The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 55: A battlefield covered in rain of arrows


Stand on top of a dune.

Kant's face was calm, but there was a faint light in his eyes.

In the distance, the fire is raging and raging.


Kant gave the order in a deep voice.

Footsteps sounded behind him, and the Swadian soldiers, who were already ready, began to advance.

"Bass." Kant also pulled out the dagger from his waist.

He goes ahead.

The infantry ranks of 295 formed three platoons.

All of them raised their spears and began to trot, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

800 meters ahead was the Gnoll Tribe. There were already many grey-brown haired Gnolls who left the tent because of the fire and the chaos on the west side.

As for fire fighting, there is no such concept at all.

The most precious thing in the desert is water.

These jackals don't even have enough water to drink every day. Where can they store water to fight fires

But this is precisely Kant's opportunity.

With the chaos in the wolf tribe, no one noticed at all. At the top of the sand dunes on the east side, a human army of about 300 people was moving rapidly, implying endless killing intent, directly approaching the edge of the tribe.


The [Position to Intimidate the Enemy] in Kant's hands unfolded instantly.

The golden lion on the red background turns into a flag fluttering in the wind, which automatically moves without wind, hunting.

Within a range of 500 meters, the flag has been completely enveloped.

In the hearts of those jackals who were staring blankly at the fire in the west, for some reason, a burst of timidity made them beat drums in their hearts, as if encountering an unknown horror.

Soon, they knew what they had encountered.

Kant led the troops forward quickly.

The group of jackals hadn't even noticed their surprise attack in the dark.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which was a bit of mockery, but the solemnity in his eyes had also turned into a murderous intent at this time.

"Arrow rain cover."

Kant said in a deep voice, "The first wave."

The thinking communication system instantly activates a certain golden card in the mind.

at this moment.

There was a faint sound of breaking the air above Kant's head.

The night was dark, and the sound could only be heard getting denser and louder.

The jackals in front of them all subconsciously turned their heads to look at the sky, and their beast-like faces were filled with bewilderment and incomprehension.

Their intelligence is no different from that of human eight-year-old children.

But in their green eyes, above the sky where the stars have disappeared, countless black shadows are becoming more and more obvious with the sound of breaking the sky, and there are more and more dense in their eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa—"

500 feathered arrows whizzed and tore through the air, passed through the void, and hung down in a beautiful arc.

The sharp iron arrows are tapered and have excellent armor-piercing effect.


This kind of feather arrow is a high-grade iron arrow from the Kingdom of Vikia, a cone-headed arrow dedicated to the sharpshooter of Vikia!

At this moment, arrows rained down the sky.

The cone-headed arrows easily pierced the Gnoll's fur, and shot those unlucky guys who couldn't dodge in time between the tents. They fell to the ground like hedgehogs, twitching, and then remained motionless for a while.

Nearly two hundred wolf men fell into the rain of arrows.


But as a large number of jackals fell, the [Position to Intimidate the Enemy] suddenly fluttered, and an invisible ripple spread out.

Fear spread in the hearts of these gnolls.

Many of these guys were brought back in the night raid, and they were terrified. Now out of the corner of their eyes, they saw human troops lined up and killed them on the sand dunes in the dark. As if being held.

The special effect of [Awesome Enemy] is activated, severely reducing their morale.

So, this is one of the main reasons why Kant dared to use very little force to raid the wolf man tribe.

This kind of artifact, as long as the opportunity is seized, the enemy can be beaten forever!

And now,

This is the opportunity Kant was looking for!


The Swadian soldiers marched side by side, faster and faster.

The spear in his hand had been put down horizontally, and he pointed the sharp spearhead forward. He stepped on the fallen gnolls and rushed straight into the depths of the tribe. The target was the center of the already chaotic tribe.

If the beheading tactics of Fatis and the desert bandits fail, then Kant and these infantry can still make up for it.

Killing the Gnoll Shaman is the most important part of this tactical plan.

Holding high the [Position to Intimidate the Enemy], Kant led the team forward quickly, looking at the hundreds of gnolls who had already reacted in front of them, with a calm expression: "Meet the enemy head-on, kill!"

"Kill!" The Swadian infantry stabbed fiercely with their spears.

The three-row queue is like a dense forest of spears. Although there is no defense in place, the spearheads stab out a continuous scale, but the spears are charged forward, but it is like a simplified version of a knight's charge.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi—"

The spearhead easily pierced through the wolf man's body, and even penetrated directly with the force of the piercing.

Nearly 60 jackals were immediately stabbed to death in front of Kant and the others.

But more jackals rushed forward even more violently, as if aware of the desperate situation of life and death, even if their hearts became more timid because of the fear of their comrades in arms, they still resisted with maces.

"Boom boom boom—"

There was a heavy slamming sound, and more than a dozen Swadian recruits were directly knocked to the ground because of their lack of experience in battle.

And more jackals behind them rushed forward with scarlet eyes.

Especially smelling the smell of human blood, this group of gnolls even grabbed the Swadian recruits who were not completely dead. The beast-like head approached, and the big mouth full of sharp teeth was directly on the exposed arms and thighs. Biting off a large piece of meat, swallowing bloody mouthfuls, added a bit of ferocity.

These jackals are primitive cannibals!

The two sides staggered at close range, and even these Swadian infantrymen had no time to pull out their spears, so they could only give up these pole weapons and fight directly with one-handed weapons.

Even Kant was protected by the 25 light infantry with fan shields and Germanic swords. Under the impact of several gnolls who were not afraid of death, he barely stood on his feet and continued to hold his left hand tightly. , reducing the morale of the enemy and maintaining the advancing speed of one's own front, but as time goes by, casualties still occur.

"For Swadia!"

The infantrymen from Swadia were shouting.

Their bodies were covered with dirty and smelly blood, but the corpses of the wolf men under their feet were one after another.

Although they suffered casualties, the casualties of the Wolf man were even more tragic.

The death of more than 100 Swadians brought at least 300 wolf men lying on the ground as corpses.

And Kant and the others are getting closer and closer to the center of the tribe. Even Kant can already see with the naked eye, just a few hundred meters away, a dozen figures on horses are rushing from left to right, heading towards Follow the big tent to kill.

At the same time, the soldiers around him became less and less as the jackals counterattacked.

"Arrow rain covered!"

Kant stretched out his hand, and the data stream in his eyes instantly materialized.

In the sky, the sound of piercing the sky reappeared, and the volley from 500 Vikia sharpshooters appeared in this world again, like the heavy rain cleaning up the world, clearing up more than 200 jackals in front of them.

After wiping the dirty blood on his face, Kant's face was slightly ferocious, and his voice was high-pitched: "Keep killing!"


But at the same time, the remaining Swadian fighters around them seemed to burst out with hidden power, and they swung their daggers, fighting picks, and hatchets frantically, advancing faster.

One ebbs and another, and those jackals seem to have encountered the morale of extreme fear, and the blood red and killing intent in their eyes quickly fade away. On the contrary, panic and fear appear in their eyes.


The [Position to Intimidate the Enemy] in Kant's hand suddenly burst into a substantial wave, covering the surroundings instantly.

"The Gnoll Shaman has been killed!"

A sharp-eyed light infantryman pointed forward, his face extremely excited: "General Fatis has succeeded!"

Kant also stared forward.

Right at the big tent, the Gnoll Shaman, who was leaning on crutches, was hit by four or five short javelins all over his body.

And according to the effect of [Position to Intimidate the Enemy], it directly weakened the morale of the wolf man a lot. It can already be guessed that the wolf man shaman was definitely beheaded successfully and stepped into death!


The surrounding gnolls howled more and more.

But more of them just dropped the mace and fled directly to the outside.

No one dared to continue to resist, and their entire army was defeated.

"Win." An idea came to Kant's mind. Looking at the fleeing jackals with their backs turned to him, he did not show any mercy, but said in a deep voice, "Pursue, Get rid of them!"

Take advantage of the victory and pursue to completely wipe out the vitality of the wolf man.

Kant does not need too many captives just yet.

The reason is very simple. The dead wolf man does not need to be guarded. Kant's troops are now less than 100 people.

PS: I bragged yesterday, so please don’t blame me. I’ll make it up when I have free time.

(end of this chapter)