The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 626: Glorious King's Sword


When Kant woke up from his sleep, the sound of the system's prompt came as scheduled.

More than 48 hours have passed, and the system has been repaired.

[Ding... Your temporary mission is complete.]

[Temporary mission: "The Choice of Power" completed]

[Reward: Sword of the Glorious King]

[Evaluation: Your choice is very bold, congratulations for not being fooled by superficial power. There is no distinction between high and low roads of power, they all have a common end point, but the road of power that is used as a bait by people with malicious intentions will sink people, and in the end it will only lead to the end and destruction, and all efforts will be turned into smoke Dissipates into nothingness.]

Kant looked at the densely packed text on his retina, especially the task evaluation given by the system. Although the system did not name them, Kant knew very well that the system was talking about the will of the world.

At this time, countless jet-black data chains extended from the pupils of the eyes, entangled with the sword of the king that Kant had placed aside, and after a short period of time, the sword of the king suddenly burst into an eternal vastness Breath, it was unsealed by the system data chain. It's like the sword that was originally covered in dust has been wiped off the dust on it, and it blooms again with a dazzling and peerless edge.

The data flow of the system retreated again, hidden deep into Kant's pupils, and Kant hurriedly checked the attributes of the newly released "Sword of the Glorious King". As for the "Glorious King's Sword" rewarded by the system, he already had the King's Sword, and he had already expected it, after all, the name of the reward was placed here.

Moreover, the King's Sword is obviously not an ordinary sharp sword. Kant once held the King's Sword in his hand and directly split two pieces of the World Baron's magic iron armor made entirely of abyss magic iron. As for the sword, the blade may have been rolled long ago, but the sword of the king has no traces, and has not suffered the slightest damage.

At this time, densely packed words appeared on Kant's retina again.

[Sword of the Glorious King]

[One of the components of the extraordinary suit "Glory" that runs through eternity and falls into the void, the weapon.]

[This is a peerless sword made from the core of the stars combined with the aura of the king of the supreme sage and tyrant. It has the power to cut everything. Immortal through time, falling into the void without loss, but the long time has caused it to lose a huge part of its power. Although the essence is still noble and eternal, there is not much power left.]

[Special effects: ①Sharpness: This sword has a peerless edge, as long as enough force is applied, it is enough to cut everything. ②Aura of the king: This sword contains a powerful aura of gazing, which can cause a strong deterrent to people after being aroused, making the enemy lose the heart of resistance in an instant and produce the intention of surrender. ③Justice: This sword contains the power of justice. When joining the battle against the evil camp, the direct troops will get a 200% boost. ④ Strong soldiers: This sword can be promoted to a sixth-level soldier. For every 1,000 reputation points and 5,000 dinars consumed, a fifth-level soldier can be granted a sixth-level soldier. different. ⑤Glory: Take the initiative to reveal the eternal and noble glory of the king, so that the bather will remain loyal until death. This special effect is the ultimate special effect of the extraordinary suit "Glory", and it can only be activated by wearing all the "Glory" components.]

[Remarks: Glory. The King's Sword has lost almost all of its power over a long period of time. By absorbing extraordinary power, it can be upgraded and gradually restored to its former power.]

After comparison, it was found that the "Sword of the King of Glory" at this time not only did not lose its attributes when it was the sword of the king, but it was also greatly enhanced. The original sword of the king only had two special effects of justice and canonization, but now there are five special effects. Added three special effects: sharpness, looking at the breath, and glory, among which canonization is replaced by strong soldiers, but the special effects are of the same type.

The most important thing is that the special effects of strong soldiers have greatly enhanced the special effects of the previous canonization. The sword of the king could only canonize the Swadian knights as the Royal Swadian knights, but now such restrictions have disappeared. See Any arms can be strengthened, from the fifth-level arms to the sixth-level arms.

Although 1000 reputation points and 5000 dinars will be consumed every time special effects are used to strengthen soldiers, but for a sixth-level soldier, this consumption is nothing.

At present, Kant has obtained extremely huge wealth due to the dividends of the war. Coupled with the increasing income of dinars on his own territory, he can still have a surplus after going out to pay the salaries of the soldiers every week. At this time, he has more than 10 million dinars on him. When his current caravan captain, Manid, brings the golden eagle obtained in this war to the Pendor Continent in exchange for dinars, his balance will be 10 million. Gnar will reach more than 50 million. With so many dinars, Kant can confer 10,000 sixth-level knights.

However, the canonization of this special effect requires not only dinars, but also prestige. The source of prestige is relatively limited. Apart from obtaining it from system tasks, you can only rely on the people on the territory to make contributions. Currently, there are more than 4 million subjects in Kant's territory, and they can contribute more than 4,000 prestige to Kant every day. In other words, 1,000 subjects can bring him a little prestige every day.

Limited by his prestige, the number of sixth-level arms that Kant can transform through the "Sword of the Glorious King" every day is very limited.

At this time, Kant has a reputation of 200,000, which is enough to promote 200 fifth-level arms to sixth-level arms.

Kant naturally would not hesitate. Before crossing, he was very obsessed with riding and hacking games. His favorite kingdom is Swadia. The cavalry of Swadia is super powerful and can sweep away all enemies. But his infantry and archers are mediocre, which makes Kant very regretful. Now that the new special effects of the "Sword of the King of Glory" are so powerful, he can upgrade all five-level troops to six-level soldiers. If there is no passage for super arms, then he will naturally have to try it.

After a little thought, Kant decided to upgrade the Swadian sergeant, because there were three kinds of archers, Kant did not develop the Swadian archer, and all the Swadian soldiers were promoted. Kant chose infantry and cavalry.

200 Swadian sergeants, carrying huge tower shields and wearing heavy plate armor, stood neatly in front of Kant.

Kant held the freshly released "Sword of the Glorious King" in his hand, and he was full of anticipation. He planned to test the special effects of the "Sword of the Glory King", and at the same time, he also wanted to see what would happen if the Swadian sergeant was promoted. What kind of arms.

(end of this chapter)