The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 654: Trade in the Elven Kingdom


"This..." the Elf King was lost in thought.

"I will take my leave, and I hope His Highness can make the right decision in his heart." Kant left after bowing and saluting.

When Kant stepped on the land of Cumberland again, he let out a deep breath.

"Finally, we can suspend this unnecessary running around."

Two or three days later, the news came from the foreign minister of the elves.

When the Elf King issued a new policy to end the idle life of the refugees living in the mountains, those refugees came to the door actively and asked to participate in this market planning.

Kant was naturally also happy about this.

For the first time, the Elven King can make up his mind to face his own people so painfully. It is indeed not easy.

However, it can also be seen that the monarch of this elf country still loves his people, just because he doesn't have enough courage to try to do something.

After this time, maybe something can be changed.

The rules and regulations of the free trade market are all guided by Kant's opinions and negotiated with the members of the Elven Kingdom.

After all, it involves the interests of the nationals of the two countries, so the very strict regulations are based on fairness, and a market inspection office is also set up in North Market. Adjudicate disputes in ordinary markets.

The trade market was officially launched under the propaganda of the foreign minister.

The daily flow of people is beyond expectations, and citizens of the Elven Kingdom will also come here to buy goods. However, due to the terrain, the main consumer group of North Market is still people from Cumberland.

Kant found that people who were in charge of farming and animal husbandry on weekdays always liked to visit North Market when they were resting. Especially for families with young children, the happiest thing on weekdays is to visit the lively market together as a family.

But this is probably because people are now full of novelty about the products of the Elven Kingdom.

When the next batch of Cumberland's specially cultivated and processed products goes on the market, it is estimated that more citizens from the Elven Kingdom will come to buy the products.

At least until the Cumberland is fully developed, shopping for daily needs will be no problem.

Before you know it, it's summer, and the melons and fruits in the fields are ready to be harvested. Each family sorts and stacks the formed melons and fruits in their own warehouses.

Waiting for the official to come to check and accept, and then pay the salary according to the output of each company.

Kant also went to check with the personnel in charge of acceptance, and found that the melons and fruits of each family were in good condition, and the quality was of high quality.

It seems that everyone has not slackened in using their abilities and experience to achieve a good result.

Remind the person who paid the salary to send more rewards to everyone later. Kant went to the harbor.

In the past few months, I have come to see it from time to time.

Every time he saw it, he was pleasantly surprised. It was the first time he saw the ingenuity of the dwarf craftsman's construction, and he was really admired by the superb craftsmanship.

The drawings were drawn by Kant himself before, and his drawing is not very good. But the dwarf craftsman accurately grasped the focus of his design.

Watching the construction of this harbor is completed day by day, as if seeing the projection of a dream in reality.

Now that the harbor has been completely completed, Vivienne led Kant around to check and accept the results.

"It's amazing! Such a thing seems to have appeared in my dream! It took you only half the time to build such a perfect building." Kant couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

"Thank you for your praise. Every building made by the gnomes will be amazing. But the key is to keep it as it was just built."

"Of course, we will do our best to protect it from being damaged by others." Kant promised.

"Well, the deep-sea observatory that you asked us to build, Mr. Kant, has also been completed." Vivian introduced, and then led Kant down the long escalator. Arrived at the observation deck 30 meters away from the sea.

Kant walked to the front end of the viewing platform and saw groups of fish swimming past him through a layer of glass. He couldn't help showing surprise on his face: "You are indeed architectural geniuses, this is just one of mine. It's just a small idea, and you guys made it so easy. I think everyone will like it here."

Kant walked around the viewing platform three or four times before he was willing to leave here.

Back to the coast.

"You have worked hard these days." Kant said to all the dwarf craftsmen, "I hope we will meet again next time."

The dwarf craftsman is still chattering, just like when he came.

After waving slightly to those who came to see them off, he boarded the boat that came to pick them up.

Vivian walked at the end of the line, bowed to Kant and said, "Goodbye."

It was the first ship to sail from the new harbour.

Kant named this harbor Sherlong Harbor, which he had heard from other friends, and this phrase in the West means I wish you peace. Perhaps it would be good to use this on the harbor.

Everything in Cumberland was on the right track, and after seeing off the group of people from the Gnome Kingdom, Kant was completely idle.

Every once in a while, I would drink some wine with the foreign minister in the tavern, but this kind of leisure was quickly broken.

In a letter from Deherim, Commander Bandak asked him to return to the main city of Deherim within three days.

Although he didn't know why he was in such a hurry, Kant immediately started preparing for the return journey.

After explaining clearly to his subordinates one by one, Kant also bid farewell to the residents of Cumberland, some of whom even visited the market and drank with him.

After getting along for a long time, they gradually developed a feeling of dependence on each other.

Kant thought that he might not be suitable to be a manager here. As a manager, he should keep a distance from the people being managed, so that he could make a fair judgment at critical times.

But when Kant thought that in front of him was a group of civilians responsible for production and business, rather than soldiers who needed to go to the battlefield to fight, he couldn't help but relax and get along with them.

Kant also wrote a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Elf King, hoping that they would take care of the situation in North Market while he was away.

After sorting everything out, Kant embarked on the return journey to Dherim.

The carriage hurried on the road, and finally arrived at the main city of Dherim day and night.

Outside the city, there were light cavalry who came to welcome and interact. Kant looked at the city that had been completely restored after the war, full of emotion.

After all, this is my main city in the Nalun Desert, the beginning of everything, and after going through the initial difficult times, it finally became the mainstay and the strong backing of the entire force now.

(end of this chapter)