The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 563: Kant's absolute coercion


Kant returned to the side hall of the City Lord's Mansion where the sand table of the Lion Principality was arranged.

"The East County of the Lion Principality, with the soldiers of Bestur and Sagos, plus the extraordinary power I sent over and two pieces of war equipment, can easily blow up the East County - as long as the Lion Principality If the five nobles of the world do not intervene."

"However, it is not suitable to use the previous plan at this time. After the start of the South County Territory war, it will definitely be intervened by five world nobles. With the support of five world noble fiefs, the enemy's power may become a me It’s hard to know the specific bottomless pit. Dongjun collar, now can be my training ground, so that new recruits can grow up quickly while reducing losses!”

The nobles in the East County are not too strong, and there is only one Countess of the East County, Aisha Cameron, who can be called an upper-class noble. The rest are comparable to the small and medium-sized nobles in the former South County, which is very suitable for Kant's military training.

This is what war is like, and it is necessary to take timely and corresponding measures in the face of changes. If the plan changes at this time, it is natural to notify Bestur. At the same time, Bundak, James, Fatis, and Rolf should be notified to cooperate with him.

"Dunde, you go to notify Weir. Let him contact Bestur and tell him the change of the strategic goal of the East County Territory—focusing on military training. At the same time, notify Bundak, James Fatis, and Rolf, and ask them to cooperate Bestur, provide him with the militia!" Kant said to another Swadia royal knight guard beside him.

"Obey, my lord!" The Swadian royal knight named Dunde led the order.

After Dunde left, Kant fell into deep thought.

Kant's eyes showed a thoughtful look. At this time, there was no nobility in his eyes when he faced the four top earls and Viscount Carl Cameron—even if he became a world nobleman, he had to act when it was time to act .

Kant still remembers the scene when he saw 51 world nobles in the DC area of Lionheart City. What impressed Kant the most was not the extremely powerful aura of those people, but the kind of ruthless and iron-blooded people who had been killed for a long time. atmosphere of war. The equipment on them can be described as extremely ferocious, with extreme murderous intent blooming everywhere, even the vests on the horses have terrifying steel spikes.

Combining the information Kant obtained from the will of the world, Kant understood that those nobles of the world should often fight against the demon army, and they themselves have to fight against the powerful demons that invaded. All in all, none of those nobles in the world is a good stubble, and their ability to fight on the battlefield is absolutely extremely powerful-only long-term wars can temper their iron-blooded and ruthless fighting spirit.

Then among the subordinates who have followed them for a long time, there is definitely no shortage of people who have studied the way of war. This is why Kant left the four top earls and Viscount Carl Cameron behind—Kant would rather have the four top earls and Viscount Carl Cameron at the head of the other side when the war started, rather than study the war. A terrifying guy who walked out of the world's aristocratic fiefdom. At his current level, the individual strength of the five peak knights is indeed nothing.

Power is a good thing, especially after Kant's special stimulation this time, he does not believe that the four top earls and Viscount Carl Cameron, who have been in charge of the authority of the five world nobles' fiefs all the year round, will be willing to do whatever they want They handed over the power in their hands - in terms of personal force and blood intimacy, they should not lose to any clansman who followed the world's nobles.

The attitudes expressed by the five world nobles have become immortal enemies with Kant. Regardless of whether they give up the idea of killing Kant, Kant has no intention of letting go of the five nobles of the world—at the beginning, Kant never thought of making enemies with them—I command everything on the earth and achieve my Godless Industry. You are still in your fiefdom, claiming to be kings and ancestors, the two have nothing to do with each other.

At least in Kant’s view, this is completely achievable. After all, the fiefdoms of the world’s nobles are too large, and as a former kingdom of God, most of the land is very rich. Such as the words of the kingdom of gods of the gods.

However, Kant didn't even show his fangs, and these world nobles actually wanted to kill him, so Kant naturally wouldn't cast his own emperor's throne and use the bones of some noble people to lay the foundation.

Kant solemnly planted the flag representing the power of the five world nobles on the castles of the five major families in the South County Territory. How strong the power represented by these five flags is, Kant has no idea. But Kant, who ruled millions of civilians from the world of riding and hacking, had nothing to fear at all. How strong his war potential is, he himself dare not speculate at will.

The four top earls of the Lion Principality and Viscount Carl Cameron returned to the castle on their territory. They went to Lion Heart City as envoys this time, and they thought they could show their prestige in front of a real world nobleman, but they didn't expect to suffer great humiliation. At this time, they were really angry, and they deeply hated Baron Kant's contempt for them. In particular, Earl Cody Maud and Viscount Carl Cameron had the deepest hatred for Kant in their hearts, and even if they poured out the water of the Reese Niston River, it would be difficult to wash away their hatred for Kant.

Saddened by the failure of the mission, they each successfully entered the fief of the five world nobles through the portals left by the five world nobles in the family castle, and reported the failure of the mission to the five world nobles.

After the four top earls and Viscount Carl Cameron reported the mission and left from the fiefs of the five world nobles.

In a closed common living room in a fortress in Tier Isai Moder's demiplane, five world noble figures suddenly appeared, but if someone was here, they could tell, The figures of these five world nobles are not real, they are even translucent.

"Ten minutes!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron's voice was as cold as a rock, skipping every word.

"Ryan, it seems that there is a lot of pressure in your fief! Do you want me to send troops to support you? You only need one kilogram of abyssal magic iron as a reward for killing a hundred great knights!" Till Isai Mod The baron said with a hint of laughter.

Baron Ryan Isai Cameron did not answer.

"Let's get to the point early!" Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees said with a somewhat dull interface.

"Baron Kant, you don't know how to flatter you!" Baron Clark Isaiah Pulan's voice contained sullenness.

"Ryan, let's talk about it! Baron Kant's bloodline plundering plan was proposed by you, and the core technique of blood exchange was also provided by you. Now that the plan has failed, do you have any supplementary plans?" Victor Yisai Baron Ino said, looking at Ryan Isai Cameron with a deadpan expression.

"War!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron's voice was still as cold as a rock, skipping every word.

The four world barons fell silent when they heard Baron Ryan Isai Cameron's words.

Although the nobles of the world have a large territory, the pressure is also enormous. For every baron of the world, there is a month called the disaster month every year, and the specific months are different for different world nobles.

Whenever a catastrophic month falls, World Will Yisai will open a channel to connect to the abyss world, and take the initiative to connect to the territory of the devil baron. The abyssal demon with the will of chaos and destruction inherits the aggressive nature of the will of the abyss, and will almost 100% invade along the channel opened by the world will. The will of the abyss carried by the demons of the abyss is the food of the world will Isai.

If there is not enough strength in the fief of the world nobles, the world baron may be killed by the devil baron. The nobles of the world are not willing to consume power for no reason, they wish to use all means to enhance their power - as long as they successfully kill the demon, the will of the world will not hesitate to reward, the power of the real name will evolve, the title of the world will be raised, and the fief will be expanded.

It can be said that the nobles of the world will become stronger the longer they live.

And their own strength, as well as the strength of the army in the fief, are the guarantee for them to continue to live.

The power of Baron Kant, just placed in the army in Lionheart City, made them frightened and coveted.

When Ryan Isai Cameron proposed the "Baron Kant's Bloodline Plundering Plan", they couldn't wait to agree to it all, because after success, they would be able to share a large number of powerful troops from Baron Kant, and at the same time be able to At the time of the month, he enjoyed the support of a world baron who had not yet opened the fief.

But the plan failed, and they were unwilling to start a war against Baron Kant. War means that the army will suffer losses. Although Baron Kant has no fief, his strength and influence are not inferior to any of them, or even surpassed.

"September is my calamity month! I refuse to participate in the war!" Tyre Isai Moder said seriously, no longer in the mood to joke.

Now, it is already August, and September is approaching.

"Nobles, conferences, gods!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron said while staring at Till Isai Mod.

"Ryan, at the meeting of baron-level nobles and the gods, we did promise to kill Baron Kant in response to the gods' dissatisfaction with the nobles, and to restore the gods and thus reduce the supply of god stones to the nobles. But there is no need to go through war. Form! We can gather the strength of the five of us and kill Baron Kant when he leaves Lionheart City. Baron Kant has not opened the fief at this time, he is the weakest baron, and we can kill him You are sure!" Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees exhorted Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron.

"Time!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron said again.

"Time is not a problem. Although we promised a year, we only need to pay some abyss magic iron to offset the time we exceeded at the next baron-level meeting of nobles and gods." Victor. Baron Isai Ino argued in defense.

"Ten minutes is up!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron finished speaking, his figure suddenly disillusioned, and there were only four world barons left in the meeting room.

"August is Ryan's calamity month. Ryan will launch a war against Baron Kant. It seems that he was lucky enough to meet a weak demon baron this time!" Baron Clark Isaiah Pulan said.

"I always feel that the Cameron family is too conspiratorial. Seven thousand years ago, Edmund was a god raised by the Cameron family, but he died in the hands of Ryan's son Kant. This Kant was only two years ago. A child with nothing, how did he grow to such an extent in just two years?" Baron Till Isai Maude paused, and continued: "And Ryan's sister Aisha Jia, I once sneaked into the East County Territory After investigation, it is just a flesh and blood avatar, with a hint of the representative of the gods on the earth. You should know what this means."

Nathaniel Isaiah Rees

The baron said: "That's true, twenty years ago. His father, Ryan, who was still a world nobleman, brazenly went to the Silver Plate Kingdom alone and captured Sophia, the princess of the Silver Plate Kingdom. We all know that the blood of the gods and the world's nobles has always been No intermarriage, but Sophia actually gave birth to Kant for Ryan. This Kant is so evil, I wonder if this is a conspiracy of the Cameron family."

Baron Victor Isaiah Ino said: "The Cameron family has been committed to researching the blood of nobles and blood of gods. This is no secret, but we don't know if there are any results. Speaking of this Kant, the spies of my family have seen the Radiance Realm on him, and I don’t know if it originated from his mother Sophia. If you only look at Kant’s growth experience, it seems that Ryan has never treated him as a son.”

Baron Clark Isaiah Pulan said thoughtfully: "Ryan is so eager to take back Baron Kant's blood. Could it be that Kant was originally a successful experimental subject, but he treated it as a failure and a waste product? "

"It is indeed possible. On the day the God of War was massacred by Kant, Kant became a world nobleman. The speed is too fast. I don't know if it has something to do with his half-divine, half-noble blood." Till . Isai. Mod said aloud.

"Okay, let's put away the messy topic, let's discuss how to lure Baron Kant out of Lionheart City! Killing Baron Kant is a matter of our vital interests. Now every nobleman has a month There are only five divine stones that can be obtained from the gods, and only after completing the ruling made by the gods at the meeting of baron-level nobles and gods and killing Baron Kant, the gods will cancel the determination to halve the supply of divine stones " Baron Victor Isai Ino took the initiative to end the discussion about the Cameron family, and directly brought the topic to the business.

(end of this chapter)