The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 578: Troops that continue to conquer


At this time, in Kant's perspective, the world has undergone extremely astonishing changes. Completely constructed by countless regular chains of different colors, at the very center of the world, there is a ball of light emitting silver-gray light—that is the will of the world named Isaiah.

Kant's figure at this time is a crimson phantom, and the link on the chain of war rules under his feet is his real name. Above this section of war rules called "Lance Nistoria", an extremely thin line extends outward at this time, it directly sinks into the void, and it is unknown where it connects.

However, Kant could clearly know that this thin line connected his real name with the goshawk. After Kant satisfied Goshawk's request, the line began to form, and after Kant raised Goshawk's power to the strongest, the line stabilized.

The power of the rules of war seemed to appear out of nowhere on the goshawk, but in fact they surged along this thin line. At this point, this goshawk that suddenly surrendered to Kant, compared with the holy spirits of the gods, only has one characteristic of immortality, and the rest of the characteristics are almost the same as the holy spirits of the gods.

It's just that the holy spirits of the gods are all intelligent beings, but Kant's goshawk is just a simple bird of prey. The difference during this period is almost unimaginable.

Kant himself didn't know much about the Holy Spirit, but he already understood that his goshawk was almost the same as the Holy Spirit—it could also carry the power of rules not weaker than divine power, it could also communicate with each other with thoughts, and it could also be controlled by the Holy Spirit. He, a nobleman of the world, controls it with his mind.

Afterwards, Kant withdrew from the perspective of the rules, and the perspective returned to the North Avenue of Lionheart City. At this time, it was not far from the North City Gate.


The goshawk happily hovered over the army, and all the thoughts were full of joy.

"From now on, you will be called Xiaocang!" Kant determined the name for Goshawk in his mind. This made Goshawk Xiao Cang very happy, and kept dancing in the sky.

Kant is also very happy. At this time, he does not need to turn on the special effects favored by nature to maintain the connection with Xiao Cang, and at the same time he can bestow Xiao Cang with extraordinary power.

Of course, Kant would not be so happy just because of this. But the appearance of Xiao Cang means that Kant may even use Xiao Cang as a template to create an air force, as long as Xiao Cang is not a special case. This aspect has always been Kant's shortcoming, and in his half-plane in the Nalun Desert that Kant explored, there are some birdmen with wings, so there is an air force.

The above is just a long-term plan. Immediately when Kant changed his mind, he immediately shared Xiao Cang's perspective smoothly. The perspective at a height of 100 meters can overlook the entire Lion Heart City. At this time, apart from Kant leading 3,000 soldiers with extraordinary strength on the north avenue of Lionheart City, there are also troops advancing on the east avenue, west avenue, and south avenue. They are the garrison from the east gate, the garrison from the west gate, and the garrison from the south gate.

Each of the three armies consisted of 1,000 soldiers, each of 200 Rhodok Sergeants, 200 Swadian Sergeants, 200 Virgil Archers, 200 Ravenston Rangers, and 200 Rhodoks. Grab sniper shooter. In fact, at the northern city gate, the same army was waiting. They are all defenders of the city, so there are no cavalry among them.

Therefore, for this attack, Kant sent a total of 7,000 troops.

After Kant led the army to the barracks at the North City Gate, he rectified the army and waited for the arrival of the other three city gate soldiers, and at the same time sent Xiao Cang out to investigate. At the same time, he also wants to test whether there is any distance limit for his control and connection with Xiao Cang under the current situation. Under the special effects favored by nature, Kant has a limit of 100 kilometers for the closeness and control of animals.

For his own army, Kant has a special convenience, that is, there is no need to hold an oath meeting. The troops that come entirely from the world of cavalry and slashing have absolute loyalty to Kant, and the blood-red cloak "Glory. Bright red movement" slowly fluttering behind him makes Kant no need to worry about the morale of his army. Therefore, there is no need to hold a swearing-in meeting that is specially held to boost morale.

After the soldiers from the other three city gates arrived, Kant sent troops to check that the horses, weapons, armor and arrows of the soldiers were intact, and confirmed that the food and grass carried by the army were sufficient. After finally arranging the follow-up food and grass supplies, he led the army out Lionheart City, headed towards Lion Fort.

When Kant's army set off, the entire eastern part of Lionheart City shook.

The eastern district of Lionheart City is a noble district, and the people who live here are the upper-class nobles of the Lion Principality. Their territory is either on the east and west sides of Lion Heart City, or on the north side of Lion Heart City. And Kant dispatched troops from the north of Lionheart City this time, in the eyes of the nobles in the east of Lionheart City, there was only one purpose, that is, Kant was finally ready to completely occupy the South County Territory.

In the eyes of all the upper nobles in the South County Territory, Baron Kant was too powerful, so powerful that they were shocked and even panicked. Just the power placed in Lionheart City can suppress the joint efforts of all their upper nobles. Therefore, during Kant's one-year stay in Lionheart City, the upper-class nobles no longer dared to be arrogant and domineering at will.

This is not only because of the fear of Baron Kant's power, but also because there are many civilians in Lionheart City—these civilians look no different from ordinary civilians, but they all belong to Baron Kant. As long as they dared to bully those civilians at will, it would be like stabbing a hornet's nest, and it would provoke strong suppression from Baron Kant's subordinates.

At that time, they were still thankful that Baron Kant had such a powerful force, but he showed no signs of plotting against the remaining half of the South County leader, nor did he accept the votes of any nobles. This may be because Baron Kant felt that his strength was enough to proclaim himself the Grand Duke, and he was preparing to proclaim himself the Grand Duke. After Baron Kant proclaimed himself the new Grand Duke of the Lion Principality, he might accept their vote.

After all, the interests that Baron Kant needs to give up are completely different between the nobles he accepted before the founding of the country and the nobles he accepted after the founding of the country.

But now, Baron Kant sent troops directly from the north gate of Lionheart City, breaking the previous rumors. The upper-class nobles of Nanjun, who were still staying in Lionheart City, couldn't help feeling a little flustered. They were afraid that Baron Kant was going to flatten the remaining South County Territories. Their castles and manors are all there.

(end of this chapter)