The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 56: Capture after victory



Blood spattered, and the dagger was pulled out from the socket of the wolf man's eye.

Kant swung his arm, and the blood stained on the sword immediately turned red on the ground. He raised his foot and kicked away the gnoll who was kneeling on the ground in front of him. His face was somewhat relaxed and tired: "It's over."

A strong burnt smell permeated the air.

But the more intense smell of blood is like substance in the mouth and nose.

Kant was surrounded by corpses.

Most of them are wolf men, but you can also see some fallen warriors of Swadia.

This battle has come to an end under the resolute surprise attack of Kant and the others who are not afraid of death.

The ownership of the Nalun Desert also announced a change of ownership at this time.

The gnoll tribe was engulfed by the fire, and the roiling heat wave swept through, connecting those dry tents into a world of flames. Even the gnolls who hadn't escaped in time were burned to death and choked to death inside.

This is the tribe where the gnolls thrive.

Now it has also become a cemetery after their destruction.

As for Kant.

What I enjoy is standing on the edge of the flames, admiring the raging fire engulfing and burning, feeling the heat wave blowing away the cold of the desert night, and feeling the cruelty of war.

Because he is a winner.

Is the conqueror of the Nalun Desert.

A noble baron from the Lion Principality.

This is enough.

The Swadian soldiers stood behind Kant, also looking at the fire in front of them.

The burning flames did not make them afraid, but warmed them a little.

They had just finished fighting and were very tired.

Their faces and bodies were stained with blood, and many people were limping and supporting each other. If you look carefully, you can see that almost everyone was injured, which shows how tragic the previous fight was.

In this raid, Kant and the others had already taken the lead.

But in the face of the jackal's counterattack, they were still severely injured.

The casualties were heavy.

"Two-thirds of the people are here."

Kant turned his head and glanced around.

Sighing in his heart, there are less than a hundred people standing behind him now, and everyone is injured.

He turned his head to look at the eastern sky.

A ray of dawn pierced through the dense darkness, and a faint fish-white also appeared in the sky.

It was almost dawn.

"Da da da da da da..."

In the midst of the fire, the sound of hurried hooves came.

Fatis took the lead, leading four or five elite desert robbers out of the sea of flames, reined in beside Kant, and made a sound of "Woo-" to control the horses under his crotch to stop.

"came back."

Kant nodded to Fatis, his face was relieved: "I feel very happy to see you again."

This is his only general.

And Fatis rushed out of the sea of flames, and was obviously burned by the flames. If he hadn't been wearing an iron helmet, even his hair would have been burned to death. Just look at the mane of the war horse under his crotch. It was a small part of the body, and the body was also full of bumps, mixed with the wounds from being hit by the mace before, it was very scary.

Fatis thanked gratefully: "Thank you for your concern, Lord Kant."

Turning over and getting off the horse, Fatis took out a package from the cloth bag on the horse's back, handed it to Kant and said, "My lord, this is something captured from the Gnoll Shaman."

"Huh?" Kant took it.

Stretching out his hand to open it, there are several broken staffs and a rather old book inside.

Kant looked solemnly.

The staff was made of some kind of fine wood, and it was broken due to trampling, and it was collected by Fatis. The most conspicuous thing is the top of the staff, which is inlaid with a dark black gemstone the size of an egg.

He had seen this kind of thing in the Lion Principality, and it was the source of energy for the staff.

The imperial mages of the Lion Castle held similar staffs to assist in casting spells.

But it was the old book that attracted Kant's attention the most.

"What is this?" Kant couldn't help frowning.

Picking up this book, it was soft in the hand, and the outside seemed to be made of delicate sheepskin. Although it was old with dirty filth and dust, Kant's heart throbbed suddenly, as if he was holding something extraordinary.

At the same time, a system dialog box pops up.

[Ding... After your bloody fight, you have won this battle.]

[Main quest: "The 1st Strong Enemy" completed]

[Rewards: 10,000 Dinars, 1,000 Prestige, 10 Honors.]

[Introduction: Defeating a strong enemy is just a stepping stone. A new journey is waiting for you, please keep working hard. Believe in your own abilities, no one is as terrifying as the first strong enemy. No one can stand in your way.]

On the system dialog box, it shows that the task is completed.

Kant chuckled.

This is expected.

The wolf man tribe in front of them all turned into raging flames, and even after they were extinguished, there would only be ruins left here.

No gnoll will continue to live here.

Even the lucky ones who escaped from the tribe and survived could not live for too long in the cruel environment of the Nalun Desert, not to mention the scorching high temperature and extremely cold low temperature, both of which are death scythes that can harvest life.

In the touch, a new dialog box appeared on the retina.

[Ding... Because of this battle, you won more with less and achieved impressive results.]

[Rating: Epic victory.]

[Gain reputation x 100 points.]

[Gain honor x 1 point.]

This battle was directly judged as an "epic victory" by the system.

Kant smiled.

A low-level unit of 300 people directly kills a tribe of gnolls with 2,000 people. The less wins the more, and the weak defeats the strong. Of course, an epic victory is a matter of course.

But Kant turned his head.

The soldiers behind them stood crookedly, and the smiles on their lips faded away.

Even in a surprise attack, these heroic soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

Swadian light infantry, only 10 left.

Swadian militia, only 31 people left.

Swadia recruits, only 46 people left.

There are only 5 elite desert bandits left.

All added up, there are only 92 troops left.

It can be said that the mountain is at the end of the river, and all the rewards Kant won in the last battle were directly put into it.

War is a big mouth for swallowing gold.

[Ding...Someone in your army can upgrade]

To Kant's relief, the surviving arms that won the victory can at least be upgraded.

The upgraded units are basically elite.

"Open the arms list."

Kant's thinking communication system, a dialog box pops up immediately on the retina.

... ... ...

[Upgradable units: Swadia recruits × 46 people]

[Spend 10 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Swadia Militia]

[Ding... the current experience is overflowing, and all staff can upgrade continuously]

... ... ...

[Upgradable units: Swadia militia × 31 people]

[Spending 20 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Swadian guerrilla shooter/Swadian light infantry]

[Ding... the current experience is overflowing, and all staff can upgrade continuously]

... ... ...

[Upgradable units: Swadian light infantry × 10 people]

[Spending 50 dinars per person, you can upgrade to: Swadian infantry/Swadian heavy cavalry]

[Ding... the current experience is overflowing, and all staff can upgrade continuously]

... ... ...

[Upgradable arms: desert bandit elite × 5 people]

[Spend 40 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Sarande Rider]

[Ding... the current experience is overflowing, and all staff can upgrade continuously]

... ... ...

On the system dialog box, the unit upgrade interface is clear and clear.

Kant's heart beat faster.

The fruits of victory are delicious!

All staff upgraded.

And it can be upgraded additionally.

Even if it cannot be upgraded to a higher-level unit, it can still improve the quality of the troops currently led by Kant.

As long as the post-war period of weakness is over and the fruits of this victory are absorbed, Kant's troops will usher in a second surge.

Just like after the last night raid.

But before Kant upgraded his arms, a dialog box reappeared on the retina of his eyes.

[Ding... After your careful inspection, you found something unusual]

[Special mission: "Explore the Mystery" has been completed.]

[Reward: 5000 dinars.]

[Introduction: You have obtained a loot in the Wolf Man tribe, which contains mysterious power.]

On the retina, the dialog box of the system this time made Kant slightly stunned.

"Special mission?"

Kant finally remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

Just last week, when I came here to investigate, the system issued a special task.

In order to deal with this gnoll tribe for a while, Kant forgot this special task, but now he was reminded again by the system, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Looking down at the broken staff in the package in his hand, and this mysterious ancient book.

Kant knew in his heart that the system was talking about these two things.

The system also gives an answer,

[Ding...Temporary task release]

[Temporary task: system assistance]

[Reward: Village Upgrade]

[Introduction: This is a world with mysterious power, and these items with the power of law are the energy that the system urgently needs. Do you choose to give the system to absorb the mysterious objects you obtained?]

[Remarks: After the system absorbs it, it will gain an increase.]

[Yes/No to give the item to the system to absorb?]

Kant was even more dazed.

There is no choice at all for the temporary tasks issued by this system.

Regardless of the rewards obtained, the village can be upgraded.

Or the remarks that have never appeared before have already shown that the system really needs these things.

Kant nodded without hesitation, and chose to say: "Yes."

The system is his only support in this world. It is his real reliance. It is equal to all prosperity and all losses. Kant is not that stupid, so he has no reservations about the system.

This is my golden finger.

Even in Kant's heart, this golden finger is more precious than his cheap parents in this world.

(end of this chapter)