The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 574: The incoming flame sword



At this time, Kant once again took over the control of Goshawk's body, and when he saw the flaming sword approaching, he hurriedly controlled Goshawk to avoid it.

At the same time, Kant thought in his heart: "This Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees, who has been a world nobleman for some time, turned out to be a flaming sword with the power of the rules of fire. This is too childish Well, when I first became the Baron of the World more than a year ago, I was able to manifest weapons and armor with the power of war, and even war horses, just like the God of War Edmund once did Same!"

Kant easily controlled the body of the goshawk to avoid the flaming sword stabbing under the control of Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees. Of course, Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Reese deliberately controlled it. The speed of the flame sword, otherwise, relying on the strength of his world baron, Goshawk would not be able to dodge his flame sword at all. Then, Kant controlled the body of the goshawk to make a posture of being frightened and wanting to fly higher and escape from this place.

"Okay, Nathaniel, you are really proficient in controlling the fire rules. It is amazing that you can directly manifest a physical sword weapon. With this move, you can make Baron Kant's war power unstoppable. Unstoppable!" Baron Victor Isai Ino saw Baron Nathaniel Isai Rees showing off a wave of flaming swords, complimented him, and then immediately said: "The next step is to Me, since you, Nathaniel, frightened the goshawk to the point of being at a loss with your flaming sword, in order to prevent it from flying away, I will also use the power of law technique!"

"Thunder Prison!" Baron Victor Isai Ino controls the purple power of thunder and lightning. At this time, Baron Victor Isai Ino also bursts out the power of purple thunder and lightning from his left hand. , the moment the purple thunder and lightning rules were thrown out by him, it suddenly became huge, covering half of the sky, and turned into a series of thunder and lightning that had always existed to form a cage. Kant The goshawk under control fell directly into this cage.

In the garden of the Lord’s Mansion of Lionheart City, Kant curled his lips and thought to himself: “This Baron Victor Isaiah Eno and the Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Reese just now have a real control over the power of rules. Are you only at such a low level, or are you simply hiding your clumsiness?"

Immediately afterwards, Baron Clark Isaiah Pooran demonstrated another lame control level of the power of ice and snow rules, and then Till Isaiel Moder, the strongest baron in the world, demonstrated the application of the power of rules of destruction .

They are all off-the-shelf weapons with the regular power of Yishui, similar to Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Reese's flame sword level.

Such a skill, in Kant's eyes, is very general. But the four barons of the world regarded this as a very extraordinary method, and directly started the mutual blow mode.

"Ryan, we've shown our skills, now it's your turn!" Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees said suddenly, and the other three world barons stopped blowing each other immediately, and looked at Ryan involuntarily. . Baron Isaiah Cameron.

"Cursed Arrow!" Baron Ryan Esser Cameron said coldly, raised his hand and shot a gray arrow towards the goshawk hovering in the sky, but was blocked by the "Thunder Prison".

Kant's pupils shrank, and he could see that Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron had no intention of keeping his hands back at all. His move was directly intended to kill the goshawk controlled by Kant.

"Then fight in the air, and try whether you are hiding your strength or if you really only have this level!" This goshawk is now considered by Kant as his subordinate, and it was just because of Kant's attack on the five world barons. Kant was a little moved by the act of directly attacking the five world barons in anger.

Perhaps it was due to the influence of this fusion of natural state, Kant, who has always been cold and resolute, did not want the goshawk to die.

In an instant, deep in the depths of Kant's amber eyes, complex crimson lines suddenly appeared - this crimson line is Kant's real name "Isaiah Lannister Torlia", which is the complete pattern of the rules of war. Kant can rely on it to directly draw the power of the rules of war from the rules of war.

At this time, in the depths of Kant's eyes, the complicated crimson real name surged, and a large amount of power of rules began to gather on the goshawk controlled by Kant. At first, Kant felt that he could do this until he really succeeded. Kant confirmed that his feeling was not wrong.

At this moment, Kant's eyes shone with excitement, and the power of rules relied on the large number of goshawks, which represented that Kant officially possessed ultra-long-range attack methods.

Just when Kant was extremely happy, Kant suddenly felt that if he continued to gather the power of the rules of war on the goshawk, the goshawk would be immediately exploded by the power of the rules of war and die directly.

"The peak of the great knight?"

Kant estimated the strength of Goshawk's current strength because of the power of the rules of war gathered at this time. It happened to be the peak of the great knight.

"It seems that I was too happy too early. If only one goshawk is needed to allow me to cross hundreds of miles with the power of an extraordinary knight, then let alone the five world barons of the Principality of Lions, it is the entire human race The fifty-one world barons in the world are all against me, and I can fight them!" Kant restrained his joy a little: "It is also very good to be able to cross a hundred miles and have the power of a great knight at the peak level."

"At least, it is enough to deal with the cursed arrow of Baron Ryan Isai Cameron."

Because it was just a demonstration method, and it was just to deal with an ordinary goshawk, the five world barons of the Lion Principality did not use much power. The power of the rules they released was only equivalent to the power of the peak of the great knight The power of the rules of war carried by the goshawk is quite equal.

"The power of war. Transforming spirit!" Kant's real name fluctuated endlessly in his eyes, and he controlled the goshawk and the power of war rules on it from a distance of fifty kilometers.

chirp... chirp...

chirp... chirp...

The goshawk suddenly screamed loudly, and the rich crimson light on its body immediately lit up, and outside its body, another goshawk like it condensed again, this goshawk was crimson, This goshawk also croaked, forming a resounding sound with the goshawk wrapped by it.

This is a realm where Kant mastered the application of the power of rules. He regarded this realm as the third realm, which is called "spirit transformation", which can directly use the power of rules to manifest a living being.

Edmund, the god of war, should also be in this realm, but he used the power of the war god at the same level as the power of the rules of war.

At this time, Baron Ryan Isai Cameron's cursed arrow just happened to hit. This cursed arrow used as much power of curse rules as the power of war rules when Kant turned into a goshawk.



At this moment, the two overlapping goshawks screamed together, and directly pecked at the gray cursed arrow with their sharp beaks.

(end of this chapter)