The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 619: Limit the entry into force of the agreement


Then the three of them pointed their fingers at themselves together: "We did it! It was only under the initiative of the three of us that the "World Nobility and God Power Restriction Agreement" was reactivated."

After the three finished speaking, they looked at Kant with bright smiles on their faces, wanting to see Kant angry. They should only keep a souvenir before leaving the main plane of the Isai world.

Kant did not satisfy their wishes, but grinned at them and said, "Then I have to thank you all!"

Afterwards, Kant ignored the three guys who wanted to find a sense of presence in him, and directly withdrew from the perspective of rules. He didn't want to waste precious time arguing with them, he just wanted to kill them when he had the chance in the future.

Every thing has pros and cons.

Kant didn't say that on purpose to reply to the three world nobles. In fact, Kant had gradually figured it out at this time. For him, the reactivation of the "World Nobility and God Power Restriction Agreement" is not only a bad thing, but a good thing.

He has figured it out, and the system is also limited. This restriction is on the strength of the army, the system can only create six-level arms for him at most. But the power of the system to help him and the promoted army belongs entirely to Kant.

Level six and above is the level of the nobles and gods of the world. At this level, one must rely on the world.

Only by relying on the rules of the world can one have the power of the world's nobles and gods, and Kant still hasn't figured out whether this power belongs to him or not. In fact, although this power is powerful, it is obviously limited by the world.

For example, this time, he actually restricted the power of his rules of war silently. It can be seen that at least the power of the world's nobles is not completely their own power after all, otherwise, even if it is the will of the world, it still cannot limit his completely own power out of thin air.

Kant is a time traveler. Although he grew up in this world, he did not have a warm and beautiful childhood. He is more like a bystander, silently enduring the sufferings imposed on him by this different world since he was a child, and he is so sensitive that he does not dare to expose the system directly.

In this different world, Kant is extremely insecure.

Therefore, after the nobles of the world betrayed him, he would rather spend several times the price to establish the Calradia Empire that belongs entirely to him, using the kingdom of Swadia, the Kingdom of Nord, the Khanate of Kujit, and the Kingdom of Wikipedia. His Calradia Empire is filled with people who are completely loyal to Kant, such as the Kingdom of Asia and all the riding and hacking worlds. He didn't even allow any aborigines of this world to join his territory, because Kant couldn't determine their loyalty. If they are loyal today, they may betray for various reasons tomorrow.

The sudden appearance of the "Agreement on Limiting the Power of Nobles and Gods of the World" this time obviously stimulated Kant's most sensitive nerves, that is, the sense of security, the security of his own power. If even the power that one possesses can be deprived by the will of the world at any time, what is the use of such power

Kant knew that the will of the world in this world is divided into two parts, conscious and unconscious. And it is dominated by the part that has its own consciousness, as can be seen from the fact that this world is named after Sai. In case one day, the will of the world Yisai suddenly wants to kill Kant, wouldn't it be enough to suddenly restrict his use of the power of rules when he is fighting a powerful enemy

This kind of situation suddenly popped into Kant's mind when he entered the perspective of rules and saw the silver-gray light spherical World Will Sai. Therefore, Kant said thank you to the three world barons sincerely, although this is useless, because Kant's killing heart for them has not weakened in the slightest.

The morning sun rose slowly over the Nalun Desert. Although it was still early in the morning, the temperature of the Nalun Desert began to rise rapidly. Kant's waiting army began to gradually gather at the rocky pass. Even Rolf, the leader of the South County, rushed over. At this time, only the troops from the East County that had penetrated too deeply were still on the way. It can be reached in two hours, and one or two hours is enough for the troops who arrived before to take a rest and recover their energy and strength.

"Report!" Suddenly, a fast horse galloped towards Kant's direction. Kant turned his head and found that it was Dunde, the royal knight of Swadia. Kant left him in the former Baron Dylan's mansion to receive the news. If the mages received any important information, Dunde would rush to Kant's place and report to him.

Kant frowned. At this moment, Dunde was rushing, and it seemed that the news was not small. This was a critical moment, and Kant didn't want any sudden bad news to delay his support of Drehem.

In an instant, many speculations flooded Kant's mind. The three world nobles from the South County leader suddenly sent troops to mop up the South County leader—Kant just let them be deflated; Seen by the sensitive nobles, it is easy to guess what is going on with Kant; the Countess Agatha of the Eastern County suddenly broke her promise and did not leave, and wanted to take the Lion Principality back from him Kant—Kant accidentally I know that Countess Agatha is not an ordinary person at all, but a representative of the gods on the earth. I don't know if her body has anything to do with the Cameron family. It should be noted that to be able to have a god who acts as an agent, there must be a kingdom of God, that is to say, the body of Countess Agatha is higher than the more than fifty gods Kant saw from the perspective of rules today.

The above conjectures are all very likely to happen and were directly ignored by Kant, because Drehem is his foundation and his home in this world, and he must rescue it.

Dunde, the royal knight of Swadia, hurried to Kant, and saw Kant's face was worried. He didn't know that Kant was thinking wildly.

Dunde dismounted and gave Kant a knightly salute respectfully, and said, "My lord, just twenty minutes ago, all the transmission passages leading to the half-plane of their fief in the four major noble castles of the Southern County were suddenly closed. Disappeared without a trace."

Kant breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Dunde's words. The news that Dunde brought was not any of his guesses. Although this news was also important news, it had no effect on the current situation.

(end of this chapter)