land they "mastered" and as many as 35,000 soldiers as bargaining chips to seek a nobleman. status, but they were ruthlessly rejected by the Duke of Lion, just like the nobles of the Southern County of Celia Castle.

If the Lion Duke Cameron accepts them, it will undoubtedly challenge the order of the aristocracy.

Rebels like them are the most hated existence of all nobles. Their own behavior is to challenge the rationality of the nobles ruling the world. A world ruled by classes threatens to be utterly chaotic.

If there is one, there are two. Even if the Nanjun led the rebel army successfully passed the rebellion and changed from slaves to nobles, then the slaves of other kingdoms and principalities may not follow suit.

Therefore, from the moment they revolted, their outcome was already doomed.

After being rejected by the Lion Duke Cameron, the commander of the South County Rebel Army, Colade, successively expressed his intention to surrender to the four top nobles in the South County, but the ending was equally miserable.

With the Duke of Lion Cameron and the four top aristocrats setting an example, other nobles of the South County have issued a denunciation against the uprising army of the South County—the nobles naturally called them rebels, and vowed that as long as the lion Grand Duke Cameron summoned the rebel army, and they must send private troops to support them.

Under such circumstances, the commander-in-chief of the South County Rebel Army and the rest of the commanders, like the nobles of the South County Leader in Fort Selia, fell into the abyss of despair.

Although they "occupied" half of the land in the South County Territory, the half of the land in the South County Territory was almost in ruins, and they were unable to provide them with follow-up support at all.

Because the population has all been killed or swept away by them.

After being rejected by the Grand Duke Cameron and the four top nobles of the South County Territory, Cloade tried to lead the rebel army across the other half of the South County Territory, across the Reese Niston River, and return to the land of the Silver Plate Kingdom.

From Cloode's point of view, the Silver Plate Kingdom, which has fallen into chaos at this time, may have a foothold for him.

However, his actions were regarded as another round of aggression by the high-ranking nobles of Nanjun. The strength of the high-ranking nobles far surpassed that of the middle-ranking nobles represented by Viscount Kami.

Moreover, their private soldiers are not like the Viscount Kami, most of them were drawn out to form the coalition of nobles who wanted to conquer the North County Territory.

(end of this chapter)