The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 600: The bloody battle at the castle gates


They didn't roar or roar, they just moved silently and swiftly over the square in the Lion Castle like a crimson ghost, but the aura they exuded was no more than that of a knight who sent a knight through shouting and roaring. The army condensed to the peak is so weak.

In the silence, sometimes the sense of power revealed is even more ferocious.

In particular, at this time, the Spirit of War was facing the dense rain of arrows, without a single casualty, and its speed was not affected in the slightest, which made the soldiers in the Lion Castle terrified of this army.

And the most frightening thing is the hundreds of soldiers in the city gate.

They had no escape route at all, and there was no place to escape if they wanted to escape. Seeing the silent but terrifying heavy cavalry regiment charging towards them with a clear goal, they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in their hearts.

"Why are you charging at us? This is the gate of the city!" Some soldiers roared in fear as they desperately resisted the violently shaking city gate.

"You will die yourself! Even if you kill us all, you will also hit the city gate and kill yourself!" Some soldiers frantically faced the approaching war The spirit roared loudly.

"Stop, stop quickly! You lunatics! The lives of us infantry are not worth your own lives!" Another soldier in the city gate cursed loudly and persuaded the spirit of war, wanting them Stop charging.

What responded to them was the silent silence of the spirit of war. They accelerated and charged as usual. Even if they charged into the city gate hole as the enemy said, in the end, under the huge speed of the horses, it was very likely that they would be killed in the city. On the door, they did not hesitate at all, and they never wavered at all.

They are not ordinary troops, but Kant's summons. Apart from killing techniques, they have no thoughts of their own at all, and everything follows Kant's orders.

"You damned archers, don't you come from the Grand Duke's fief? Don't you look down on us local soldiers? Why are you so rubbish now that even an enemy cavalry can't be shot to death? You bunch of trash, garbage, and trash !"

The horror of death was getting closer and closer, and some soldiers collapsed out of fear. Tears of fear flowed down their faces, but they cursed the archers on the towers and battlements who were on the same side as them. They are the army of Lion Castle itself, not the elites who have experienced countless wars dispatched from the territory of Baron Ryan Isai Cameron.

More than ten years of peace has corroded their will to fight, making them weak and fearful of death.

boom! boom! boom!

The horses of a hundred spirits of war stepped on the bluestone slabs in the square of the Lion Fort, making neat and consistent sounds, loud and orderly, like a drum with a heavy hammer, hitting hard one after another In the hearts of the infantry in the city gate, the fear and despair in their hearts grew wildly and spread.

"Ah~~, I can't take it anymore! I can't take it anymore! I want to open the city gate, I want to escape, I want to escape!" The pressure of this intense increase soon caused many infantrymen to be scared and scared. Dominated by desperation, the instinct to survive drives them to do all crazy behaviors.

The time of peace really corrupted them completely. They even thought of opening the city gate to escape at such a critical moment. Is it safe outside the city gate

The Spirit of War quickly crossed a large distance and formally charged into the city gate. Some soldiers on the outermost side were immediately killed by the galloping horses because they had nowhere to dodge, and a large piece of their chest collapsed. Before the impromptu moment, they let out a tragic wail, which further stimulated the infantry who were close to the city gate and held on to the city gate.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Lift up the door valve!" A soldier yelled frantically, and a dozen soldiers lifted up the heavy door valve.

"Ah! Great! Great! The door valve has been lifted! We are saved, we can escape!" The soldier cried with joy, and was about to open the castle gate with other soldiers.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, two consecutive loud roars came from above the castle gate, and the castle gate that had already been lifted down couldn't stop the impact of the siege log at all. At this moment, the siege log directly opened the city gate, and the first to bear the brunt were the soldiers who were close to the gate of the castle.

In an instant, their wrists were broken by the huge force transmitted from the city gate, and then they were hit by the swiftly opened gate, which was no better than being hit by a charging horse. In an instant, they spit out blood with pieces of internal organs in them, and let out a miserable howling sound, which was full of remorse and despair.

The continuous bombardment of the castle gate outside the gate for more than half an hour made them think that the force of bombarding the gate outside was nothing more than that. As everyone knows, although these soldiers have endured violent shocks and some strength for the castle gate. But most of the force was still blocked by the heavy gate valve.

If they take down the door valve themselves, that is really a dead end.

"The city gates were opened by themselves? How can the soldiers of Lion Castle be of such quality?" Kant looked up at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who were thrown from the towers and battlements onto the square of Lion Castle in order to be empty. I couldn’t help but feel a little strange when I gave the position to the corpses of other archers: “These fierce and fierce archers, and those cowardly, dizzy guys who can’t see the situation clearly, are they really the same noble army? ? Why is the gap so big?"

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Kant said to himself: "Alright, originally I thought about using one death of 100 war spirits in exchange for the earlier opening of the gate of Lion Castle, but I didn't expect it to be unnecessary at this time! "

Kant had a thought at this time, and he was charging violently. The 100 spirits of war who were rushing towards the city gate in a near-suicidal attack suddenly disappeared without warning.

Kant would not be willing to use the life of the Spirit of War in exchange for the lives of infantrymen who looked more like miscellaneous troops than regular troops, it was really worthless.

Viscount Ryan Isai Cameron, who retreated into the depths of the castle, looked at Viscount Carl Cameron indifferently: "This is the elite infantry you trained to capture Lionheart City?"

Viscount Carl Cameron blushed, not daring to refute. The authority of the parents is so tyrannical that there is no room for him to refute. And in the face of iron-like facts, he has no confidence to refute.

(end of this chapter)