The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 595: The possibility of war erupting


The scene was extremely bloody!

Most importantly, this is not the body of an ordinary soldier, but the body of a world nobleman. The body of someone so noble, even essentially eternal. It was so easy to be chopped off by Baron Kant's sword!

At this time, the other four world barons looked at Kant with fear and horror in their eyes.

They never thought that Kant would be so strong, to such an extent, that he didn't look like a world baron.

God knows, Baron Kant has not yet opened his own private demiplane fiefdom, nor has he experienced a calamity moon. Shouldn't such a guy be the weakest and weakest baron in the world


Why is he so strong

A feeling of extreme injustice appeared in the hearts of the four world barons, and at the same time, a sense of fear rose in the hearts of the four world barons. Such a powerful Baron Kant turned out to be their enemy.

As the scene of Kant beheading Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees fell into the eyes of everyone present, everyone's actions were suspended. The impact of this scene was too great.

Kant felt the power of the rules of war that was squandered almost instantly, and said to the royal knights of Swadia: "What are you still doing in a daze? Attack these four guys for me! Separate them, I will separate them They were slaughtered one by one!"

Even though the power of the rules of war was almost exhausted, Kant acted as if he had killed Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees just now without any effort. If he was given another chance, he would be able to kill the remaining four worlds in a second. Any one of the Barons.

The four world barons were horrified by Kant's gesture of beheading Nathaniel Isaiah Reese in an instant. They never thought that Kant was lying, because they had never heard that the world baron had the ability to In an instant, the power of its own rules was completely exploded.

"Escape!" This time, Baron Till Isai Mod, the most powerful baron in the world, roared without hesitation. Then a more intense black luster appeared on the two-handed knight's great sword, and a violent aura was faintly emitted from this luster. "Everyone follow me to the Lion Castle! Full firepower, now is not the time to save the power of the rules, don't entangle the enemy, charge forward with all your strength!"

The strength displayed by Baron Till Isai Maude shows that he has clearly stepped into the third stage of the application of the power of rules. He had been hiding his clumsiness before.

Baron Till Isai Maud opened the way with full firepower, and the other three world barons no longer had the intention to entangle with Baron Kant's soldiers at this time, and gave up all follow-up plans, only thinking about going to Lion Castle direction to escape.

Facing such four world barons, even if the Royal Knights of Swadia tried their best to stop them, they were forced to kill a bloody path by the four world barons, and soon returned to the Lion Castle.

As soon as the four world barons returned to the Lion Castle, they immediately said in unison: "War!"

After this battle, they already knew that it was impossible to besiege and kill Baron Kant, and at the same time, they themselves developed a certain fear of the Baron they were watching. At that moment, the moment Baron Kant beheaded Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees was really shocking, so powerful that they would feel terrified at the thought of confronting Baron Kant head-on.

And Baron Kant is already their unending enemy. Between the two sides, only one side will completely fall down and become the dust of history, and the other side will let it go.

Even Baron Ryan Isai Cameron never mentioned the matter of capturing Baron Kant alive.

The individual battle with Baron Kant was ruled out by them, and the only way left was war.

At this time, Baron Kant is regarded by the four world nobles as an enemy more terrifying than the "Catastrophe Moon". This time, the four world barons will go all out to prepare for the war, even if all the fighting forces in the demiplane of their own fiefs are spared No hesitation.

As for how to deal with the Calamity Moon, that is a matter for the future.

If Baron Kant is not resolved, the four world nobles can be sure that they will have no future at all.

"Ryan, now you should tell me, who is Baron Kant?" Baron Till Isai Maude said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Baron Ryan Isai Cameron: "I have already I can’t believe he is your son anymore, no father would treat his own son like you! You treated Carl Cameron’s pussy more than 10,000 times better than you treated Kant! It’s the same son, but the difference in treatment is so big. It can show that Baron Kant is not your son at all!"

The other two world nobles, Baron Victor Isaiah Ino and Baron Clarke Isaiah Pooran, also looked at Baron Cameron with serious faces.

"That's right, Baron Kant is a bit abnormal. Ryan, tell us Kant's information. Now that we and Baron Kant are about to break out of a full-scale war, we have the right to know and need to know, who is our opponent, Baron Kant? Or something?" Baron Clark Isaiah Pullan's words were as cold as iron, he and Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees were in control of the opposing rules, but their personal friendship was very good .

Now Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Reese is dead, and he watched him die tragically with his own eyes. Although the enemy Baron Kant and the others have done a lot of investigations, Baron Clark Isai Pullan absolutely still sees Baron Kant in a fog. The more he wants to see clearly, the more blurred Baron Kant's figure becomes.

Baron Kant, on the contrary, became more and more mysterious.

"Ryan, Baron Kant will not stop, he will continue to attack your Lion Castle. We should know that Baron Kant should come for the Dark Crown. If Baron Kant does not find the Dark Crown in Lion Castle, he will break into the Lion Castle. Your half-plane world is possible. If you don’t tell Baron Kant’s information, don’t blame us and I won’t come to support you!” Baron Victor Isai Ino said lightly: "Actually, the three of us feel worthless for the death of Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Rees. Baron Kant is not what he knows. Ryan, none of us want to be the next Nathaniel Isaiah. Lord Reese."

Baron Ryan Isai Cameron remained silent. This time, the other three world nobles did not intend to let him go easily. They stared at him deeply, waiting for him to reveal the identity of Baron Kant.

(end of this chapter)