The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 585: Viscount Karl's pleasure


However, the one-sided massacre that Kant originally thought did not happen. The situation is even a little weird.

At this time, the two armies were facing each other. Kant's 1,000 Swadian Royal Knights and 1,000 Sarion Lion Knights had already entered the charge posture, while their opponents—5,000 heavy cavalry belonging to the Lion Castle, had almost just entered. Acceleration phase. The two are facing each other, even if the strength of the army is not far apart, the army in the charge posture is definitely superior in strength and can massacre the enemy. What's more, Kant's subordinates are much more elite than the heavy cavalry belonging to the Lion Castle.

However, this is not the case. The Swadian Royal Knights in the first row, holding a 4-meter knight spear in both hands, did not show any mercy when facing weak enemies. When the two armies officially confronted each other, the 4-meter knight spear in his hand was like lightning In an instant, he pierced through a formal knight-level soldier belonging to the Lion Castle. The cavalry raced against the clock. After the Swadian royal knight pierced through an enemy, he did not stop at all. Following the fast-moving horse, he pierced another enemy fiercely with the knight's spear again.

Everything seemed to be as smooth as flowing clouds and water, and the huge speed advantage was transformed into an advantage in combat power. The Swadia Royal Knights in the first row seemed to be harvesting the lives of the enemy with ease. The most important thing is that the enemy's resistance is very weak. They could have raised the knight's spear in their hands to try to resist the Swadian Royal Knights. Although this may not be able to swim, it can obviously quickly consume the Swadian Royal Knights Attention and time, but the enemy did not do so, except to continue to ride forward, they did not do anything to resist. It looked like he was dying on purpose.

At the moment when the first row of Swadia Royal Knights pierced through a formal knight-level heavy cavalry belonging to the Lion Castle, among the Swadia Royal Knights and Sarion Lion Knights under Kant, there were almost Together with the number of knights who were easily beheaded by the Swadian royal knights just now, they suddenly let out a muffled sound of pain, and some knights even clasped the knight spears that were about to charge to kill the enemy, and fell to the ground with a bang. . But the most serious one was a Sarion Lion Knight who suddenly fell from his horse with a roar of pain.

They seem to have suffered injuries of varying severity for no reason, and they can make the Swadia Royal Knights or Sarion Lion Knights who have the peak strength of the great knights and have been amplified by the three fields groan, or feel pain. Opening the knights' spears tightly held in their hands, it can be seen that the injuries they suffered were definitely not minor injuries, but fatal injuries. As for the Sarion Lion Knight who suddenly fell from his horse, the injury suffered was even more likely to be serious enough to affect his life.

The Swadian royal knights in the first row can charge without any scruples, without worrying about the overall situation of the battle, but Kant, as the commander, must consider the overall situation of the battle.

He was already full of doubts about the unreasonable actions of these soldiers belonging to the Lion Castle, and he had already had the possibility of some extremely powerful plots in his heart. Therefore, when the first row of knight servants had just completed the first round of killing, they fully noticed the situation of the army.

The opponent used inexplicable means to exchange the lives of his soldiers for his serious injuries. It may even be more than that, after all, at this time, it is just the beginning.

The form of the battlefield is ever-changing, which requires an extremely keen insight and the quality of making decisive decisions as a commander.

With his own powerful strength, coupled with the five goshawks hovering in the sky, Kant has a clear grasp of the battle situation. And consider that Viscount Carl Cameron's words included words like "time is pressing". There was a sudden flash of light in Kant's eyes, as if he had realized something. These 5,000 heavy cavalrymen belonging to the knight strength level of the Lion Castle, the method that can exchange their lives for the knights of the sixth-level arms of his subordinates should have a time limit. Perhaps this kind of loading can The duration is extremely short.

After such considerations, Kant immediately formulated a countermeasure, and at the same time mustered the power of the rules of war. A huge aura rose from Kant, and at the same time Kant's words resounded through the entire army, covering up the sound of fighting and the deafening rumbling of horseshoes: "The whole army obeys orders. For the enemy on the opposite side, Only defense is allowed, no attack is allowed! Wait for my next order with peace of mind!"

Facing the 5,000 heavy cavalry who seemed to be able to exchange their own lives for the injuries or lives of Kant's subordinates, Kant had no choice but to choose this countermeasure - which meant that he completely gave up the attack advantage gained by entering the charge stance. His charge was in vain!

Viscount Carl Cameron heard Kant's words spread throughout the square, and a look of joy flashed across his face. After all, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing to be able to deflate a high-ranking world baron. In particular, Viscount Carl Cameron hated his "brother" Kant very much. The experience of being an envoy to Lion Heart City had become an indelible shame and stain in Carl Cameron's brilliant life.

In fact, when Viscount Carl Cameron gave the order, he did not remind Kant by saying "time is tight", but he really wanted to see Kant make an order that would make him extremely uncomfortable, and deliberately put this matter It was revealed——from his experience, it doesn't matter if he reveals it or not. Because he knew that with his keenness as Baron Kant, he would quickly see the problem, and would immediately make a similar decision and issue a similar order.

But, in that case, all this seems to just show that his father Ryan Isai Cameron's scheme has succeeded, and has nothing to do with him, Viscount Carl Cameron. Viscount Carl Cameron had an idea for this, and revealed some information that was "useless but would have an impact on Baron Kant" when he issued the order, just like saying "time is running out" when he issued the order. With such a sensitive vocabulary, Baron Kant will definitely take this into consideration when making decisions.

Therefore, the faster Baron Kant reacted, the more critical and important the information given by Viscount Carl Cameron could be explained. This gave Viscount Carl Cameron a sense of satisfaction and pleasure similar to manipulating the Baron of the World. Especially, when the baron of the world was the Baron Kant whom he hated forever, that sense of exhilaration and satisfaction immediately hit him like a tide.

(end of this chapter)