The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 571: understanding of nature


After Kant checked the special effect of "Glory. Tranquil Sanctuary" "The Asylum Sequence One—Spirit of War", he directly issued an order in his mind: "Recall all the spirits of war!"

Following Kant's thought, in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, the neatly lined up 100 great knights and peak-level war spirits suddenly all disappeared. It is a pity that the recalled spirit of war was not converted into the power of the rules of war and restored to Kant.

"I'll check again next time, another new special effect 'Natural Favor'." Kant was very satisfied with the previous new special effect, so he was full of expectations for this new special effect.

This new special effect "Nature's Favor" just looks like the darling of nature - Druid's talent, even stronger than Druid's talent. But Kant understood that it was impossible for him to love and maintain nature like a druid. For example, the woodwork industry, commerce and handicraft industry in his city Aaron is now second to none among the kingdoms and duchies of human beings. The raw materials for these woodwork The source is naturally almost local - the forest resources in the Sanwaya Mountains are extremely rich.

However, Kant is a time traveler after all, and he once lived in an era of information explosion. He is well aware of the dire consequences that will be brought about by uncontrolled deforestation—water and soil erosion, rocky soil, and eventually green mountains and green waters will become barren mountains and stone ridges, and eventually they will even be eroded by the Nalun Desert and weathered into another piece of land. Desert, this is definitely not a joke.

Therefore, Kant has long issued a strict order to the city of Aaron: In the Sanwaya Mountains, unless it is for urban expansion, terraced field reconstruction, or a project site with a large area, it is strictly forbidden to cut down trees whose trunk thickness does not exceed 50 cm in diameter , Otherwise, he will be punished as a felony, directly reduced to a slave, and sent to the Nalun Desert Salt Mine to mine salt mines.

Fortunately, the residents of Aaron City are all from the world of riding and hacking, and they have some absolute loyalty and obedience to Kant from the bottom of their hearts. For them, Kant's order is the highest and most prioritized law and rule. As long as Kant gives an order, they will never violate it. Therefore, Kant's rules for the felling of trees in the Sanwaya Mountains were completely followed and implemented, although this would cause a lot of inconvenience to the loggers who felled.

If such rules and orders are issued to a city composed of the world's population, I am afraid that no matter how high the authority and reputation of the ruler are, they will not be able to prevent the people below from cheating and deceiving others for the sake of profit.

It’s a bit far-fetched, just from the fact that Kant allowed Aaron to transform the terraced fields and cut down a large number of trees, Kant will consider the sustainable use of natural resources and take nature as a treasure trove of resources, but it is difficult to say that he is like De Like Rui, he simply loves and maintains everything in nature from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, Kant speculates that this special effect of "favoring nature" should be the special effect formed by "Glory and Tranquil Shelter" absorbing a large amount of extraordinary power from the world tree species—perhaps the extraordinary power of the world tree species is to be close to nature and control Naturally, maybe.

Looking at the description of this special effect, it is naturally not suitable for experiments in the hall of the city lord's mansion. Instead, it is more suitable for the garden of the city lord's mansion where there are many plants. There are plants and flowers, birds that can also inhabit, and the sun and clouds can also be seen, which is in line with the scene described in the special effects description.

Kant came to the garden of the City Lord's Mansion, where there are all kinds of rockery and fake water. In the garden, the winding path leads to seclusion and twists and turns. Although it was late autumn at this time, there were flowers that bloomed in this season in this garden. There are many white clouds in the sky, and the sun is shining brightly. From time to time, there was the sound of chirping birds.

"Turning on special effects is naturally favored!" After Kant came to the garden, he directly sent out such an idea in his mind.

The moment the idea was sent out, Kant felt that the world suddenly changed greatly. The silence was shattered, as if thunder pierced through the sky, the lightning shot straight into the heart of the sky, and the rain fell.

The whole world suddenly became colorful and noisy. Standing in the garden, Kant felt that he had suddenly become the center of the world, and everything in the world exuded a kind atmosphere towards him. The sun fell on Kant's body, and there was no burning feeling, only warmth remained, as if wearing a bright robe of light. The white clouds in the sky seemed to have turned into a smiling face. Kant flashed and waved to the clouds in the sky. The clouds seemed to have sensed Kant's will and rolled happily.

The artificial mountains and fake waters in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion seemed to have life at this moment, exuding a faint aura, and their aura involuntarily wrapped around Kant's body, and Kant felt that he could borrow their aura at any time.

The flowers, plants and trees in the garden were originally swaying in the wind in Kant's eyes, but now they seem to be nodding to him in unison, greeting him, and cheerfully conveying vague information to him, as if one by one expressing their favorite The same toys that he shares with the children. Kant tried to communicate with them with his mind, and found that he could get a response from them.

"Are you all right?" Kant simply asked. "People often cut off the branches I grow, it hurts so much", "Okay, okay, it's so comfortable to grow here, no animals come to eat me", "Unhappy, the trees block my sunlight", "I can still bloom for three days, and then I will wither", "The bees are so annoying, they come to pick my nectar every day"... These plants immediately chattered to Kant like kindergarten children encouraged by the teacher. joys and troubles.

The birds in the garden also came to make fun of it. Usually when they see Kant coming here for a walk, they would be frightened immediately and fly away without a trace. But now, they flew towards Kant in groups from their respective perched branches, happily flying and circling in front of Kant, making melodious chirping sounds. What surprised Kant even more was that he was able to control and direct these birds at will, and he could also gain their vision, just like Kant turned into a bird looking down at the sky, and he could also communicate with them in terms of ideas. Like communicating with small flowers, grasses and trees.

In the garden, there were no other animals except birds, but there were many insects. Kant found that he could also communicate with them, control and direct them.

(end of this chapter)