The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 669: The journey that kicked off


"Lord, let's go then." Derrick bowed his head and saluted Kant when he passed by Kant on a camel.

"Okay, I hope you can defeat the enemy and return to Dherim safely." Kant nodded, and waved to the soldiers as he spoke.

There are probably more than 10,000 soldiers in this expedition. They walked out of the gate of the main city of Dherim in a mighty manner.

Kant just stopped there, watching the soldiers going further and further away from the city gate.

It is the familiar desert again, when it gets dark.

The marching soldiers had to stop and set up camp. Derrick rejected the soldiers' request to hold a bonfire for him to celebrate.

After eating dinner, he immediately walked to the tent in the center of the barracks.

This is the intelligence reporting center during the march. Derrick walked in, and when he saw Bundak sitting there, he immediately bowed and saluted: "Commander Bundak"

Bandak smiled and waved his hands: "You are also the commander now, so let's forget about saluting. It's not very good if the soldiers see it."

"Thank you... Commander Bandak." Derrick said cautiously.

Immediately, he sat on the newly added leadership seat next to Bandak's voice.

Bandak took out two letters from a stack of documents, handed them to Derrick, and said, "This is a letter from the Elven King to Deherim within the last week. One was given to me by Lord Kant. Yes, one came directly to me by courier."

Derrick nodded, took the envelope with both hands, opened it and read it.

Bandak got up and took a blanket map from another desk. Lay it out on the table in front of you and Derrick.

"According to what was written in the letter, the preparations of the Elven Kingdom this time are indeed very comprehensive. When we arrive with the army and cooperate with their strategy, it seems that we can indeed win the opponent completely." After reading the letter, Derrick commented said.

"Well, I think so too." Bandak replied affirmatively, and then asked Derrick to look at the marked map.

Derrick pointed to a green forest area, and said: "What the Elf King said, the camp of the Lizardmen and Gnolls entrenched on the border is here. It is indeed very close to Cumberland."

"There is a canyon near the location of this green forest, which is suitable for an ambush. The battlefield this time is probably in that area." Bandak continued.

"Well, it's better that this war doesn't affect the territory of Cumberland." Derrick said while staring at the location of Cumberland on the map.

"The Elf King said that it has been raining continuously in the Elven Kingdom for the past few days. I don't know if we will encounter it then." Bandak carefully rolled up the map, put it aside, and sat back to his original position.

"The fighters on our side shouldn't have to worry. Everyone has simulated the situation in rainy days countless times during normal training." Derrick replied: "However, we are really not familiar with the terrain there, which may cause problems become a disadvantage."

"What the Lizardmen and Gnolls are doing on the border of Cumberland is probably nothing more than a joke in their eyes. But the attitude of the Elven Kingdom this time may surprise them." Bandak Narrated: "Our army will not stay in the country of the elves. It is generally to see the queen of the elves, and then go to Cumberland by way."

"Hmm." Derrick nodded thoughtfully.

The two continued to talk for a while about the strategy before the battle, and it was already late at night.

The sound of footsteps coming and going from the soldiers outside the tent also gradually decreased. After Derrick bid farewell to Bandak, he returned to his tent to rest.

After continuing to march in the desert for a few days, the only thing I can feel lucky is: because the kingdom of the undead was wiped out before. Therefore, the marching troops can directly pass through the territory that originally belonged to the kingdom of the undead, greatly reducing the time spent on the road.

When Bandak and Derrick led the troops into the gate of the kingdom of the undead, there was a burst of proud cheers behind them. All Dherim's soldiers are proud of their troops.

Bandak sat on the back of the camel, his eyes circled around him. The heart is also full of emotion.

Today's city of the undead is also very deserted. After all, the number of troops sent from the main city of Dherim is still relatively small compared with this vast city.

The sergeants in charge of repairs are working very hard, in order to organize the city of the undead into a city suitable for living, or suitable for development projects.

Bandak jumped off the camel and talked with the army leader who came out of the city gate to greet him.

After learning that the cemetery of the Dherim soldiers who died on the battlefield had been built, he rushed over immediately with other comrades who wanted to worship.

A group of people stepped into the newly built cemetery, with sad expressions on everyone's faces.

Everyone walked in silence at the grave of a soldier they knew.

Bandak stood outside the gate of the cemetery, and did not go in to visit. After watching some soldiers start to cry in front of the graves of their comrades-in-arms, he couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart.

As a leader, he couldn't empathize with this group of newly recruited soldiers.

He walked through countless blood-splattered battlefields, and watched countless teammates who were familiar with him fall.

Gradually, his heart became strong. It has become the leading banner on the battlefield, supporting all the soldiers of Dherim to move forward bravely. In his eyes, having such resolute willpower is what every leader needs to bear on his shoulders.

"Commander Bandak, won't you go in?" Commander Derrick walked over and asked softly.

His gaze was also cast into the garden together with Bundak.

"I don't need it." Bandak pretended to be relaxed.

Derrick nodded in response, he probably could understand what Bandak was thinking. I didn't say any more.

"What about you?" Bandak asked, "Aren't you going to see your comrades?"

"Well, I've already seen it. On the day the war ended." Derrick said softly. There was a sadness in his tone.

Bandak looked sideways at Derrick and sighed inwardly.

The two waited quietly for the soldiers to come out of the cemetery, and patted a certain soldier on the shoulder from time to time as comfort.

That night, the soldiers of Dherim who marched to the kingdom of the elves stayed overnight in the city of the undead.

Received warm hospitality from the local troops.

The logistics staff of the army prepared many delicacies that have been cherished for a long time.

"If we eat up your place, the lord should reimburse you." Bandak said jokingly after drinking some of the fermented rice prepared at the banquet.

The troop leader sitting beside him shook his head with a smile, and toasted Bundak again.

It wasn't until late at night that the big guys dispersed. Back to their respective camps to rest and rectify.

Get ready for tomorrow's departure.

(end of this chapter)