The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 559: A year of stable development


Bestur saw that Kant opened the white metal book to the fourth page, but only opened it halfway, and then closed it.

"I can't see anything from this white metal book, but Kant may be able to see something." Bestur thought so.

Kant's eyes showed a thoughtful look, which had lasted for several minutes.

"My lord, are you alright?" Bestur asked cautiously.

Kant blinked, shook his head and said, "It's okay, Bestur, prepare to take over Lionheart City in an all-round way! The west gate of Lionheart City is no longer a concern, and the knights of those sects should not come to trouble us anymore!"

Golden, light, dark, crimson, the four colors of light are incomparably brilliant. This is the picture Kant saw on the fourth book of prophecy on the half page. Above the four kinds of light, there stood a figure with golden hair in a blood-colored cloak. He held a broken sword in his hand. Four kinds of divine radiance rose above the broken sword, and purple blood dripped down.

When he saw this half, Kant forcibly closed the book of prophecy.

"Even if I read the fourth page of the book of prophecy, I still don't know who I'm fighting with?"

Kant thought so at the time, just like Edmund, the god of war, showed him an attitude of endless war when he stepped into Lionheart City. This may explain that Edmund, the god of war, was prophesying The scene seen on the fourth page of the book is the scene where he was besieged and killed by a blond figure in a blood-colored cloak? But obviously, God of War Edmund couldn't judge who his opponent was based on those characteristics.

"My sword was broken, and I also injured him, or killed him? Or was he defeated, severely wounded or even killed me? Or leave all these to the unknown, I just need to know, I will definitely meet in the future Terrible enemies, these are enough, knowing the result is not good. Do I need to pay attention or wait for such a picture to appear?"

Kant refused to have such a situation. The present situation is just right, not only satisfying his curiosity about the future, but also not directly restraining himself because he has completely seen the picture in the prophecy.

Just keep going strong.

"Complete the main task of the system first! Conquer the Principality of Lions and become the sole ruler of the Principality of Lions."

Time flies, and a year has passed in a flash.

As Kant expected, those knights from sects from other countries were recalled by the sects one after another when they traveled halfway. This was an anticlimactic action.

Regarding the rumors that Baron Kant took refuge in the devil, sects of various countries issued announcements to clarify Baron Kant, explaining that Baron Kant was a noble nobleman and had nothing to do with demons.

Kant naturally understood that his previous great momentum and strength were indeed a huge threat to the gods, but since he had already slaughtered the God of War and was promoted to the nobles of the world, he was no longer a threat to the gods .

During the year, Kant did not launch any more aggression, and those world nobles who mistakenly thought that Kant had promoted himself to the world nobles never came to Kant to form an alliance. It seems that it was because Kant killed the God of War and offended them.

However, they did not "will not let him go" as the God of War shouted before his death. Kant enjoyed a rare year of tranquility and peace.

In the past year, thanks to the existence of the system, Kant's territory has developed rapidly. It is not an exaggeration to say that such a speed of development is a miracle.

The first is Kant’s territory in the Nalun Desert, which is located in the sentry oasis Drehem. The scale has expanded again to the level of a large fortress, with 5,000 soldiers stationed, and Kant’s most powerful subordinate, the apostle Bundak of the underworld, leads them.

The sentry oasis has also expanded a lot due to the ever-expanding date palm groves, wheat fields, and achnatherum grass fields. Near the main fortress of Drehem, many villages with high-end houses have been added, and the clean and tidy stone pavement connects these villages with the fortress of Drehem.

In today's sentry oasis, in addition to the 5,000 soldiers stationed in Drehem, there are also 30,000 civilians. Most of them work in date palm groves, wheat fields, achnatherum splendens fields, camel farms, and sand grouse farms. Their continuous work, combined with Kant's terrain transformation, has continuously expanded the area of the sentry oasis.

The civilians who arrived at the beginning mostly worked in the large salt workshops, large spice workshops, large sugar workshops, large bakeries, and large mills in the Dreihem Fortress. Sacks of salt, spices, and sugar were piled up from the shops to the streets, and merchants loaded with them came and went in their wagons. The air is filled with the fragrance of various spices.

In the salt mines in the north, the scale of the original post station has also expanded a lot, and gradually became the size of a small town. Some civilians became miners and settled in this small town. The more prosperous it is, and the more fine white salt is sold in Lionheart City, the more intensive mining of salt mines is required. At this time, there are already 3,000 miners in this small town. They are all civilian miners from the world of riding and hacking, and there are about 2,000 slave miners.

The central station located outside the exit of the Sanwaya Mountains, connecting the sentry oasis and Aaron Castle in the Sanwaya Mountains or the central station of the Stone Pass, because Baron Kant's territory became more and more prosperous, and the caravans came and went more frequently, making this former As a transit station, it also became more prosperous and gradually developed into a complete town. Of course, the caravans going to and from the small station are all civilians from the world of riding and hacking. They developed in this world and formed after they chose to become merchants. As for the caravans in this world, if they want to buy fine white salt, spices, and sugar from the depths of the Nalun Desert, they can only trade in Lionheart City.

Here, it is now considered to be deep in the hinterland of Kant's baronial territory.

As Kant's original territory, Dreihem's development is very good, with good military power, agricultural development, and industrial development. Luxuries such as salt, spices, and sugar are still an important part of Kant's economic industry. But after all, limited by the terrain of the desert, it is impossible to develop too fast.

Now, this is relative to Aaron, the second city Kant established in this world.

In fact, compared to other kingdoms and duchies in the world, Dreihem is already a first-class prosperous and prosperous city. Although it stands in the harsh environment of the Nalun Desert. But it has become a miracle in the Nalun Desert. This is all the nobles, sects, adventurers, bards, spies and other professions who have a little understanding of Drehem in this world, and people who have passed through They learned about the comments of the commoners of Drehem on Drehem.

If it wasn't for Baron Kant's refusal to give people in this world a license to settle in Drehem, the population of Drehem might have increased by another ten or twenty thousand.

In fact, not only Drehem, but all the cities or small towns in Baron Kant’s territory are not open to the population of this world. They politely reminded them that it was time to leave.

Aaron, this is the second town established by Kant in this world. It has now developed into a large city with a population of 200,000. In Aaron, there are also 5,000 soldiers stationed, led by James, a battlefield doctor.

This is a city built on the top of a mountain in the Sanwaya Mountains, and it is also the highest city in the world. Among the Sanwaya Mountains, the land is rich and rich in resources. The successful development of the terraces made Aaron one of Kant's granaries.

The excellent and unique geographical position of the city of Aaron has made the animal husbandry industry that existed earlier have also been greatly developed. Chicken farms, pig farms, sheep farms, cattle farms, bee farms... dotted in the Sanwaya Mountains Among them, it provides fresh meat and dairy products for Kant's territory, and is also one of the suppliers of raw materials for plush workshops, leather workshops, and tanning workshops in Aaron City.

The abundant wood resources in the Sanwaya Mountains have made Aaron City the largest supplier of charcoal, wooden handicrafts, and wooden furniture in the world. The iron ore resources discovered in the Aaron Mountains not only allowed Aaron to have the largest iron workshop in Kant's territory, supplying the iron farm tools in the entire Kant territory, but also established a huge weapon and armor workshop.

Although Kant's soldiers all have weapons and armor provided by the system, the weapon business is also a business that is as profitable as white salt, and this business is naturally in the hands of Kant.

Aaron City has lush agriculture, industry, handicrafts, and commerce. The development of these industries has enabled Kant to collect a lot of dinars through special taxes—the residents of Aaron City are naturally civilians from the world of riding and hacking.

Compared with the great development of Drehem and Aaron, Kant’s third city—Sargos—is located in the Eastern County Territory, facing the Reese Niston River, and backed by the underground passage connecting Aaron City The fortress city in the exported mountains has not developed by leaps and bounds economically.

After all, this is the East County Territory. With the betrayal of the nobles of the East County Territory in the Civil War a year ago, Kant's control over the East County Territory has failed. Kant has been developing the territory throughout the year and digesting it. The fruit of victory obtained in the first invasion of the Principality of Lions.

Although the economy of Sagos has not developed much, the level of the fortress was successfully raised by Kant and became a large fortress like Dreihem. At the same time, the number of soldiers stationed here is also 5,000, led by Bestur.

The above is the development of the first three cities established by Kant.

In addition, Kant completely occupied the territory of the former Lion Principality—the entire North County Territory and half of the South County Territory in the north, and Kant completely digested it.

The nobles in the North County Territory were all liquidated by Fatis, and the civilians in the North County Territory belonging to this world were expelled by Fatis - this came from Kant's order. His empire was built on the basis of the world's population.

Of course, Kant did not intentionally torture those people who belonged to this world who were expelled by Fatis. Instead, they were expelled after settling their fixed property that could not be taken away. They would have nowhere to go—this world In fact, population is the most important resource, as long as they are needed to contribute, all lords are willing to accept them.

In the center of the North County, which was almost emptied, Kant once again established a city, which Kant named Veluga.

Veluga City, defined by Kant as an inland trading city, was positioned similar to Aaron, but focused on agriculture. After all, Beijun is now considered the hinterland of Kant's territory.

With Veluga City as the center and the castles left by the nobles as the small center, Kant built a large number of private houses in North County, and upgraded the private houses to high-end private houses, attracting a large number of people from the world of riding and cutting.

The entire North County accommodated 2 million people from the world of riding and hacking for Kant. The existence of these populations is of great significance to Kant. Whenever needed, Kant can transform them into militias, and after only one battle, they can quickly upgrade to advanced arms. And when they are not needed, they help Kant farm in peace and contentment, and can also provide Kant with a poll tax and a large amount of food.

So for now, the job of these people is to help Kant reclaim North County and grow food.

The North County Territory is relatively barren, but that is only relatively speaking. No matter how barren the North County Territory is, it will not be as barren as the former sentry oasis. In the past, barley and oats were grown in the North County Territory. Compared with wheat and oats, they are more suitable for the barren land. Of course, the taste is much worse, and the price is also cheaper.

Kant did not make much change to this, and also mainly planted barley and oats, while introducing potatoes and onions.

The change was that the surplus barley produced in North County was purchased by Kant in large quantities in the city of Veluga, and delicious malt wine was brewed, which was sold to various countries in exchange for a large number of golden eagles. The surplus oats were purchased by Kant in large quantities in the city of Veluga, and ground into powder. This is the feed for high-quality war horses. The Principality of Lions, who loves to train cavalry, can digest most of these oat flours.

Only 2,000 soldiers were stationed in Veruga City, led by Fatis. Among the large number of noble castles in North County, Kant sent a famous Swadia Royal Knight and Sarion Lion Knight to station, and asked them to assist Fatis in governing the entire North County Territory.

Similar to the North County Territory, Kant also established a city in the northern half of the South County Territory, named Jieerkala. In Jieerkala, 5,000 soldiers were stationed, led by Rolf.

Jieerkala was established to be close to the center of the entire South County Territory, and it was also the southernmost tip of the South County Territory acquired by Kant. It was developed by Kant into a fortress city, echoing the north and south of Lionheart City.

The development model of half of the South County Territory is similar to that of the North County Territory, but due to the richness of the land, wheat is mainly grown. Half of South County directly accommodated 1 million people from the world of riding and hacking for Kant. It is also one of Kant's important granaries.

And Kant himself, apart from touring the territory, has been stationed in the Lion Heart City. At this time, the Lion Heart City is heavily stationed by Kant. There are a total of 10,000 soldiers, most of whom are senior arms of the fourth and fifth ranks. .

During this year, Kant's strength has been developing rapidly, preparing for the main task of the system.

Up to now, even if the five world nobles of the Lion Principality unite, Kant has accumulated enough strength and is ready to launch another conquest.

(end of this chapter)