The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 609: Improved Curse of Horror


"Hmph, our Cameron family has a great reputation for researching blood, and we inherit the rules of curses. No god is willing to trade their own blood to us for research." Baron Ryan Isai Cameron said, with a voice There was a sense of resentment in it: "However, even so, it didn't bother our Cameron family. If the gods don't give it to us, we will make our own gods! Hahaha, you know, the god of war Ed Meng was promoted to the throne by our Cameron family!"

"Since then, our Cameron family has never lacked the blood of the gods as experimental materials!"

Kant was a little shocked. The God of War, Edmund, was conferred as a god seven thousand years ago. If this is true, wouldn’t it mean that the Cameron family was extremely powerful seven thousand years ago? .

"Even if you can make replicas of the gods, so what? They are not gods after all. With these four rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, you are sure that I, Kant, will surely die? Can you still make the replicas of the gods?" A legion?" Kant was a little suspicious, but on the surface he was still calm and taunted, trying to get further information.

The two sides have long been in an endless hostile relationship. Baron Ryan Isai Cameron was at an absolute disadvantage against him, but after arriving here, he suddenly became so powerful. There must be something he still doesn't understand The key exists.

"A legion? No, it's useless even if the clones of the gods make a legion. Their strength growth needs to rely on absorbing a large amount of divine power to grow slowly, otherwise they are no different from ordinary people." Ryan Isai Cameron The baron went on to say: "Baron Kant, thank you very much for giving me such a long time to activate the cursed stones contained in the four God of War clones. Now, you can feel it well. Why did I say , you will definitely die this time!"

Baron Ryan Isai Cameron spoke quickly, and then directly issued an order to the four clones of the God of War Edmund: "Do it!"

The moment Ryan Isai Cameron's words fell, the four replicas of the God of War Edmund suddenly roared.

"Ho Ho Ho!" "Ho Ho Ho!"...

They roared up to the sky, like wild beasts, and then directly sprayed at Kant with their bloody mouths wide open.

From the mouth of each copy of Edmund, the God of War, a stone that is half bright red and usually gray is sprayed out. On this stone, the bright red and gray colors are not static, but on Continuous circulation, chasing each other.

Kant's eyes suddenly shrank.

Cursed stone!

The curse in the Cursed Stone can cause the damage suffered by the caster to be directly reflected on the recipient.

The curses of ordinary curse stones can't be applied to Kant at all. He only needs to use the power of the rules of war to disintegrate them easily.

However, the cursed stones spewed out by the four clones of the god of war Edmund looked extraordinary. The two forces circulating on it seemed to be the extremely rich and majestic power of curse rules and the power of the god of war. Divine power.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four cursed stones spewed out by the clone of the God of War Edmund suddenly exploded in the midair, and four complex curses of gray and bright red colors suddenly appeared in the midair, emitting Exude an extremely mysterious breath.

Kant's heart tightened, he understood that this time is the most dangerous time, because the curse flying out of the curse stone will directly fall on the subject, and this time, he is undoubtedly the subject.

The small square where Kant is located is only 60 meters long and wide. This distance is enough for four curses from the curse stone to fall on Kant. Kant hastily burst out the power of the rules of war, and went around his body, trying to directly disintegrate and melt the four curses through the power of the rules of war.

However, Kant's method proved ineffective. Just as the Swadia Royal Knights and the Sarion Lion Knights were unable to disintegrate the curses formed by the curse powers in the category of ordinary supernatural powers yesterday afternoon, Kant was also unable to disintegrate and ablate these curses with the power of the rules of the curse combined with the divine power of the God of War constituted curse. These two forces are essentially at the same level as Kant's power of war rules.

The curse entered the body, and Kant's obstructive means were useless!

Kant didn't feel anything wrong, as if he wasn't cursed at all. But Kant knew that this was not the case. The onset of this curse required the caster to be hurt, which was then refracted to the recipient. If the caster is intact, nothing will happen to the subject.

"Hahaha! Baron Kant! Didn't expect it, didn't I think I still have a countermeasure against you?" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron was very proud at this time: "If you don't chase me, Baron Kant, I will kill you." I will wait until the results of the battle between the two armies come out before I will lure you here. At that time, you have a large army to help, and I am not sure if you will step into this trap yourself. But now, hahaha... "

"Let you taste the terrible curse that my Cameron family has spent thousands of years of research and improvement on. This curse has been personally tested by my family's world noble ancestors!" Baron Ryan Isai Cameron said, taking The black two-handed greatsword that was completely made of abyss magic iron hung on the horse, and mercilessly chopped at a replica of the god of war beside him.

The two-handed sword made of abyss magic iron was as sharp as words, and it split the entire God of War replica in half in an instant. The replica of the God of War let out a scream, and the blood and internal organs were sprayed everywhere, and he died in an instant and couldn't die any more.

At the same time, Kant instantly felt a tearing force emanating from his body, and for a moment he felt as if he had been split in two. After a trance, Kant suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. After a while of trance, Kant found that although he was not really split in two, he was already seriously injured, as if he had endured without reservation and was just able to end the war. God clone kills do the same damage.

Seeing the embarrassment of Kant sitting on his horse staggering and almost falling off the horse, and Kant spitting out a mouthful of blood in an instant, Baron Ryan Isai Cameron couldn't help laughing proudly.


Kant is really too strong. In fact, until just now, Baron Ryan Isai Cameron was still a little worried that the life copied by the four gods of war could not be exchanged for the life of Baron Kant, but now seeing Kant like this, He immediately felt relieved. For this curse, no one knows better than him, so after beheading a copy of the God of War, combined with Baron Kant's own feedback on the injury, Baron Ryan Isai Cameron judged that the four God of War The life of the replica of the god is enough to exchange for the life of Baron Kant. This time, Baron Kant will definitely die.

PS: Please recommend tickets, if you can get more, please come, ahaha

(end of this chapter)