The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 572: A familiar face flashed by


In the garden, there were no other animals except birds, but there were many insects. Kant found that he could also communicate with them, control and direct them.

Kant was completely integrated into nature, as if he was suddenly liberated from the ever-existing high-pressure state, and felt the simplicity and freedom of life.

"It's really amazing... I can communicate with all animals and plants in terms of ideas, and I can also command all animals." Kant was a little shocked by his state. If this state is used in military affairs, it can obtain enemy intelligence It was as easy as pie. Even when necessary, animals can be commanded to become an unexpected military force of one's own side to attack the enemy.

"Humans are animals too!" Kant looked at the three Swadian royal knights, Harder, Newder, and Jord, who were standing beside him. They, Mande and Dunde, the two Swadian royal knights, are all Kant's personal guards, and Kant will order them to do whatever he wants. At this time, Mande was sent by Kant to lead an army with extraordinary power to support the garrison general Bestur of the large fortress of Sagos in capturing the East County, and Dunde was sent by him to be like the extraordinary force in Lionheart City. He and the four major city gate garrison passed the order of assembly.

At this time, Kant looked at the three Swadian royal knights, Harder, Newder, and Jord, who were standing beside him, but he could not feel the thoughts and ideas they conveyed to him at all.

"Hard!" Kant suddenly called out in his mind, but Harder was obviously not able to accept his thoughts like other animals. He didn't make any response, but stood beside Kant with a serious face. , waiting for Kant to give him orders at any time.

"Newser!", "Jod!" Kant experimented on the two Swadian royal knights, Newd and Jod, and found that both of them could not feel the call of Kant's thoughts at all, and they just talked with Ha Like Germany, he stood there with a serious expression on his face.

"Perhaps, it's because human beings are too complicated. Even the people who are loyal to me from the world of riding and hacking are far more complicated than animals and plants, and have nothing to do with simplicity." Kant naturally had such a clear understanding, knowing that his "natural favor" is invalid for human beings, and perhaps it is invalid for intelligent races. Kant thought again that in this world, there are gods and demons, orcs and elves, dwarves and goblins. Although they are not human beings, Kant can conclude that this special effect of "natural favor" has great effects on the guys of these races. , must be invalid. It's like facing a human being.

Although the garden of the Lord's Mansion of Lionheart City is small, Kant has already experimented with the effect of the second new special effect "Nature's Favor" of "Glory. Peaceful Sanctuary". At this time, Kant understood that this special effect is not very useful at ordinary times, at most it allows him to blend into nature and relax, but when it comes to war or individual fights, this special effect is even more powerful for him.

During the war, Kant was able to use this special effect to quietly obtain the enemy's intelligence, and of course it was not without limitations. Kant has already experimented. At this time, the necklace of "Glory and Tranquility" can only support Kant's thoughts to integrate into the nature within a hundred kilometers, and it will be beyond reach further away.

In personal battles, Kant is even more affected than in wars. He can borrow the natural momentum of the world within a hundred kilometers, superimpose it on top of his own momentum, and suppress his opponent with powerful momentum. Under such circumstances, if the strength of the enemy he fights is at the same level as him, the strength he will display will be at most 70% of the usual strength, but Kant can exert considerable strength under the encouragement of such momentum. Twelve percent of normal strength. It can be said bluntly that based on this alone, this special effect "Natural Favor" has already surpassed Kant's exceptionally satisfied "Sequence of Asylum One—Spirit of War".

Kant was in the garden of the Lord's Mansion of Lion Heart City at this time, but he was integrated into the nature with a radius of hundreds of miles. He suddenly had a thought, a blue-black wing flying freely in the sky in the northern sky near the Lion Castle. The vigorous goshawk, which reached two meters in length, was already under his control. In his eyes, there suddenly appeared a scene that did not belong to the garden of the city lord's mansion at all—on top of a bustling land, a huge and towering castle, which could be seen at a glance, appeared in the depths of Kant's eyes—this belonged to The vision of the goshawk was directly captured by Kant.

"Chirp... Chirp..."

The goshawk suddenly screamed twice in the sky, and then flapped its huge wings quickly, and then glided obliquely towards the sky above the Lion Castle - Kant could clearly perceive at this moment, The deep and pure dark aura that still vaguely makes him throb a little bit, and somewhat yearns for, comes from the Lion Castle.

The goshawk glides over the Lion Castle. With the eyesight of the goshawk, it can clearly see the antelope running on the ground even at a height of a thousand meters. At this time, it is only gliding at a height of 300 meters. In the Lion Castle, The scenery that can be seen by goshawks is very small due to the height, but it is very clear, and Kant also saw it very clearly. Just like looking at a high-definition photo, the figure in the photo may not be small, but if you zoom in, you will find that even his pores can be seen clearly.

The size of the Lion Castle is nearly ten kilometers long and wide, facing south from north. Most of them are neat barracks and military buildings with different functions, as well as a huge square for military training. In the northernmost part, that is, in the depths of the Lion Castle, various huge buildings can be seen everywhere. Among many buildings, there are some Each is surrounded by a small square in the center.

Suddenly the corners of Kant's eyes shrank, and his heart felt cold.

On the small square of a building in the depths of the Lion Castle, a figure with dull eyes and an expressionless face, with a naked body, was supported by a few people in white cloth robes—or directly guided by them. Staggeringly walking, like a newborn child learning to walk.

The goshawk passed by briefly, gliding towards the place where Kant felt the deep and pure darkness.

But that man's sluggish face almost froze in Kant's heart - that face was exactly the same as the god of war Edmund who had been wiped out!

Even in the state of merging with nature, Kant felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

(end of this chapter)