The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 599: The manifestation of the spirit of war


Kant has six goshawks under his command at this time, because every subdued goshawk requires Kant to provide the power of the rules of war at all times to maintain their combat effectiveness. Continuing to subdue the goshawks will reduce the power of the rules of war that Kant can use. Therefore, Kant did not continue to subdue the goshawk.

But six goshawks are enough for scouting.

After the four world barons entered the Lion Castle yesterday, Kant activated the special effect of "Natural Favor". Although under normal circumstances, Kant uses goshawks to conduct investigations, but it does not mean that Kant cannot conduct investigations by controlling other creatures.

Therefore, through the sight and hearing of some tiny insects around the four world barons, he heard some information that made him feel chills all over his body. At the same time, I also know that the three world barons left Lion Castle yesterday.

And Kant confirmed it through the goshawk, and the three world barons appeared from a dense forest, and each rushed to the castle of their own family. At this time, Kant discovered Baron Ryan Isai Cameron who appeared in the Lion Castle. Most importantly, he was alone at this time and was not with the other three world barons.

This shows that after the three world barons left the Lion Castle through the secret passage yesterday, they did not return here today.

A world baron cannot pose too much threat to Kant.

Kant thought so, and a thought moved in his heart.


The goshawk Xiaocang immediately lowered from the height and flew towards Kant.

Kant planned to let the goshawk take him over the high wall of Lion Castle, and then use "Sequence One of the Asylum-Spirit of War" to summon 100 peak knights of war spirits, and let them attack those blocking Soldiers behind the city gate.

In this way, the stability of the gate of the Lion Castle can be greatly reduced, and the time it takes to be knocked open is greatly shortened. Even if possible, the Spirit of War can directly open the gate of Lion Castle.

Attacking from within is often the quickest way to dismantle a fortified castle.

The goshawk Xiaocang passed by Kant, and Kant jumped from the horse, stepped on Xiaocang's back, and stood upright. Xiao Cang fluttered his wings, and his figure began to rise rapidly, flying towards the sky, and at the same time, he took Kant to the sky.

For Goshawk Xiaocang, whose strength has reached the peak of the great knight, flying with a man is just a trivial matter, and there is no difficulty at all. Soon, according to Kant's will, it took Kant over the high wall of the Lion Castle and appeared above the Lion Castle. The location where it appeared was chosen by Kant in shock, which made the archers on the tower and battlements of Lion Castle helpless against Kant who entered it on a goshawk because of the range.

Baron Ryan Isai Cameron, who was coordinating and commanding the army, was shocked when he saw Kant flying into the sky above Lion Castle on a goshawk.

"Baron Kant, do you want to assassinate me?" Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron recalled the situation in which Kant beheaded Baron Nathaniel Isaiah Reese in a devastating manner yesterday, and fear rose in his heart In other words, he couldn't afford such a powerful attack.

Therefore, Kant saw it on the goshawk. When he entered the sky above the Lion Castle, at a height of fifty or sixty meters above the ground, he saw the owner of the Lion Castle, the world baron Ryan Isai Kame The figure of Baron Long running away in a panic.

Kant's deterrent power at this time is really terrifying, especially in the eyes of those who have seen him show off his power yesterday.

Shaking his head amusedly, Kant did not intend to assassinate Baron Ryan Isai Cameron. At this time, Baron Ryan Isai Cameron's rule power was extremely abundant, and he was not sure how to use it like yesterday. A powerful attack at the fourth level of the power of rules. Once he can't kill Baron Ryan Isai Cameron in an instant, he himself will be surrounded and dangerous.

Besides, he didn't want to ruin his "invincible" image in the eyes of the remaining four world barons. Such an image has many benefits, and it is a great deterrent in itself. For example, now, if Baron Ryan Isai Cameron came to obstruct him, it would be difficult for his plan to be implemented smoothly.

Kant was in mid-air, and an idea flowed through his mind: "Sequence 1 of Special Effects Protector—Spirit of War, activate!"

As Kant's thoughts surged, the emerald green necklace on his neck immediately absorbed a large amount of the power of the rules of war from Kant, and then on the Lion Castle Square below Kant, the spirits of war at the peak of 100 great knights quickly Appear.

As soon as they appeared, they charged towards the gate of Lion Castle according to Kant's idea. There were hundreds of infantrymen, who blocked the gate of the city tightly. As a result, most of the force of the Rhodok sergeant carrying the siege log outside the gate was borne by them.

The archers on the towers and battlements saw the enemy's army appearing directly inside the Lion Castle, and unceremoniously shot a large number of arrows to attack the spirit of war. On the other side, when they were shooting the Rhodoks sergeant carrying the siege log, they were suppressed by the Rhodoks sniper shooter. They suffered heavy casualties but the results were weak.

The Spirit of War is a heavy armored cavalry, so naturally there is no long-range means to counterattack the archers on the towers and battlements. The archers shoot happily, and fiercely give back the anger they encountered when facing the Rhodok sniper shooters on the other side. Let it out.

However, each Spirit of War is a peak-level existence of a great knight, and the defensive capabilities of the full-body armor and full-face helmet on his body are also comparable to the elite armor produced by the Swadia Royal Knight system. It is extremely powerful, even if the enemy at the peak level of the Great Knight bursts out with extraordinary power, it is impossible to penetrate it with a single blow.

Therefore, although the archers on the towers and battlements relied on the anger in their chests to shoot arrows much faster than usual, their arrows could not bring any damage to the spirit of war. Most of the arrows were blocked by the spirit of war with the knight's sword, and a few were not blocked. The attack was on the full-body armor or full-face helmet with strong defense of the spirit of war, and it was only on their armor. Or leaving a shallow mark on the helmet can't cause the slightest damage to the spirit of war.

100 war spirits, against the dense rain of arrows, violently attacked the infantry in the city gate.

(end of this chapter)